His Sadistic Ways

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Clarissa POV

       I felt something soft and smooth against my back but I could feel the pain though, the same distant pain which I have buried deep down in my heart, the same pain. But no that pain is about.....

      I jolted up from the bed with wide eyes and saw myself covered in sheen of sweat. "How are you feeling?" A deep cold voice made it's way to my ears and a yelp came out of my mouth  due to the sudden voice and slowly peeked in the direction of the questioning person. I immediately remembered all the memories from last night.

     My eyes landed on a strong and muscular back but this time he had a shirt on, his large blonde flocks flowing through the air just added more to his beauty and I couldn't take my eyes away from him. But like last time he was staring out the window, I wonder what is so mesmerizing from which he can't take his eyes off, tilting my head a little I too tried to get a glance at what he was looking but I flinched when I heard him "I asked you a question" his voice buzzing power and an answer, a frown came upon my face, sitting up straight I glared at his back with fire balls but I was stopped when I felt a similar sting in my chest, not now I have to deal with this Mr. Annoying first.

      "I'm fine_" I trailed off waiting for more questions or just a reaction but who am I kidding, I was expecting it from a lifeless stone. Sigh, what great people life has stored in for me.

    "Thank you for your help, I must get going because I feel definitely fin-" I moved to get up but a searing hot pain rippled through my body which had me doubling over and a low whimper came out of mouth, the second it did he turned around in a flash and examined my position while I just sat on the ground holding my chest trying to soothe the pain, it wasn't much help but it was slowly fading away.

      "Here" through my hazy eyes I heard his deep accented voice which made me instantly look up, he was standing over with his hands stretched out, what he is doing? 'He is offering you his hand so you could get up'. Ellie's voice reached my ears and I was surprised would be an understatement, I blinked once twice and three times but his hand remained there, my eyes couldn't stop flickering between his blank face and his long calloused hand. I kept scratching my head as what to do but that problem was solved when I heard a low growl from him, and my hand instantly shoot up and grabbed his as he sat me up against the bed, with that he was gone, away from me, bed and towards the window but his eyes didn't left me they were piercing through my silver once, holding them captive.

      "You are not going anywhere until you're fully healed" I chocked on my spit when I heard him say such words without hurting himself, my eyes widened with surprise and I opened my mouth to respond but only my lips moved, no sound came out. I was so shocked by his sudden change in behavior. The man who till yesterday was so keen on throwing me out has now told me to stay here. Is he.....stable?

      "Don't get any ideas about this, I still want you to get out of my house but the difference now is that I want you out only after you've healed" I breathed in relaxed, he is him eventually. I wasn't day dreaming.

      "But_" he trailed off making my eyes shot up as he created the suspense.

      "If you don't go out only after you're healed and get injured in the process then I don't want to be blamed, so its better if you stay here, rest and then get out of my house. I don't want to have to come again and again just to save you" he said it so nonchalantly like he didn't understood anything whatever he was saying. I don't know whether he is giving me a place to stay here or is eager enough to throw me out. Man! So darn confusing!

A Never Noticed MateNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ