For His Happiness

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Clarissa POV

It's been a few weeks now since I got his permission. My plan was going well and it was getting peaceful once again. Nothing big happened nor were there are any incidents related to Livia.

We were currently in the supermarket buying groceries and stuff. The vampires didn't have anything else except to trail behind us. Mr. Sylvester was silent as usual and was busy looking at something on the shelf so, I turned to Ethan, my partner in crime.

I talked to him discreetly like we were secret agents ready to take action.

"So, what do you say? Should I bake a cake? Or should I make a classy dinner? Should I buy wine or beer?" I whispered to him leaning closer and he mimicked my actions and whispered back "I think you should do both and wine will be better. Beer will be too much."

"Okay" I nodded to him and proceeded to buy the products needed but then my head swirled and I hissed at him nervous "I don't know! What if he doubts me? I want this to be a surprise! He will surely be suspicious if I buy this decoration material so suddenly!" I was really anxious of being caught by him and exposing my little surprise.

Chuckling lightly, he put an arm around my shoulder and reassured me "Don't worry, sister-in-law. He won't know a thing. I will tell him I'm buying this for myself." His smile and words calmed me down a bit but I raised another question bluntly with displeasure "And what about your annoying beloved?"

He just raised an eyebrow and peeked at her while she was busy scanning the alcohol section and chuckled again "Don't worry. You have me" and pushed me towards the section which had things I needed.

While shopping for the materials needed for cake, I reminisced the conversation I had with Ethan a few days ago when he told me about Mr. Sylvester's Birthday!

It was hard to believe him as his beloved tricked me the last time in the same way but he is not that hostile towards me as he used to and he is not like Livia. Also, I promised that I would do anything to help Mr. Sylvester and make him happy.

I trust Ethan. I can see the sincerity and excitement in his eyes when he talked about his birthday and even if he did trick me then at least we can enjoy the cake and have a good dinner.

A smile fluttered on my face just by imagining it and I couldn't wait to surprise him. Giddy in happiness I didn't even notice someone was approaching me until I felt a presence hovering behind me. The man put his hand on the shelf right beside me.

Without turning around, I already knew who it was however, I was scared because it felt like I was caught committing a crime. I swiftly dropped the packets in the basket and turned around to face him with a smile that wanted to cover up my crime.

"Anything you need darling?" my voice as cheesy as it can be.

"Do you need a hand?" I know why he was offering help. I could feel a certain pair of eyes right from the distance burning holes in my face.

"No. I am almost done." Keeping my smile, I turned to interlink my arms with his as I asked "You were looking at something earlier? Did you get it?" my internal self was cringing at how flawless I am acting.

"No... It wasn't anything important" something in his voice said otherwise but I decided to drop the matter and pointed at Ethan to put away the stuff meant for the surprise party and he winked before giving me a thumbs up.

I breathed in a sigh of relief but then he suddenly asked "Is there a problem?" my breathing chocked in my throat. He probably saw how suspicious I was acting.

Maintaining my innocent and sweet look, I shook my head and asked "Why do you say so?"

He observed me for a moment probably annoyed at my acting but eventually let it go. When I was done with the rest of the shopping we went back and I immediately hid away all those stuff in the den. He doesn't go there so it's safe for the time being.

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