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Congratulations for the first right answer and for the answer I was looking for.

I know many will now understand what they feel is not truly correct but let's see what Mr. Sylvester and Clarissa turn out to be. 

Thank you to everyone who actively participated and shared their answer, not this time but maybe next time you'll right.


Clarissa POV

         "Take deep breaths, calm down your mind and be at ease" how can he say such things so casually. Yeah right! He is not the one who drank wolfs bane!!!

         We were currently on our yoga lesson and the fact that I'm not comfortable is not surprising after what happened last night I was too scared and flushed to come out and face him. It wasn't because my mate started to again romance my friend but because I was flustered when he handed me that bitter cup of coffee. It doesn't matters how cold and emotionless his face was, my cheeks burned when my eyes met his sparkling purple eyes. The images of him stroking my cheek so softly almost made me question my sanity whether it was a dream or reality even if it was a dream then why was I thinking about him holding me so gently. Even though his hands were hard and rough as rock and cold as snow he still managed to make me embarrassed and at the same time blush at our close proximity and not push him away.

       "Feel your surroundings, relax your senses and loosen up a little, bring down your guard and submit to the nature" I did as told and the whole time biting my cheeks to prevent myself from babbling and running away from him due to the events of last night. His voice was gentle but still cold and I don't know how does he pulls it off so smoothly.

        I brought my guard down and let my senses wander, my heart fluttered as I smelled the sweet smell of flowers and mud, the chirping of bugs and birds wrestled in the air as I heaved a breath of content, my muscles loosened up. This feels great!

        Though I couldn't see because of the strict order from my Master I was still enjoying it with my other senses. I can't really believe that I was progressing, even a little bit but still I was utilizing my werewolf powers and witnessing my surroundings with my eyes closed. How cool is that!

       "Are you a member of Carlton's pack?" in the middle of my bliss I heard his stiff voice which made me tense. I was about to open my eyes on instinct to look at him and correct him that he is an Alpha but...

       "Stay put and keep your eyes closed. Answer me without looking at me. Understood?" I heard his sharp steel voice making my eyes remain the way they are, closed.

        My body went stiff as I muttered lowly "Yes" no use in teaching him etiquette.

      "Answer me" I heard him again but little did he know about the internal battle I was having with myself for his reply. Sure, I was accepted as a pack member by that pack but that was until they didn't know the truth but later they rejected me after hearing those guards revealing everything about me and Mariya's secret training sessions and the moment they heard their love turned into malice and their acceptance turned into war. One more thing they told me was that I'll officially become a pack member when I sign some legal papers but as I didn't, I'm not their pack mate. I didn't even let the court decide my fate and ran away before the proceedings could even start.

        "One more thing" his voice made me come back to the present situation as I heard solely to him "Do not lie because if you do then I'll know and when I'll know then I won't forgive you" his voice dark as night which send creepy shivers down my spine as I jolted straight overthinking of what part to say and what not.

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