Raw Vegetables, Really?

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Clarissa POV

       "Do you know the basics of training?" he asked as I panted heavily, my hands on my knees as I leaned forward, my face dripping in sweat and I looked at him through hindsight after running 15 laps and doing 25 push ups.

       "Yes" I answered out of breath.

       "Let's test it then" he exclaimed in his boring strict voice.

       Ever since he has started training me, he is giving strict and bitter vibes than usual, the aura around him has also changed from no friendly to entirely hostile.

         "Get on your foot, now! Stand straight" he ordered sternly. I jumped up in shock and quickly did as told.

        "Now punch me" he said casually in his cold icy tone.

       My eyes widened as I looked up at him aghast but he stood right in front of me with his hands folded around his chest while he looked directly in my eyes with a hard look.

        "What?" I asked speechless, maybe I misheard because every time I think about him I want to punch him therefore I might be hearing things which are not said.

       "Punch me" he repeated once again giving me his emotionless face with a very cold stare which could freeze an entire ocean and it was giving me chills too. My hands started shaking as I looked up at him uncertain. But no the look in his eyes are screaming loudly that it's not a joke, he is damn serious about it, maybe it's his way of training, maybe it's his way to make me learn things, maybe it's his way of teaching by jumping directly to the fight.

        I quickly reminisced the words Mariya told me while training me, never be the first one to commence the fight and always look out for danger and threats, don't believe in what you see and most importantly never let your guard down.

        My hands balled in fists as I stared at him seriously, my eyes looking out for a secret attack of his and I looked at him coldly with my face set in determination.

         We kept staring at each other me with determination and anger while he looked at me with his eyes cold like snow.

        "Now!" and that was the undoing for me as my hand on its own accord got into action, my hand moved quickly aiming for his face to punch while my eyes and senses were on alert for any attack but as my hand was about to touch his face, a hand grabbed mine. Shocked I looked at him to see him staring down at me coldly with my hand in his fist, he caught it like it was nothing. Fear started spreading inside my body when I tugged on my hand but his grip was steel tight.

          "I should've known an idiot like you wouldn't even know the basics" he grunted as I looked at him angrily, I kept trying to remove my hand from his but he wouldn't budge and he looked like he wasn't even trying.

        "Try to get your hand out of my grip" he said emotionlessly but why did it felt like he was taunting on my condition.

        I used my other hand to remove my hand from his single hand, but no matter how hard I tried his grip only tightened as he stared at me in rage.

        "You can't even remove your hand, how shameful" he added more icing to my already angered mind and that was it for me as with my other hand moved to punch his arm but before I could he caught it in his other hand, I gasped as I looked at him staring down at me in disappointment and anger.

         "Let's start your real training, shall we?" my eyes widened as I saw a new look of aggression set upon his face.

         "First part" he muttered sharply as he dropped my other hand while his grip tightened even more around my fist with which I intended to punch him in the face and before I knew it bend it around my neck, my back pressed up against his hard rock chest roughly as I chocked when he pressed my own hand even more forcefully against my neck.

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