Ch. 2

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Lee woke with a grunt, "Kykwe?" he called out but it was muffled and lisped. Confused, he ran his tongue over whatever was in his mouth, it felt rubbery. With a muffled sigh he sat up to look at what he could. He raised a brow seeing he was wearing a dark purple onesie and seemed to be in a crib filled with stuffed toys and a mobile dangling above his head decorated with teddies.
He looked out to the room to see it looked like a nursery with a changing table, toy chest, etc. The walls were painted a sky blue, and on the far, far other side he saw another crib in which Kyle was laying in still unconscious.
Lee reached out to him going as far as the crib bars would let him, he whined and grunted, "Kywe, Kywe!!!"
The door opened and there stood a man, "Well, well, good morning my little prince, how was my baby boy's nappy hmm?" he cooed walking over to Lee. His eyes narrowed as he shifted uncomfortably, the strange man picked him up, "A bit grumpy, huh? I guess you're still sleepy, c'mon, let's go down so you don't wake your bubba," he said as one would to a toddler. Lee's heart raced as he was carried farther away from Kyle, he started struggling to get away reaching out to his twin brother.
"Kywe!!!! Kywe wawke up!!" he begged. Kyle, sure enough opened his eyes looking to his brother automatically. 
"Oh Lee, sweetheart, that wasn't nice," he scolded walking to the crib that Kyle was in. The older twin smiled relived and hugged Kyle once he too was in the man's strong hold, "Aww, look at daddy's sweet boys being so cuddly together," he cooed completely ruining the moment. The set of twins glared at him as he carried them downstairs. The man set them in a large playpen and unbuckled what they realized were pacifiers hooking them to their shirts, he then grabbed a seat sitting front of the brother duo.
"So I'm sure you both have some questions?" he assumed.
"Naw dip Sherlock! Where are we, who we you, what do you want with us, when-" Kyle was cut off by the man snapping his fingers.
"One question at a time little man," he leaned back, "Now, I'll explain all you need to know. My name, to you boys, is daddy. You are my precious baby boy's. As long as you follow my rules you won't be punished, understand?" Lee hugged his brother as a plea for him not to yell anymore and nodded.
"Yeah, we understand now what are your rules?" he asked ignoring the harsh glare from Kyle.
"My, what a good boy, talking to daddy with such respect," he praised. "Rule 1-No cursing or big boy sentences. Rule 2-No walking, daddy will carry you two wherever you need to go. Rule 3-You best talk to daddy with respect. Rule 4-Using the toilet is a no no, diapers only. Rule 5-You ware whatever daddy picks. Rule 6-Fighting won't be tolerated. The last rule, Rule 7-You will call me daddy. Alright?"
"Alright my rear end!!" Kyle cried fighting away from his brother's embrace and went to tackle the man but he lost his balance which confused him, he hissed as his elbow scraped against the floor. "Kyle!!" Lee yelped going to his brother's aid. The man tsked standing up and lifted Kyle into his arms again.
"Did my little baby get hurt? Here let daddy see."
Kyle whined tugging his arm free, "Let go of me, let go!!" Daddy sighed.
"I tried to warn you sweetheart. Lee, Dumpling, play with your toys," he said musing to the ones scattered about in the playpen, "daddy will be right back, he has to teach bubba not to fight daddy," fear shone in both twins eyes as he carried Kyle off.
Lee winced hearing smacks, presumably on the rear, it was fairly long until he heard Kyle actually crying but when he did, it shattered his heart.
Once Kyle was set back in the playpen Lee tightly hugged him wanting to cry himself, "You see, this is why you don't disobey daddy, boys," he leaned down kissing Kyle's forehead as he calmed in his brother's embrace. "Now then, are my two boys hungry?"
Kyle huffed wiping the final few stray tears and looked away being stubborn. Lee looked uncomfortable but he knew exactly what this.. "Daddy" fellow wanted to hear. He took in a little breath as if a shield for his pride at what he was about to do. He released Kyle awkwardly holding his arms out to be picked up, "D-daddy, hungy," he said as bold as he could manage. Kyle immediately snapped his gaze to his twin brother not believing this, why was he so willingly going to give in. He opened his mouth to ask but the man lifted Lee into his strong, protective hold.
"Yeah I thought so pumpkin, c'mon, let's get you a nice baba," he cooed to him making Lee's cheeks flush a bright red. He looked to Kyle nervously, making man chuckle, "Lee, Sweetie, don't worry about bubba. Daddy will give him a bottle too, when you're done, I promise, then you two can play," he then carried Lee off until he couldn't see his twin brother anymore, making him whimper, all his life he and Kyle had stuck together. When their mother died, when their father died, rasing their younger brother Nick.
A new set of thoughts came to him, Nick. The boy was only 12 and while that was a fairly good age to start learning some independence, it wasn't a good age to settle into it completely. He hoped Nick heeded their warning and called their cousins. That they were taking good care of him. He wondered if he or Kyle would ever see their little brother again.
His thoughts were interpreted by the tip of a bottle just gently, barely meeting his lips. He braced himself before allowing his mouth to open. He hesitantly sucked looking around the room, avoiding to look at the man. Feeling the man tighten his hold made Lee look to the man meaning he had failed.
"Daddy's" eyes just dared him to look away which wasn't a dare he was willing to take, so he kept his eyes locked on his. Lee tried to imagine that it was his daddy feeding him, that it was completely normal, and while it may have distracted him from reality for a while, it sure wasn't enough. Finally the bottle was emptied letting the man pull it from him.
Lee expected to be brought back to the playpen only to be separated again but instead the man shifted Lee so his chin met the man's shoulder and started patting. He was confused as to his false daddy's intentions of this until he burped. Lee was blinking trying to comprehend how this had happened until he felt his bum meet the floor. He quickly looked over to Kyle until the man took him too.
Kyle's eyes widened and actually fought to get back to his twin only stopping when he felt a sharp pain on his rear end. He yelped and looked to the man, "Stop squirming so much precious, you'll be with your bubba again soon," he assured kissing his forehead, Kyle gave a look of disgust and pulled his forehead away. The man decided to ignore it and brought Kyle to the same place he brought Lee to bottle feed him.
Kyle stifled a growl as the bottle was pressed into his mouth. He forced himself to swallow down as much as he could to get it over with; however, "daddy" eased the tip away, "Kyle, sweetie, slow down, don't want you to choke pumpkin," Kyle rolled his eyes and unwillingly finished the bottle at a slower pace.
Once the bottle was finished, Kyle had also expected to be brought straight back to the playpen but, same as his brother, he was shifted to where his chin met "daddy's" shoulder. He sighed knowing exactly what was to be expected and waited until the pats made a small burp erupt from his throat. "There we are, that's daddy's good boy," he praised bringing Kyle back to the playpen to the panic stricken Lee who hugged him once he was sat back down. The man grinned at this, "Now, doesn't daddy's twin baby boys feel so much better? You two play for now, daddy has an important meeting to do. Be good boys and cry if you need anything, daddy will be right there," he crooned before disappearing into another room.
Kyle grunted shoving Lee off, "Mind telling me what your plan is? Doing this so willingly? In case you forgot, Lee, neither of us are babies. Though you may act like one, you're 22!" Lee winced looking down.
"I know my age, thanks. I played along because does it look like we have much of a choice? I'm going along with it until we can find a way out of this," Kyle sighed running a free hand through his hair, something he commonly did when he was stressed out. He heard sniffles and his eyes immediately locked on Lee, he frowned, had he been too harsh? The younger twin sighed putting a hand on his brother's shoulder.
"Hey, Lee, what's wrong?" Lee looked up to him, a single tear trickling out, he sniffled again.
"K-Kyle, do you think we'll see Nicky ever again?" he whimpered. Kyle went blank. His baby brother hadn't crossed his mind until now. He breathed out feeling hurt now too.
"I......I don't know, Lee.... I hope so, but I don't know.." he answered biting his lip. It was then suddenly both twins felt an odd pressure on their bladder. They traded nervous glances.

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