Ch. 10

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"Awww, daddy's poor Lee-bug," "daddy" cooed lovingly and picked Lee up who immediately squeaked looking to Kyle. The younger-twin merely rolled his eyes relieved to get some peace. Lee's thoughts were broken as Seth spoke again, "C'mon Toodle-bear, you can come with daddy," he carried Lee off to the kitchen with him.
"Look at who's gonna join our big adult conversation," Seth announced sitting back down.
"Aww, what brings you in here with us, little guy?" Stein asked as one would ask a toddler. Lee's face heated up at the infantile attention.
"That mean old character on the movie scared him," Seth said before kissing Lee's forehead, "so I figured he could come in here to see that his daddy and auntie and uncles would protect him from monsters."
"Always, always little man," Stella cooed playfully tickling Lee's feet. Lee sat up squirming a little.
"Aw, I think he's ticklish," Stephen said smiling. Seth chuckled hugging Lee closer to his chest.
Lee tensed unsure of what to do, Seth noticed and sighed, "Stephen, will you go upstairs to get Lee-bug a plushie? I think he needs a little nap time," he said standing up to fix a bottle. Stephen nodded and stopped at the doorway.
"Should I get Kyle one too?"
"Yeah but just give it to him, he'll probably fall asleep to the next movie, I'll just give him his bottle and let him fall asleep on his own," Seth said preoccupied with warming up two baby bottles. Stephen nodded and went upstairs looking for the nursery.
He smiled at how cute it all was, he looked in the red and blue toy chest getting out a stuffed frog and stuffed panda. He went back down stopping by the playpen giving Kyle the frog toy and pat his back.
"I bet you're sleepy too huh? Poor boys, don't worry little man, daddy will have your baba soon," Kyle grunted shrugging away Stephen's hand, he chuckled a bit, "yeah someone's definitely grumpy," he then went to the kitchen where Seth just about had the bottles done, "here we are! I got little Lee a panda bear."
"Awww, what do we tell Uncle Stephen, Toodle-bear?" Lee tensed up bit and looked nervously.
"Th-thank you......"
"Good boy! That's exactly right!" Seth praised getting the two bottles. Seth brought one out to Kyle, "Kyle-boo, it's nap time, lovie, just cuddle with your froggy and daddy will put a new movie on for you," he cooed softly handing Kyle the bottle. Seth laid Lee down on the couch and went to put on a new movie until feeling his back get hit with something, a bit of liquid splashing out, he sighed turning around.
"Kyle, that's not nice. We don't throw things at daddy, just for that, I think I'm going to put you in your rocker," Seth mumbled the last part picking up the bottle. He nodded making up his mind and picked Kyle up setting him up in the baby rocker putting on the lullaby option and a soothing rock choice.
Kyle growled a bit but daddy only grinned giving Kyle the toy and the bottle once more before placing a red, pink, and white plaid baby blanket over him, "There all snuggy and ready for a nap," "daddy" cooed turning to put on a Care Bears movie. Kyle turned his nose up at the film, Seth chuckled at him and glanced to Lee who immediately tensed.
"Daddy" hummed going to pick him up and laid him into his own baby rocker putting it on the same settings, he also laid a matching blanket over him, "Here you go pumpkin, daddy will let you be with your bubby. This movie shouldn't be as scary but if it is, just cry and daddy will be right there to save you again, little prince," he cooed pecking his forehead before doing the same to Kyle.
Kyle scrunched his nose up in disgust, Lee sighed, they both watched him disappear into the kitchen for more adult time. "So how was your time being coddled?" Kyle sneered clearly upset.
"Why are you jealous?" Lee shot back starting to get annoyed with Kyle's attitude.
"Hardly, just figured I'd ask seeing as most babies do like being coddled," Lee rolled his eyes.
"You're the one who had a fit over nap time."
"Whatever," Kyle grumbled rolling his eyes. Lee glanced in his twin brother's direction.
"You know, whether you want to or not, you probably should just drink from the bottle. Because he's either going to let you drink from it by yourself or he'll feed it to you, I'd pick whichever isn't as humiliating," he said starting to suck on the tip of the bottle.
Kyle sighed glaring at the baby bottle but did as his twin brother suggested starting to drink the baby formula as well. He looked at the ceiling not really interested in colorful bears teaching him about the importance of friendship. Lee watched the movie mostly enjoying for the sake of childhood, even smiling a little every time Funshine Bear came on the screen. The two boys eventually fell asleep only to wake up a hour and a half later.
Lee blinked himself awake, "Ahhh they're finally waking up!" Stephen called.
"Good then we can go ahead and change them," Stein said back. Both boys were confused and squirmed to sit up but remained in place due to the straps on the rockers.
"Uh oh better hurry, they're getting all wiggly," Stephen announced as he unstrapped Kyle and picked him up, "hello there little guy! Hello there! Guess what, you two lucky boys get to spend time with Uncle Stephen and Uncle Stein!!" Kyle's eyes widened imagining all the humiliation they'd be put through now but Stephen mistook it as fear of "daddy" not being here which made him smile slightly and bounce Kyle lightly as Stein finally got Lee out of his rocker, "Aww, don't be scared baby nephew, daddy just went with Auntie Stella to get these two adorable boys more stuff like toys! We won't bite."
"Unless it's from the tickle monster!" Stein exclaimed tickling Lee making him move around in his "uncle's" arms. Stein chuckles and lays Lee out onto the floor, "Alrighty, anyways, for now let's get you two little wet boys dry again, shall we?" he cooed undoing the onesie and slipped it off Lee before untapping the diaper, wiping him clean with a baby wipe then putting a fresh diaper on.
"My goodness, daddy should've put you boys in your night time diapers, shouldn't he? You soaked right through your clothes, thank gracious he picked new clothes out for you," he cooed still bouncing Kyle who's face lit up red immediately not even realizing he had peed that much. He definitely felt like a baby now.
Stein dressed Lee in a blue onesie that appeared to have a hood on it. Once he had it on, Stein slipped the hood up over his head, "Oh my gosh, you're adorable, and I'm sure your bubba will look just as cute!" Kyle tensed a bit immediately struggling away only to fail.

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