Ch. 21

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Lee stirred awake at the voice, another familiar one was heard but unlike the other it appeared to be behind them, "Precious, aren't they? Hopefully they'll be better behaved, they were fussy earlier."
"Well I'm not sure about precious, but it is very fitting for them," Crowley admitted with a shrug, uncertain of how the annoying Winchester twins and their little brother were cute at all. He smirked noticing Lee's eyes finally opened, "about time, Friendly Giant, I've been waiting."
Already in a bad mood, Lee growled kicking at Crowley nearly hitting his chest. Crowley had avoided it though, taking a step back smirk widening. He had picked on Lee he knew that Lee hardly ever tried the same tactic twice so he took a slightly step back towards him.
Lee snarled, "You have ten seconds to back o-" he was interrupted by Seth popping a pacifier in his mouth holding it firm against his lips assuring it wouldn't be spit back out.
"Aww, is daddy's Lee-Bug still fussy-wussy? We don't try and kick daddy's friends, especially not Uncle Crowley," he cooed.
Lee felt sick at those words there was no way he was going to call this man uncle. Kyle spoke his thoughts, "There's no way I'm ever calling that thing Uncle Crowley! You're freaking insane!!"
"Ahh so the Iron Giant's up too now," Crowley noted with a smirk, "so glad to see you boys again. I'd ask how you've been but according to your daddy, not good at all, naughty boys in fact. Especially little Kyle."
Kyle growled a little trying to pull the straps off squirming wildly. Seth was quick to go over, "Pumpkin Spice, calm down, you're gonna hurt yourself," he cooed.
The third boy finally whined a little rubbing his eyes blissfully unaware of what was going on around him. Crowley, however, was quick to ruin that, "And there's Tiny. Haven't seen you around much. Big brothers still think you're too little to go hunting?" Nick tensed.
Of all the creatures he's encountered, only three really got to him. Lucifer, Crowley, and all shapeshifters. For this reason he shyly nodded in response. Crowley's eyes fell to the diaper Nick had on, "Seems like someone's in need of a change," Nick's cheeks flushed a red. After shoving a paci in Kyle's mouth and clipping it to his shirt, Seth nodded with a proud smile.
"Wouldn't surprise me. My buddy was caring for him and he gave him something in his first bottle that made him unable to control his bladder at all. Adds to the effect. Oh! Which reminds me, my little twins didn't finish their baba's. You two probably should, it's special," he winked before getting Nickolas out rubbing his back, "will you watch the twins while I change the baby?"
"I'd be glad to," Crowley said with a grin, it widened ever so slightly hearing Nick whimper pitfully. Seth chuckled happily bouncing Nick as if it'd make him feel better.
"Thanks, now, you two be nice to Uncle Crowley. If daddy hears you misbehaved, I'll smack your diapered bottoms right in front of him," he warned before carrying Nick upstairs. Kyle narrowed his eyes at Crowley spitting the pacifier out.
"What are you doing here?" he growled.
"Well I just wanted to see how well my little plan worked out."
"Wittle pwan?" Lee repeated with a lisp not caring enough to spit the pacifier out.
"Yes, how else do you think he got a hold of you two? Seth had been wanting kids for sometime, but not just any kids, kids like you three so I told him about you two and even helped him make the fake missing reports just knowing you two morons wouldn't be able to resist."
The twins traded looks, "We were pawns, Lee."
"Indeed you were," Crowley agreed with a nod. A few moments later Seth came back with Nick in a clean diaper and a new shirt, it was a light gray and had two cartoonish looking dinosaurs. One big one, one little one and said bellow read "My Daddy is Rawrsome".
"Were they good?"
"Angels, I think now that they're waking up, they're not as fussy, but that's perfectly normal. After all, they probably wanted to sleep some more but with their very small vocabulary, how could they possibly express it to us aside from misbehaving?" Crowley explained with a smirk.
Seth chuckled and nodded sitting Nick in the playpen, "Well that is true," he then went over picking up Lee and Kyle pulling the pacifiers away and replacing it with the bottles from earlier, "I'm going to fix Nicky a bottle then we can discuss, would you put on a cartoon for them?"
"Of course, we don't need the little ones getting frustrated with not being able to express themselves do we?" Crowley said with a light chuckle going over to the stacks of DVDs, "Just nod if you hear one you like boys," he grabbed a few listing them off as he looked through them, "Blues Clues, Land Before Time, Wow Wow Wubzie, oh surly you boys love Barney, yeah?" he said holding up the case with the large purple dino on it as he skimmed through the episodes. He chuckled with a grin.
"Looks like there's an episode you boys can relate to, it's called Trading Places. Barney's little dinosaur buddies Baby Bop and BJ switch ages per say," he chuckled again, "let's just put that in for you boys," he popped it into the the DVD player, "there we are."
Seth came back giving Nick a bottle. Nick tried to push it away but Seth smacked his hands as a warning. "None of that Snookum, behave," he looked up hearing the Barney and Friends theme song. Seth grinned, "ohhh, wonderful choice, I'm sure they'll love this," Seth gushed, "what do we say to Uncle Crowley sweeties?"
They scrunched their noses up, a common trait among the three boys to show displeasure. It got a third chuckle out of Crowley. He grinned a little, "Well?" he encouraged.
"That may be too big of words for them to use right now Seth. They're just babies."
"Oh I'll show you a mother fu-"
"See? They're already getting fussy because they can't say the words, it's ok, I know they're very thankful," he grinned, "We should start our talk soon anyways, you certainly don't have all day."
The boys didn't like the way Crowley had said that but let the two demons walk into the kitchen. Rummaging through some kitchen utensils made the twins groan knowing dinner was being made.
"I can't believe Crowley was the one to set us up for this," Kyle growled Lee sighed a bit at his twins actions but nodded.
"I know it sucks but this isn't forever. It's just a visit. I'm sure Crowley leaving after whatever their conversation is over."
"I hope so," Nick mumbled before starting to slowly suckle on the bottle figuring there wasn't much else to do. Lee wrapped an arm around him as a half hug.
"Yeah, I know he freaks you out Nicky. It's ok," Lee promised softly making Kyle roll his eyes.
"I swear, you two are gonna end up dead because of showing those feelings."
"No, we'll be loved Kyle. Emotions are normal."
"They're a curse, Lee. Good for nothing besides endangering those around you."
Lee narrowed his eyes, "Or so you think."
The twins both huffed, the boys looked boredly to the show waiting a bit for the one Crowley mentioned curious how similar it was to their problem.
"That's not even reliant!!" Kyle ranted angrily.
"Dunno, I mean you're right but I could see what he meant cause BJ wasn't a baby but was treated like one," Lee defended as he played with Nick's hair, the boy leaned comfortably against him.
"He was almost given a nap. That's all."
"And he played princess," Nick mumbled.
"That's right, he did, good job Nicky," Lee praised with a smile.
"Good grief, I wonder who treats him more like a baby. You or the man, Lee," Kyle stated.
Lee sighed closing to ignore it, not long after Seth got them buckling them all into high chairs. A plate of fish sticks and smiley fries, pretzels, and some cookies with nutella on top, "No eating the snackies until real yummies are gone. I'm going to trust you boys can eat this all by yourselves."
Kyle grunted but they are with no fights, Seth smiled proudly, "See? They're getting better."
"Mmhmm, and no pancakes for them you say?" Crowley asked bringing a full cup to his mouth to drink. Seth nodded with a sigh.
"That they cannot be trusted with. I gave it to the twins, they threw it at each other."
"Perhaps they were wanting to share, babies are fond of that, once they're big enough to understand it, especially twins. Twins are very close."
"Maybe but they mostly seem to get grumpy with each other," Seth shrugged. Crowley was silent watching the boys making Nicky squirm uncomfortably.
"Have you told them?"
"No... I suppose now would be a good time," Seth stood up bending down to be eye level with the boys, "honeys, I know this is sudden, but daddy has a meeting so Uncle Crowley and one of daddy's siblings are gonna babysit you."

(A/N: Ahhhh don't you love the cliff hangers? Any case, a few notes.
1) The episode of Barney that was mentioned a lot in his chapter is above. It's only there if you want to watch it to catch the whole idea. No rude comments about it please.
2) More opinions from you all, which one of Seth's siblings should help Crowley and anything in specific you wanna see the boy endure while they're being babysat?
I hope you all enjoy it! I'll update as soon as I can! Have a good night/day!)

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