Ch. 26

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Kyle didn't like this, he didn't understand. One moment he was ok and safe and now he seemed to almost be a younger person and this scared him. Lee was no better off actually leaning back into the highchair as if trying to hide. It was Nick, however, who broke the silence with a shrill sob, worming around in the seat. Crowley could only watch in amusement as Stella quickly scooped him up, bouncing him, "Oh darling, what's the matter?" she cooed, trying to soothe the youngest boy, "There there, now, no need for tears, sweetheart, come on now, no tears for Auntie."
Crowley looked over to the twins, who looked about to tears themselves, "Oh now whatever you two about to cry?" You're big boys aren't you?" he hummed tauntingly. Lee swallowed back a hiccuped sob, with a whine turning his head away. Kyle, however, not necessarily meaning to, actually burst into tears, grabbing Lee's attention, it startling him, he hadn't seen Kyle cry in so long, recognizing fully that something just had to be wrong he, too, broke down which didn't help Nicholas at all.
Stella was surprised, even overwhelmed, she expected Nick to have crying fits, maybe even Lee, but not Kyle and certainly not all three boys at once, "Oh now babies, hush hush now, it's ok. It's alright darlings," she rushed over to the bag, relieved Nick slowly calmed as she bounced him, humming a soft lulling tune. She fished out some baby toys for the twins, sitting them on the trays, "Look sweeties, look here," she coaxed, Lee slowly hushed looking to them with littlr sniffles and tears still tracking down his cheeks, still once he got hold of a little stuffed turtle he seemed fine. Kyle didn'teven look up though, still shrieking with sobs. It was actually starting to annoy Crowley.
Seeing as the toys didn't work, Stella started looking for a pacifier, as soon as she found one though, Nick saw it and started reaching out, whining, wanting it. The aunt sighed quickly finding another two, sliding one into Nicholas's mouth and one into Lee's. Kyle however, turned his head away from it.
"No! No!" he whined past cries, clearly not calming down. Stella sighed really at loss of what to do for Kyle.
"Baby cakes, you gotta calm down please, look here," she picked up the rattle shaking it. It only briefly caught the younger twin's attention. Not for very long though as he soon enough started sobbing again. Lee watched on warily and this made Nick uneasy too, not wanting another trio of sobs, Stella handed Nick to Crowley.
Seeing his bottom lip starting to tremble she was quick to reassure the youngest, "Oh baby, no no, auntie is still here. Please don't cry. Crowley comfort him please," she insisted rushing back to Kyle gently bouncing him.
Crowley looked into Nick's misty green eyes, he wasn't sure what to do, he bounced his leg ultimently bouncing Nicky as he did, "Come on now, Tiny, chin up. No need to to cry," he assured. It was starting to give him a headache, one he wasn't so fond to deal with. Maybe this wasn't thought out so cleverly.
On the bright side, it seemed to work. Nick didn't look nearly as teary eyed, instead a type of trust shined in his eyes as he pitifully hiccuped. Two previously sobbing babies settled and soothed, one to go.
Stella had lifted Kyle out of his highchair bouncing him, mumbling comforting words to shush him. After a long, virtually torturous 25 minutes, Kyle was calmed, pacifier kept in his mouth despite the relatively harsh sucks he gave it. Obvious tear stains were wore down his cheeks. Crowley might've found it a hilarious sight if not for the pounding in his head that didn't seem keen on leaving anytime soon.
"Now then, what was that crying fit over?" she gently cooed, kissing the younger twin's forehead who whined then hiccuped at contact.
"Sc-scawed," he whimpered making Stella frown gently.
"Scared? Oh whatever were you scared of, Ky, honey?"
"F-feew f-fu-funny. Di-diffent," seeming to notice the more childlike speech pattern too, he buried his face into her shoulder.
"Oh poor baby," she crooned lovingly, "Do you have a messy diaper, dear? Is that what you mean?" she tenderly pulled the shorts and diaper back. Much to the relief of Crowley, since without this the boy certainly would've explained further meaning there'd be the chance of what he did being caught, the diaper was indeed wet, as Stella made clear.
She lightly clicked her tongue against the roof of her mouth, "Oh yeah honey pie, you're soaked," Crowley narrowly avoided his mouth twitching up in a smirk at Kyle's bottom lip starting to tremble, "let's get you into a freash diapee, did you go pee too Lee?" she asked gently checking him too. He was dry, before Crowley could celebrate his success with the headspace liquid in peace, the front of Nick's onesie became wet. He cringed his head away, even if it suffered no damage.
"Stella, Tiny here just had one," this made Kyle look more pitiful.
"Oh alrighty, let me see him, I'll change him with Kyle," she replied scooping up the youngest boy into her arms, "there now, let's get you two into something dry, hmm? Doesn't that sound nice?" she rubbed Nick's back who didn't look bothered by the affection and attention, only whining with a small squirm, signaling he wanted the used diaper off. As Stella walked away Crowley could hear Kyle insisting.
"Don nee' dia'er! M big boy! Don nee' oooonne!"
He had to snort, especially since, though faded, he could hear Stella gently chiding him that if he wets a diaper he most certainly needs one. He turned his attention to Lee smirking.
The oldest boy didn't notice right away, but when he did he frowned, "Wha you do to us?" he whimpered, though muffled to the pacifier kept in his mouth. Crowley snorted again but kept the smirk off, with struggle, he didn't want more bawling to deal with.
"Nothing much at all," he promised getting up and pulling a bib from the diaper bag coming up to Lee to tie it around his neck, "I just helped you boys along to your proper roles..... helpless babies," he admired his handiwork with the bow in the back. Lee shivered a little feeling his eyes on him and wiggled around in the highchair.
"N-not babie'," Lee mumbled to which Crowley hummed taking his seat once more, Lee was greatful he could at least see him.
"Uh huh. We'll see about that," Crowley allowed the smirk return to his expression as Stella came back buckling a red faced Kyle and baby babbling Nick into their own highchairs.
Kyle whined pushing against the tray, "No! Nooooo!"
"Someone's just a fussy boy isn't he?" Stella cooed, "Here now, this'll quite you," she removed bigger toys from the tray leaving things like rattles, blocks, plastic keys and crinkle toys. Nick eagerly took one toy shaped like a teddy bear though it's soft fur covered a harder interior. Even Lee was distracted by the bright, pretty, noticeable colors on a rattle. Kyle, though, still seemed persistent turning his head away with a childish, frustrated grunt. He refused to give in so easy.
It wasn't long until the food arrived, Stella was feeding Nick who was being a little angel about it. Lee had dug in with his fingers. Kyle refused to touch it.
"Kyle, you gotta eat baby," the grumpy boy huffed, instead getting a handful and throwing it as Crowley, staining the shoulder an orangish yellow. So it was going to be like that, Crowley realized.

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