Ch. 3

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The twins looked to each other nervously, Lee shifted, "You don't think he....."
"He did," Kyle confirmed squinting his eyes in concentration, he refused to give this man exactly what he wanted. Lee tightly shut his eyes, he was struggling more than his twin. Out if the two, his bladder was the weaker.
He whimpered biting his bottom lip, "K-Kyle, I-I don't think I can hold i-" he squeaked a little as some leaked out and into the diaper.
Kyle sighed slightly, "You just went, didn't you."
"O-only a little, b-but I don't think I can hold it m-much longer Kyle..."
"Then go!"
"Why not? You're the one who's  going along with his baby boy thing!"
"That doesn't mean I want to wet a diaper!"
"You willingly drunk from a baby bottle!!! I think this is the least of your concerns!"
"You are so full of yourself! Are you going to wet it?"
"Why would I?? I'm not giving into him, like you!! I'm not ok with acting like a little baby, like you! Geez, you might as well be nothing but a baby, Lee!!!!" that struck Lee hard, he stopped focusing which led to him releasing urine into the diaper tinting it yellow. Upon realizing it, his cheeks flushed a bright red, tears flooded his eyes in humiliation and pain at his twin brother's words.
Slowly he started to bawl. Kyle rolled his eyes muttering a, "Typical," under his breath and continued on fighting his urge to pee.
Just as the man had promised he popped right up next to the play pen scooping Lee up, "Oh no, did daddy's sweet little Lee have an uh oh?" he crooned, this did nothing but make Lee sob harder believing his brother's words were true, the man bounced Lee to calm him, "Shhhhh honey, it's ok, that's what the diadies are for," the man said continuing to sweetly baby talk the adult.
In another attempt "daddy" gently pushed the blue pacifier into Lee's mouth, regardless, he was still crying past it. The man sighed and started carrying Lee upstairs to the nursery, much to Kyle's relief since his twin brother's wails were not only distracting him but giving him a headache.
Lee was still crying but thankfully not as hard, "Daddy's poor wittle Lee, did bubby say something to make you cry sweetums?" Lee almost nodded but stopped quickly shaking his head, hurt by the words or not, Kyle was his younger-twin brother, and he wanted no pain to come to him, especially if he could stop it from happening.
The man looked at him suspiciously laying him on the changing table, "Now, surly my Baby Lee wouldn't lie to me, would he?" Lee braced himself for what he was about to say.
"N-no Dada.... I..just n-needy a.... a changey...I..made uh oh," he said in the most babyish voice he could muster and this seemed to trick "daddy".
"Oh I see, well don't you worry Lee, daddy will get you changed right up, Oh yes he will, yes he will," he cooed. Lee looked away as his face blushed an even more noticeable red, only looking back when he felt the bottom of his onesie being unbuttoned, "Its ok Little Lee, daddy's just gonna change your outfit too baby boy, you soaked right through it," the man said humor lacing his words, he then helped Lee out of the outfit and changed the wet diaper for a clean one. Lee figured he was done until "daddy" stepped aside to a dresser.
Lee watched, fear bubbling in his stomach, the man pulled out a shirt with clearly animated and babyfied animals on it, a monkey, giraffe, zebra, and a lion. "Daddy" held it up so Lee could see, "Lookie here, daddy's baby boy gets to show off his new shirt and his diadie."
Lee winced at the thought, he was grateful his cousins were hopefully caring for Nick instead of looking for him, or else he'd never live this down. As the man approached he tried to think up ways to keep him from wearing the embarrassing shirt, "D-daddy, wait!!"
"What's wrong baby?"
"Umm...." he paused trying to come up with the most bsbyish sounding way he could put it, "B-baby Wee dun wantto put it on, might getsit dwity!"
The man stopped as if pondering then smiled,"Oh alright Baby Lee, we'll put you in this one instead," he dug around finally pulling out a white shirt reading "Daddy's baby boy" in cursive. Lee stopped a groan and shook his head.
"Dun wan dat diwty eifer....."
"Well boo, daddy can't let you go out nakie, what would you like to wear?" the man questioned picking Lee up and bringing him over to the dresser. Lee sighed softly looking at the outfits, they all were mostly shirts until another onesie aught his eye. It was blue with a capital SB in the design of a Superman symbol, he pointed to it. The man smiled a little. 
"Oh, so my Little Lee-bug wants to be Superbaby, hmm? Alright snookie-bookie, daddy will dress you in that," he cooed as he grabbed it and brought Lee back to the changing table. He slid the onesie onto Lee and buttoned the bottom, "Look at daddy's little superhero," he cooed picking him back up and carrying him back down to the playpen then looked to Kyle, "Has daddy's little Kyle-boo not gone wee wee yet?" he cooed to the younger twin earning a glare.
"No, and I'm not going to..."
"Why not baby? Daddy put something in your formula that'd make it easy on you to."
"I noticed, I'm not because I'm not a baby!" he snapped. The man raised a brow, seemingly interested.
"Oh, so my ittle Kyle thinks he's a big boy, that he can make it in the big bad real world, huh?"
"Well I did it just fine without you before you took us, scumbag!!!"
"I don't like your tone."
"And I don't like you, go figure," the man's eyes narrowed.
"Look Kyle, it was cute at first, but now it's irritating. If you think you can make it then prove it to me by going to a job I pick, make it a day and I'll upgrade you to daddy's big boy, but if you fail then you'll go back to being daddy's little baby, deal?"
"Deal," Kyle agreed with no hesitation. Lee looked between them nervously, he couldn't help but feel "daddy" was going to cheat, one way or another.

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