Ch. 23

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Lee woke shifting uncomfortably he blinked confused until he realized why, his eyes widened, "Well look who's up finally," he looked towards Crowley who was sitting on Seth's bed reading. He sat the book down with a smirk, "and it looks like you're in need of a change," Lee's eyes teared up as Crowley picked him up, "aww, don't cry Friendly Giant. I assure it wasn't because you're a big baby, which I mean technically you are, but this happened because I put something in your bottle last night," he explained carrying Lee to the nursery. 
"Wh-what'd you do?" he whimpered out making Crowley chuckle a little as he laid Lee on the changing table being practically mockingly gentle with Lee as if dealing with a real small child.
"Laxitives with a very tiny dosage of that headspace syrium. I figured I'd start easy with you boys. Just remember, I'm in control so the moment you make me angry," Lee yelped a little as Crowley had gotten rough suddenly, he already had discarded the used and wet diaper and had jerked the new one up roughly but just as fast as he had gotten rough, he went gentle again, "You can kiss your full mentle state bye bye."
Just like that, the diaper change was done. Crowley grabbed a fresh baby wipe quickly cleaning his hands off just in case and tossed it in the garbage bin before stalking to the closet opening it, "Now... How do I want to embarrass you boys hmm?" he asked though it was out loud and said so Lee could hear they both knew it was rhetorical. 
Finally he pulled out an outfit, a Wennie The Pooh themed one walking back over to Lee, "You know the good thing about this outfit? Your daddy has another for your brothers, I think I'll go with matching. I'm sure Stella would love to see you boys like that."
Lee gulped a little, natural instinct making him not like the smirk on his expression and the syrium wasn't helping at all, "Now, now, don't get all pale in the face. According to Seth, I shouldn't have a problem with you. Now arms up," he instructed pointing his index finger up as a motion to go along with the command.
As assured, Lee obeyed though it was hesitantly. He sat up enough and held his arms up so Crowley could slip on the top, then the bottoms were put on.
"There we are. Now, I'm going let you watch t.v. but remember, the moment you make me angry, bye bye adult consciousness."
Lee nodded not wanting to make Crowley angry, besides he decided he needed sometime to think over all he's been informed of in a mere amount of minutes. Crowley carried him to the living room sitting him in the play pen.
The sound of Max and Ruby's theme song grabbed Lee's attention. His gaze was now locked on it though his thoughts were only half there with him. All within a span of a hour and a half, Nicky and Kyle woke up. Kyle was first, waking up about 20 minutes after Lee had, and brought out in a matching outfit like Lee's. Nick came about 50 minutes after them both and was wearing an onesie with the same Wennie The Pooh theme on it.
Crowley disappeared into the kitchen once they all three were stuck watching what was now Arthur.
Lee couldn't help but snort amused at the repetitive, yet somewhat catchy, song they gave basically explaining the classical book, The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.  Lee remembered freshman year in high school when he and Kyle had to read the book and write a summary over it as well as answer some questions, it was worth it to land in the same honors class though, not that Kyle was too happy about it. Lee wasn't even that great at English or anything that came with it, no, instead his strength laid within history class, but of course, Kyle didn't count it for much of anything claiming they were never going to use it. 'Heh, sure proved him wrong,' Lee thought with a grin.
Due to having such a great intrest in history, Lee could name quite a few legends in different regions of the world which showed to be helpful on solving a supernatural event on more than one occasion. The door opening broke Lee's concentration of his thoughts.
"I have gifts for my sweet little nephews!" Stella called happily. Kyle gave a sigh of annoyance, "I forgot they were coming.."
"Better than putting up with just Crowley, she'll at least go easy on us," Lee responded.
"To be honest, I'm not sure if I'd prefer that or not," Kyle mumbled. Stella smiled at the sight of the three boys.
"Oh Crowley, they're precious," she picked Nick up first who was honestly rather frightened at the sight of someone new. This was all happening too fast and sudden for the youngest boy's liking. Regardless, Stella continued to fuss over him.
"And my, daddy wasn't playing, you are a little cutie pie aren't you. So much smaller than your brothers. I doubt you could even talk yet huh?" Nick wanted to prove her wrong but his throat felt dry and a "cat had his tongue". His inner Lee-like traits were showing, the ones Kyle never really cared much for. Stella smiled gently kissing his forehead then sat him down.
"And don't think I've forgotten little Kyle," she cooed picking him up making him tense. He narrowed his eyes and squirmed trying to push away from her. His body went stiff again but for a different reason, she was twirling his hair again. He sighed out his nose almost in content.
"Why Stella, you angel," Crowley said stepping into the room, "you've managed to calm him."
"You just have to find a kid's sweet spot. All of them have one."
"Well now I know Iron Toddler's," Kyle shivered not wanting Crowley to twirl his hair, it was enough of him to let a strange woman do it.
"Have they had their breakfast yet?" Stella asked to which Crowley shook his head.
"That's why I came in here. It's done," he chuckled picking up Lee and Nick bringing them to the kitchen. Stella trailed behind with Kyle. They got the three buckled into their highchairs and had their trays snapped on. Crowley then put a bottle on each tray as well as a kiddie plate with a cut up egg and a fruit cup.
"Eat up sweeties. The faster you eat the faster you can have Auntie's surprise for you and we can go to a surprise spot," Stella cooed. The twins blinked, they hadn't noticed that Crowley was packing a larger diaper bag, big enough for 3 babies' items until she mentioned going somewhere.
Nick, bracing himself gulped and asked, "Where are we going?"
"Good question, Tiny," Crowley teplrd sitting the completed diaper bag on the table, "unfortunately, Stella doesn't want you boys to know."
"You'll find out the sooner and faster you eat sweet pea," Stella cooed happily and kissed Nick's forehead. She then went to straighten a little to make it easier on Crowley, he would be taking care of her nephews after all but Lee merely glared at her.
"That witch kissed my boy's forehead," he growled out to which Kyle rolled his eyes poking at the food not exactly enthusiastic about finding out where they had planned.
"Oh shut up. You're getting upset over nothing."
"Nothing?? Kyle, that's our baby brother!"
"Ok?? And?? You're really getting annoying. Just stop."
Lee huffed but none too happily did so. Crowley smirked taking advantage of the situation to have a little fun, "Oh Stella, looks like little Friendly Toddler is getting a smidge jealous. His brothers are getting all of Auntie's love but he's left high and dry," Stella glanced back as Lee growled a little. She smiled going over kissing hid forehead.
"It's ok Lee, Auntie still loves you. Oh yes she does," Lee gritted his teeth but looked down.
"Looks like he's getting grumpy. Hopefully his bad mood won't ruin our time."
"Oh surly not, I'm sure he's just hungry, eat your num nums, sweetheart. You all can take your babas," Crowley watched with a smirk.
' We'll have to see if it doesn't, won't we?' he thought to himself ultimently making his smirk grew but went upstairs to get the boys some toys so they wouldn't fuss during the ride there before anyone could catch the devious twinkle in his eyes.

(A/N: I know it seems like I ask you guys questions like this a lot, but that's because I like hearing your ideas plus with things like this, I am not 100% of what I want to do.
So, where should Stella and Crowley take the kids? Comment below. Have a good day/night!)

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