Ch. 22

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All three boys tensed glancing over to Crowley who had a smirk. Nick whimpered leaning back against the highchair.
"Only staying for a visit, huh?" Kyle sneered to Lee who gulped before looking to his twin brother.
"It was merely a guess, Kyle," he shot back not having enough venom to say it angrily as fear and worry were the only things he was feeling.
"Aren't my little boys excited?" Seth cooed. Nickolas was quick to shake his head.
"No...... no.... want daddy, wanna stay wif daddy," he pleaded. Lee and Kyle furrowed their brows at this.
"Aww Lil Nicky, don't cry sweetheart," he cooed picking him up bouncing soothingly and gently as Nick nuzzled Seth's shoulder starting to cry pitifully. It made Lee's heart wrench for two reasons. He hated hearing the youngest boy cry and it simply wasn't like him to give into this.
"Are my not-so-giant twins confused?" Crowley asked getting their attention drawn back to him. They nodded, Lee's face wearing concern and Kyle's knitted into anger, "Headspace syrium. I brought it for him seeing as you boys are struggling to get there. I told him to test it on Nickolas because, as you heard, he's already had things given to him to help him get into the role."
"What is a headspace?" Kyle growled out.
"Where you act and think like a little one," Crowley explained simply as he nodded towards Nick who was now calmed and cooing baby nonsense to Seth, "I imagine his is younger for multiple reasons. He's physically younger than you both, he takes things such as tramma much more to heart than you two, and he's never had thst full on parental figure. I mean he had you two but well if you look at yourselves I think you'll understand how that wouldn't be a very good replacement."
"It isn't like we wanted to be stuck in this situation!" Kyle snapped making the king chuckle.
"My my, Kyle's getting all cranky again isn't he?" he taunted. Seth buckled Nick back in and fed him smiling happily.
"Ok sweeties, hurry up and eat, daddy's going to give you a bathie then bedtime."
"Is it going to be here long?" Kyle asked growling a bit as he glanced back over to Crowley a few moments. Seth chuckled lightly with a nod.
"Uncle Crowley sure is going to spend the night snookums. You see, daddy has to leave extra early so Uncle Crowley agreed to stay the night here with us and when you boys wake up, he'll be here to take care of you. Auntie Stella will be here tomorrow then Uncle Stephen will be here the day after that and daddy will back the day after that one around morning hours," he explained smiling.
"Two days??" Kyle groaned Seth chuckled pretending not to hear the comment.
"Eat up babies or should Uncle Crowley or daddy feed you too?" the twins tensed a little but complied starting to eat. Seth smiled getting out the bouncing Nick first once they were done. The twins still were set off by the odd behavior despite knowing what caused it. He then picked up Lee.
"Crowley, would you get Kyle for me?"
"Of course," he smirked seeing the hateful scowl on Kyle's expression. He picked Kyle up bouncing him almost tauntingly, "Tsk, tsk, daddy needs to lower your sweets, doesn't he. You're getting to be heavy, little boy."
"Oh yeah. You're one to talk fat a-" once again, his foul language was interrupted, this time by a swat to his rear.
"I think you and your brother will find that 'Uncle' Crowley isn't as tolerant as daddy, either one you'd prefer, is so you two will learn respect," Crowley stated as he started walking. Kyle shuttered slightly but still glared coldly. He joined Seth in the bathroom, who already Lee and Nick in the bathtub. Still having his decency, Lee covered himself embarrassedly.
"Oh Lee-Bug, no need in being shy honey. It's just daddy, Uncle Crowley, and bubbas," Seth cooed as he gently took Kyle from Crowley.
"This bath won't be long, will it, Seth? Because," he paused smirking as he looked to Kyle starting to speak in the degrading coo that most people saved for young ones, "'Uncle' can tell that his little Iron Toddler is already starting to get sleepy."
Kyle surpassed a groan, he would've much preferred his regular nickname "Iron Giant" to the "Iron Toddler". Seth chuckled quietly and shook his head.
"Shouldn't be long at all provided the boys behave," he replied attempting to undress Kyle but he kept squirming around, "Kyle-Boo, stop, according to Uncle Crowley, you need sleepy time soon," through some struggles he had him undressed and put him in the tub.
It was a quick bath, merely cleaning the boys hair and bodies before getting them out. Crowley, sometime during the bath, went to the living room. He got Nick out first though it appeared the syrium was starting to slowly ware off. Not that it'd matter either way, the twins both knew that baths made Nick tired, well, more so than usual which was caused by restless nights.
He taped up the diaper on Nick who only wiggled slightly and sleepily, "Shh Lil' Nicky. It's almost over then you can get sleepies," Seth cooed softly to him and dressed him in a pair of footies that was deep blue and decorated with teddy bears. He looked yo the twins, "Daddy will be right back, lovelies, just behave, daddy will get you both out in a moment and het you two ready for sleepies too, don't try to get out, you could get boo boos and we don't want that," he cooed then stood up carrying Nick out locking the door behind him.
Lee finally sighed, he wanted to miserably cover his face but due to the soap and shampoo the water was soapy and bubbly now and didn't want it to get in his eyes knowing that it'd make Seth fuss over him.
"What are they doing to our Nicky? Why couldn't they just leave him out of this?" he muttered.
"It was probably Crowley's doing," Kyle commented, "I mean he's the reason we're stuck in this in the first place," before the conversation could carry on any further, Seth returned.
"Ok my little twins, let's get you two out," he cooed in a sickingly sweet, loving tone.
It made Kyle scrunch his nose up but what Seth said made his eyes almost frantically dart to his twin brother, "Lee-Bug, don't cry baby," Lee wasn't  crying but tears had swelled up in his eyes. Seth was fast to pull Lee out gently and soothingly talking to him as he dried him off.
"Daddy's poor baby, what's the matter sweet pea? Tell daddy so he can fix it," he cooed softly. Lee sniffled a soft hiccup leaving him afterwards. He didn't want to open his mouth knowing that if he did, he'd break down and sob, not that it was the only thing stopping him, what business did Seth having knowing about Lee's personal emotions and what caused them?
Kyle knew right away, it was Nick but bit back any answer though he found it pointless to be upset over. After a few minutes of silence Seth sighed gently laying Lee down taping the diaper up, "You must just be fussy, huh? Ready for bedy bye? Don't worry Pumpkin pie, daddy will lay you down with baba soon," he promised. Pulling another pair of footies onto Lee, expect his was covered in pigs and was a light yellow color. He kissed Lee's forehead gently, "Daddy will take you just as soon as he gets Kyle-Wyle dressed," he cooed then picked the younger twin up out of the tub.
He dried him off as well, taped up the diaper and dressed him also in footies but his was almost a blackish blue and covered in planets as well as a few stars sprinkled about in the mix. Seth then picked them both up bringing them to his room. Of course Kyle's crib was already in there from his stunt a day or so ago but now Lee's had been moved in as well as a third crib that Nicky laid in sucking on a bottle. Lee's eyes stung with more tears.
"My my, the Friendly Toddler is so tired he's teary eyed," Crowley spoke stepping in with two bottles. It scared the twins.
"Yeah," Seth responded bouncing Lee and pecked his forehead, "I noticed, I hope nothing's wrong with him," Seth admitted checking his forehead finding it to be a normal temperature.
"I assure you, he's probably just sleepy," Crowley said as he handing each twin their bottle a smirk tugging at his lips once Lee started drinking it. Only Kyle noticed but shrugged it off, "it all comes back to the same thing, they're too little to express what they want so they cry to get it, while he isn't necessarily crying he's had a tiring day and just wants sleep. Don't you, Lee?"
Crowley mockingly tickled the older twin under his chin. Lee audibly whined and pulled his head away, "Ah, see? He's even getting cranky now," Seth watched Lee a moment before nodding.
"I do, well good thing they're all ready for bedy bye now," Seth then carried each one to their crib and kissed all three boys heads whispering a soft goodnight. Crowley stood where each boy could see him and chuckled quietly.
"Well, I do hope you sleep well, little ones, and I look forward to our two days together," with that he left presumably back to the living room. Nick was already drifting to sleep. It was obvious by the way his suckling on the bottle slowed and his eyes kept shut. Seth climbed onto the bed turning the light off aside from a small bookmark to read in the dark. Kyle begrudgingly put the bottle in his mouth furrowing his brows, the drink tasted sweeter than normal, but it wasn't chocolate, he pulled it out testing the taste a moment before doing it again. He couldn't figure out what was wrong with the bottle but eventually gave up deciding to just drink it until he fell asleep.

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