Chapter 15- Unspeakable Element

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"You know what the scariest part is? Have you ever heard of the deadzone? It's basically a big graveyard after the great battle in the heavens decimated the old city. A little while before the guards were murdered, several members of the White Horizon Sect died at a different gate! And they died from undead from the deadzone, lured over by some foolish man." The man's companion was incredulous,

"Impossible, the members of the White Horizon Sect, while only a branch family of the greater sects, are still cultivators. To suggest that a few undead could hurt them is preposterous. They'd have to be middle ranked undead at the very least!" The original spreader of the rumor, clearly intoxicated boasted out to the whole inn,

"It was a higher undead! And I heard from my cousin that when the sect caught the man who had caused the incident, they not only killed him, but they actually killed him in the deadzone!" The man's companion's eyes narrowed,

"So what? Why is this a big deal? Of course that would happen to anyone stupid enough to do such a thing and get caught." Lineir was face palming on the inside, hearing what had happened from the perspective of an outsider, what he had done did sound really stupid.

"Well, obviously the deadzone is filled with undead. When they killed him there, he would have died with a grudge! What if he resurrected as a hungry ghost and killed those guards, and is even now, lurking in the city waiting to take revenge on the Sect!" The man at this point was yelling so loud that people were openly glaring at him. The manager quickly walked over, but before he could do anything the man had already collapsed face down onto the table. His companion apologetically tipped a few extra coins and bought a round of drinks for the rest of the inn before carrying off his friend to his room. Lineir's patron, noticed that he was very pale, 

"You're not actually scared young man? It's just some drunk with ghost stories. Happens all the time, you should just focus on eating more, you've barely touched your plate. Once you put on a few pounds you'll be a real man and you won't worry about these wild stories! Look, I've got great news, you don't have to sleep out in the stables. The owner here knows me well, and has agreed that since his inn is only half full, you can have a room on the house. Just be sure to spread the word of the Nine Heart Inn's generosity okay? You'll be safe in there, I'll be in the next room over and no ghosties are gonna get you." Lineir sighed, unable to explain the real reason why he was scared to the well meaning man.

Mei, had also noticed Lineir's discomfort, 

"Relax kiddo, nobodies going to connect that story with you. It was just a coincidence, go to your room and meditate if you're so worried." Lineir, realizing that there was little to be gained by socializing, quickly finished his food and excused himself. Entering his complimentary room, a small affair, but cozy with clean sheets and a window overlooking the stables, he couldn't complain. Immediately, he locked his room and sat on the bed to meditate. Looking deep inside himself, he immediately grew hot again as natural energies trickled in as if they were waiting for him. 

"Keep it up kiddo, a lil more and you should be tested by the elements. Ignore everything else and focus only on seeing what's inside of you!"

Gradually, Lineir began to peirce the veil of darkness which he normally saw when he closed his eyes. Deep inside of him, he almost saw, but more felt, it was hard to explain, a little movement. It was just a gentle tug, like the touch of a child, but it led him deeper inside himself. At that moment, energy burst into him, first shocking yellow currents, then a deep all encompassing dark black, and finally a crimson red which shone even amongst the black. The energy entered through his pores and began to circulate all throughout his veins. 

Nine Paths of Asura-Original Wuxiaजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें