Chapter 114-Star Stream Lake Pt.3

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I try to keep chapters at 1000 words min, and each chapter with some action but unfortunately I had 3 setup chapters in a row. Fear not, action will come, give it time, I need more characters and knowledge of the Higher Realms to work with.

Lineir pricked his ears. Ambushed? This was getting interesting...and dangerous.

"Master, what should I do? I don't want to get involved in the schemes of others so soon after entering the Higher Realms. What if I offend a terrifying foe simply from meeting this master of theirs?" He asked Mei. She thought about it for a moment and snorted.

"You rushed in against an unknown presence to save two mortals. And NOW you're worried about offending someone you shouldn't? Based on the state of this place the level of cultivators you're currently dealing with isn't to high. Besides, compared to the numerous sects and even the High Heavens you've offended in the past, what is some random cultivator on the path? Isn't that your new motto, meet god, slay god, meet devil, slay devil?" She said with a voice dripping with sarcasm. Lineir winced as he realized he had been rather careless in his decision making since arriving in the Higher Realms. In his defense, he was used to being one of the most dangerous of the younger generation, if not the most dangerous in the mortal realms. It was difficult for him to suddenly bow down to fate now that he'd arrived somewhere new.

"Ok ok, I get it, I'll be more careful.'re right, I have plenty of enemies, how can I ever progress down the path of cultivation unless I am willing to shed a little blood..." Lineir acquiesced and muttered. Mei facepalmed inside. This disciple of hers was always drawing some strange meanings from her advice! His Dao was truly a strange one, touched by Madness, but yet also still somewhat tethered by his fading mortality. She didn't know whether it was a path truer than she had ever seen, or something so idiotic that he would suffer a backlash in the future.

"What kind of cultivator starts out just seeking to be able to afford rice and mutates into this man who is willing to challenge the highest masters of the land and even the High Heavens?" She wondered. However, despite her misgivings about Lineir's Third Heart and his path...she had this feeling inside...that he would grow to become an absolute monster!

"The Nine Paths of Asura shape his destiny in this time of broken Fate. If only I studied Fate Laws or some sort of clairvoyance I might be able to see a hint of his future." She thought. However, it was a pointless thought. She was and forever would be a cultivator who focused on the Dao of Lightning and Darkness and walked the path of the Sword Dao. Before Lineir knew it, they had reached a small hut in the wilderness.

"Let's go in." Lineir said to the two mortal girls while Mei was musing and they approached the door of the hut together. When the came close the girls knocked and announced themselves,

"Empress! There was a mishap while searching for Star Heart Flowers. However, a wandering senior saved us. We brought him for you to meet. May we enter?" A second later there was an answer,

"Come in!" A welcoming voice greeted them. At that the two mortal sisters pushed the wooden door open to the hut and ushered Lineir in. When he entered, he initially didn't have an expectations. To be truthful, the outside of the hut was so ramshackle and broken down that he half expected that this was a place where pigs were raised in the past. However, when he entered the surprisingly spacious hut, what greeted him was not the smell of mortal existence and rot but instead a refreshing fragrance of apples and mulled cider. Breathing in deeply, he felt his mind simultaneously clear of worries and doubts, yet also grow a little intoxicated as if the scent alone was comparable to spirits and elixirs.

"Sit, sit, Qing-er, Ting-er tell me what happened? You're bleeding!" The owner of the voice exclaimed as she caught sight of the blood on the robe of Qing Wei's robe. Immediately the Snow God's Empress Bing Wei hastened to the two mortal girls and began to examine them from head to toe for injuries. 

"Ahhhh, Mistress, it is only a flesh wound, don't strain yourself or you'll trigger your wounds!" The older sister cried as her mistress began to fuss over her like she was her own daughter. However their mistress completely ignored her complaints and did not rest until the shoulder was safely bandaged. The entire time, Lineir was silent standing at the doorway simply watching. He was gleaning a lot of information from this simple exchange about Snow God's Empress Bing Wei. After the shoulder of Qing Wei was bandaged the woman Bing Wei, who appeared to be a beautiful woman nearing her mid twenties in appearance walked over to Lineir and bowed deeply.

"Senior. I have to thank you for saving my reckless retainers! I unfortunately do not have much to thank you with, but if you need anything at all I will definitely do my utmost to satisfy your desire!" She fervently pledged and Lineir couldn't help laughing out loud a little bit. 

"Senior Empress Bing Wei, I am simply a wandering cultivator, no need for such formality. Additionally...I am not your senior. You can just address me as Lineir. If you could just share some information with me about the area that would be more than enough as repayment!" He smiled and extended his hand. So far this Empress Bing Wei had shown the signs of someone he could trust. Of course, he still had his guard up. But he felt good will towards someone who treated mortals with respect.

"Oh...I see. Perhaps it would be best if Qing-er explained the circumstances of your meeting before we talked yes" The Empress asked while shaking Lineir's hand with her slim one. Lineir nodded and Qing Wei quickly recited the events which had led up to her meeting Lineir and his subsequent rescue attempt.

Evidently the sisters had snuck out against the wishes of Empress Bing Wei in search of Star Heart Flowers to help heal her injuries. However, their plans had backfired as they had been caught by the Cold Heart Bear when Lineir fortunately heard their cries. It was only by sheer luck that he had been close enough and willing to intervene at the time. Hearing the full story the beautiful woman bowed again to Lineir who awkwardly tried to pull her back up by the forearm.

"It's nothing at all. Please senior Bing Wei." Eventually he got her to stop trying to bow again. He truly wondered why a cultivator would treat these mortal "retainers" with such respect. Also, they shared the same last names. Were they related?

" and Qing Wei and Ting Wei, are you by chance blood relatives?" He asked. Hearing this the Snow God's Empress sighed. She led Lineir over to a small wooden table by the fireplace and began to brew a cup of tea by hand.

"We are not related by blood, but they are my daughters as much as they might pretend otherwise!"

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