Chapter 166-Do It!

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Ugh really rough week ending with a massive migraine that laid me out all of Friday night. Might be pretty absent for a while, kind of losing my creativity for writing right now.

"Well...the thing is, the resurrection takes the time for ten incense sticks to burn. It has to remake a body of my level after all." She said, "Also...I need to be stationary while it happens. To be honest, we were in a dead end and I didn't expect us to get this far. I'm sorry."

Lineir heard her words and his face grew pale. Stationary? Ten incense sticks to burn? Let alone ten incense sticks, if he stayed still for ten breaths he would be inviting death! Seeing a small side cave he hardened his eyes however. He had come too far and he had too little Qi left in him to think about it. He slammed the black blade into the Divine Ruby Rose he had obtained from the Lord of the Necropolis. It began to glow gently as Mei's consciousness transferred into the brilliant gem. He then withdrew the Cloudsoul Necromorphs Heart which appeared as a black goo from the black blade. Lastly he tossed the lotus onto the ground and placed the other two items into it voluptuous folds. The leaves curled in and the resurrection process began!


" it! I'll find a way to hold out!" Lineir cried out as he picked the black blade now empty of Mei's soul and stood at the entrance of the small cave. Moments later the demons began to appear.

"Human! You've finally decided to die like a man!" The first, a demon whose face appeared to be made of wood grinned as he withdrew a huge dagger, almost the length of a short sword. "You've chosen a good place to die. Only a few of us can come at a time in such a small space. But how long do you really think you can last?"

Lineir was wordless as he just dove in with his swords. He did not have words to spare at this point. He had tucked the lotus in the back of the room. Unbeknownst to the demons which had bottlenecked outside the cave, a gentle pale blue chrysalis had formed from the petals. Inside...the beginnings of an embryo and a terrible power were forming.

Flit...Flit...Flit....Pit...Pit...Pitter Patter Pitter Patter SHUAAAA!!

A gentle sound of rain filled the cave though the battling demons and Lineir did not notice. Inside the flowering lotus petals, tropical rains brewed as a storm gathered.

"Human! Fight me more! A hundred generations...I have waited my whole life to battle your race!" One of the demons yelled. Lineir slaughtered him as he died laughing. The demons had no fear at this time. The only thing they feared was missing out on the joy of release! Could you imagine? A hundred generations they had lived down in the flaming Hells while the elders told stories of the blue skies and clear grass above? Their sweat evaporating as it landed on the burning rocks and their cries as their overlords told them that it was the Heavens and mortals who had engineered this life for them.


Lineir internally kept count to himself. A single incense sticks worth of time had passed. Mei needed ten!

"Nine to go. Please hurry Master...your disciple cannot hold forever." Lineir thought as he continued to whirl in a dance of death. He was everywhere and yet nowhere, the enemy blades would suddenly find only hot air as he dashed onto the walls, even jumping up onto the ceiling and fighting them upside down. After attaining an understanding of the Heaven's Edge style he realized something. With only techniques and evasive abilities, he was lacking! Upon the battlefield even the greatest warrior would be slain no matter how great his skills or how fleet his footwork. opening his mind and seizing opportunities to maximize his powers, the impossible became possible.


"Get out of the way useless idiots!" A fireball actually blasted into the back of the orc-like creature Lineir had been dueling in the cave doorway. The surprised creature's face turned from shock into agony as it was propelled into Lineir without warning.

"What?!" Lineir pressed out with a kick, in the cramped quarters he had no time to use his sword.

Blast Cross Kick!

The heavy iron chestplate was dented in and the orc-like creature was smashed right back into the teeming demons. Immediately his body was thrown away as they started to surge forward.

"Hahaha weaklings weaklings! Light him up with the ancestral mages!" Several of the enemy called out. Numerous mages lined up in front and Lineir felt sweat drip down his back. He could not evade this! He had to block for his Master in the cave! "Fire!!!"


Lineir was bracing with the black blade when the row of mages randomly fired everywhere! Even into their own lines! Had they gone crazy?

"Arrrrgh!!! What are you doing??!"

"You're trying to kill our prey with magic? Don't even think about it! He's ours!" Numerous demons with melee weapons had attacked the mages and their aim at gone wild with many suffering severe backlashes.

"These demons... they're insane! They're fighting for the right to kill me?" Lineir felt a severe distaste inside watching them squabble. Yet he was thankful. Trying to block multiple Divine Realm mage attacks without dodging, even with the black blade would have been a nightmare. "How much time has passed? Three incense sticks of time? I just need to hold on for seven more!"

" are strong. You must be a genius of your race! We will kill you with our own blades and use your bones to forge the beginning of our legend!" A new demon appeared. He had two horns on his head and his face was wooden like a tree. Scorch marks covered his hands and his face was blackened with soot. A massive greatsword was in his two gnarled hands and he chuckled making a sound reminiscent of grinding wood.

"Hah Hah Hah!" Just like that he launched himself at Lineir looking for glory. At first Lineir had hope that he was about to enter an "honorable" duel. However, as his blade locked with the massive greatsword blocking his vison, from each side he saw flickers of movement.

Shua! Shua!

"Bastards!" He thought. A blade came from each side and the black blade was blocking the greatsword in front. Instinctively he did what few warriors would ever do in this situation. He dropped the black blade in his hands!

Clang Clang!


"He...he...three on one. How will they feel when they read the legend of how you ganged up a genius and wore him down together.." Lineir spat blood. He had let go of the black blade and deflected the swords coming at him from both sides with his bone scythes. However, the black blade had been smashed back by the greatsword right into his chest! Blown back into the cave, he stopped himself, the bone scythes dragging into the rock walls.


"Hahaha, human, you and the Heavens ganged up to bury us down here. You have no right to talk. The only legend they will speak is the legend of how I and my friends buried your body!" The greatsword wielding wood demon said while running into the cave entrance not giving Lineir a moment to rest. Two thinner short sword wielding demons rushed in on either side of him. They were like shadows, illusory and capable of shifting before your eyes.

"You didn't let me finish...the legend doesn't end with you killing me. It ends with me burying all three of you!" Lineir grabbed the black blade which had fallen to the ground. Drawing it up he roared. So far he had avoided fighting strength with strength due to the fact that he would run out of Qi long before he ran out of enemies. However, he was thoroughly enraged at being treated as a stepping stone.

"From Darkness Comes Light!"


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