Chapter 128-Assault On Snowfall Citadel

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Lol I tried to delete and reupload the chapters. Wattpad completely broke....

Lineir gracefully landed in the monastery courtyard like a descending God. The Estate Spirit was so aghast at Lineir's sudden revival and the casual way he had treated the Heavenly Tribulation that the Spirit didn't even realize his connection to the Estate had returned.

"" He gargled out but Lineir simply disregarded him standing in the courtyard.

"I'll be back for your legacy Estate Spirit. I don't have time for your Third Trial right now. Goodbye." Lineir flickered and ran out of the courtyard, vaulting over the high walls and into the Snowfall Mountains once more. The Estate Spirit had a thought as he was almost like he had just missed out on an opportunity.

"Wait...I still haven't bestowed you with the inheritance yet! We can disregard the Third Trial!" His regretful voice filled the courtyard but there was nothing but silence and snow. Lineir was gone.


Lineir plummeted down the mountain recklessly. He had more grace than a mountain goat and his new body felt perfect.

"'s like I'm back in the Lower Realms!" He exclaimed as he adjusted and felt the rush of being in control once more. His new body was just so much more natural. Clearly in the process of learning of Redemption, his bodies rebirth hid a number of surprises. He was not sure how powerful he was now, but he was certain that he did not fear some aboriginal clans in the deprived wastelands of the Snowfall Mountains. He leaped directly off a tall crag in the mountains and soared in the sky hundreds of meters down. Landing directly, he did not even take out his Phoenix Flame wings instead preferring to land with a thunderous boom and then jump forwards off the next cliff. All the way down Snowfall Mountains!

"Hahahaha, Jin clan! I'm coming for you!"

Lineir's voice no longer felt any fear. He was in no way certain of the boundary he had reached but just feeling this power and the way he moved, he now held the capital to back up his words.


His feet slammed into the ice and suddenly the ground collapsed under him as he landed. The meters of accumulated snowfall fell in and revealed a dark tunnel below. Lineir barely batted an eye as he caught an outcropping of ice before going down. His eyes turned red with Madness as his mind calculated his odds.

"Oh? Is this another entrance to the ice tunnels? I'll remember that for later, this one doesn't appear to be underwater at least." He said as he one handed pulled himself up from the edge and began to run full speed towards Snowfall Citadel which had become visible in the very far distance.

"Alright. I'm tired of hiding around like a scared cat. This time, I'm not going to play around. It's time the Jin Clan learns what real justice is." He smiled wryly as his pace increased. "I'm sure the two brothers have already returned and warned the upper leadership of the clan that they've made an enemy. However, they'll be on the lookout for a junior, they won't really expect me to show up knocking on their front door. So I will do just that."

Lineir came up to the high citadel gates. At a hundred meters out, he sprinted towards the gates! A cultivator on the walls barely saw a flicker as Lineir blasted towards the gates,

"Halt! Who are you?" He called out however his face grew shocked as Lineir began to run up the wall. It was not just the fact that Lineir was running up the wall faster than anyone he had ever seen in his life, it was that no one in living memory had had the audacity to scale the walls!

"On the authority of the Jin Clan I order you to halt--!" He tried to call out but Lineir had already ascended the walls!

Taka Taka Taka!!!

His footsteps pinged off the walls as the sky slipped from its position above Lineir's head to in front of him! As he ran up the wall it was as if he was chasing the sky! As he ran numerous magical enchantments began to try to slow him down!


Flaming based attacks similar to the hexagons he had faced in the First Trial on Snowfall Mountain began to erupt off the wall but Lineir was simply too fast!

"Hahaha, who would have thought my time in that stupid Estate would have proved useful experience!" Lineir laughed as a purple enchantment appeared over the entire wall. Suddenly his feet were gripped by a great weight greatly slowing his charge up the wall!

"Oh? Trying to play with gravity with such little skill?" He cocked an eyebrow and suddenly each of his steps was covered in the weight of Darkness.


The wall shattered in as Lineir's feet took on a weight and density far beyond flesh and bone. It was as if massive sledgehammers were smashing into the wall and completely ignoring the defensive enchantments as he walked up with callous disdain for the automatic defenses.

"Darkness Laws! I think it's him! That's the one Jayi warned us about! All Jin Clan members sound the alarm! The Citadel is actually under attack!" Shocked cries rang out as Lineir's rapid ascent was finally noticed. This all happened in split seconds as cultivator's reacted at inhuman speeds. Even the higher ups in the Jin Clan took notice as the alarm began to ring. However, they paid it no mind. They had people for dealing with small fry and while this was unusual, it didn't warrant them coming out of their homes.

"The higher ups don't seem to care even though I'm about to breach their walls in such an overly hostile way. Typical overbearing clan, it really is true that no matter where you walk you will find greedy cockroaches everywhere. Even in the Divine Realm you find fools like this that won't react when I'm at their doorstep. This is already their second mistake." Lineir ascended the top of the massive city walls. He swatted the spears and tapestries of the Jin Clan aside like they weren't there.

"Their second mistake? What was their first?" Mei asked as Lineir drew Mei from his back and leap high up into the sky with a flourish of his Phoenix Flame Wings. To the cultivators on the top of the wall below it was as if a true Phoenix had suddenly appeared in the sky above the city. With the sun at his back Lineir looked into the snowy city and exclaimed into the chilly air,

"Their first mistake was pissing me off! Jin Clan! Knock...KNOCK!!!!!"

His voice boomed across the whole city infused with Qi and all looked up to see what seemed a small figure on the city walls. The cultivators and even many of the "mortals" in the Higher Realms could easily make out the winged figure which brandished a black blade in defiance of the city walls. This was the symbol of authority of the city, and thus the Jin Clan's greatest pride. However, today this would all come to an end,

"Who dares challenge the Jin Clan in the Snowfall Region!!!!!!!!!!!!"

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