Chapter 91-Erasing The Mark

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"This Divine Ruby Rose can serve as a core for the lost spirit in the sword you wield!" The face thundered and it was as if the thunderous voice had reached right into Lineir's soul! Immediately he prostrated himself on the floor of the Necropolis.

"This junior thanks you for your favor. However...ahem..this junior is uncultured and does not know how to use such an item...?" Lineir awkwardly half stated half asked from the ground. The face however chuckled,

"I already told you there is no need for formalities. And I am merely an echo. What I do is of no consequence, I am merely fulfilling my purpose. As for your question, simply place the Divine Ruby Rose near the blade and have your lost spirit come out. will need to collect materials for the rest of the body first, the Divine Ruby Rose, will only serve as the most valuable core. It is a miraculous heavenly treasure but it cannot supply a physical body. You will need to obtain the materials for the reconstitution of a body on your own, I possess none of them here. I do sense however, that you have some Five Phoenix Rebirth Pills on your body. Those should supply most of the necessary energy and materials if you use them as the basis. As for the rest... I will include a list of materials and their substitutes which may suffice for creating a body on the level of your lost spirit's old one." The Divine Ruby Rose floated into Lineir's hands as well as another jade slip detailing aspects of items which could help rebuild Mei's body.

"Now then. I've said what needs to be said. Perhaps we will meet again, perhaps not. Hopefully so, now I will send you away. My teleportation is...inexact as you may have experienced. The special turbulence on this planet has become unusually disrupted due to the collapse of many of the Pillars supporting this dimension. I will send you close to the town of your birth, you will have to find the way back yourself. Oh....and young man...I suggest you hurry. This world will quickly degenerate as Fate's plan has long since been broken. The only way to truly protect those close to to keep them close. Good luck." The face finished speaking and suddenly Lineir was once again pulled upon by the void. He entered it willingly as chains of purple runes bound him up and pierced a hole out of the dimensions!


"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Lineir was assailed by the sharp tears in the special tunnel. Bouncing around the void, he however, noticed that this time the damage he took was much less. Apparently his time spent in the special tunnel, as well as the partial awakening of the Red Qi had changed his body for the better. He even had the mental capacity to communicate with Mei,

"Master! Isn't this great news! I didn't expect to be able to resurrect you so soon!" He mentally cheered, but Mei simply snorted,

"This is indeed great news kiddo. But...I've taken a look at the materials required to reform my body. All of them are either exceedingly rare Heaven-Step treasures, or precious Divine level treasures! Where the hell are you going to find them around here in this backwater dump! Do you think these kinds of things are just lying around on every crappy planet just because you've been stumbling upon legacies left and right?? How about you stop finding legacies and start finding treasures huh?? I'll be doomed to continue my suffering until you ascend to the Divine Realm at the very least." She sniffled a little as a lady might after losing her shopping bag and Lineir was aghast. Sometimes he forgot how immature Mei was underneath her jaded exterior.

"I swear it has something to do with her Dao..." He mumbled quietly under his breath. Mei quickly picked up on it,

"What was that?" She said incensed but a second later Lineir was thrust back into the real world as the special tunnel once again unceremoniously spat him face down into the dirt!


Even Lineir's hardened constitution felt a jolt from the impact and he could only scramble to his knees cursing the runic face for having such poor special control.

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