Chapter 117-Star Stream Lake Pt.6

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Happy Thanksgiving guys, wish I could be with family the last couple of days! Ugh my laptop is breaking, refusing to charge. T_T; Thanks to all the readers who voted and commented over the Turkey Break!

On another note, if you all enjoy the series, please do tell your friends who enjoy wuxia about it as well and share since I spend all my time writing the series and 0% of my time marketing it lol.

"Is there a problem?" Lineir looked at the guard in an innocent fashion. A million possibilities flashed through him in that moment and he felt the chilling numbness which accompanied the descent of Madness in his eyes begin to form. However a second later his worries were dispelled,

"You're a cultivator right? Watch yourself in the city, the Jie Clan will brook absolutely no fighting within city limits! The punishment is death for commoners and cultivators are no exception. You've been warned!" The guard said sternly to Lineir with no fear despite the fact that he knew Lineir was a cultivator. "Additionally, there will be an auction soon for cultivators. If you have enough money or treasures to bid or buy then visit the Six Hearts Treasure Pavilion in the coming week and enjoy yourself. All cultivators are welcome though you'll have to stand if you can't afford a seat. That's it, trouble." 

Lineir nodded and clasped his hands before continuing on his way as if he was a monk. He soon found himself wandering the city sampling the various mortal delicacies in Snowfall Citadel. Using simple mortal currency such as silver and gold he enjoyed skewers of succulent meat and the purest of drinks, be they nectar or liquor. He found them all to be excellent as they were grown in the Higher Realms and benefited from the rich and natural Qi which permeated the water, earth, and air.

"Excellent...truly excellent! After so long running around it is nice to enjoy a moment where no enemies are pursuing me. However, I cannot tarry long here. I wonder, should I attend the auction? I have no currency although I have many treasures from cultivators. My treasures are all from the Lower Realms and I doubt they have much value here. Perhaps I should go to the proving ground first?" Lineir wondered whether he should wait for the auction or not. It had been a long time since he'd had the luxury of waiting somewhere as he was always running from something or pursuing something. After some time, he decided to forgo attending the auction. The proving grounds had far more rewards and while he could certainly use some new treasures, he mostly relied on his swords rather than any supplementary treasures.

Lineir spent the next several hours searching the city for supplies and food. Where he could he payed for them in mortal currency, and if he was searching for certain items which only cultivators had, he would exchange various monster cores and treasures which he had looted from the Chosen of the 1000 Cups Trial. Eventually, after his quick shopping spree ended, he exited the city from another gate and smiled as he viewed the numerous guards on the walls.

"This side of the Citadel facing the mountains contains far more guards than any other side. Clearly they fear the monsters descending from the mountainside. I wonder if attacks are common? The city seems peaceful enough." 

As Lineir walked out of the gates he was left alone. Several other adventurers wandered out and were heading to the mountain, but Lineir quickly distanced himself from them with a burst of speed. There was no telling who was trustworthy in the isolated mountains, and besides, he was looking to obtain a legacy which he had no intention of sharing.

The winding trail was long but pleasant to travel upon. Eventually, Lineir found himself lost upon the road, following the mental map which the Snow Empress had left him. He activated his stealth techniques and simply drifted along steadily cultivating as night fell. Since he had already decided to miss the auction, he felt no pressure at all to really hurry and spent several hours making his way to the base of the mountains.

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