Chapter 194-The Young Master

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Sorry for the slowdown, just so tired that I can't write. Also working hard on another project right now. Thank's for commenting and reading as always!

"Don't you think there should be more opponents?" Lineir remarked to Xiao Gui as they traveled through another long dark hallway, half a kilometer wide to find no resistance whatsoever. As a matter of fact, besides a few serving maids and butlers they hadn't come across any cultivators whatsoever. Xiao Gui snorted,

"That's because everyone with a brain has clearly been warned about us. They probably saw us fight through a sentry enchantment. In any case I can sense several presences fleeing the city. If we can't wrangle the knowledge you need from the Sectmaster, it'll be a simple matter for me to track them down. No evil can escape me if I don't want it to." She said confidently and though Lineir had seen a demonstration of her strength firsthand he still felt a bit nervous. What if the Sectmaster didn't know the method to deal with the seal on his sister's soul orb? He would need to find someone who did and he didn't like that those particular people who would know were currently fleeing here with all possible speed! "Oho...I sense somebody stronger than the elders nearby. Must be the Sectmaster, though he's only Middle Celestial King Realm. I was expecting Late Celestial King due to the vast number of souls he's consumed, how odd. If he failed his cultivation he wouldn't have such a vigorous cultivation after practicing such a dark art. How strange..." Her voice drifted off as they turned the corner and came upon an enormous room in the depths of the expansive palace.

"Welcome..." The Netherworld Refinement Sect's leader was waiting for them inside the main hall. He was a short stooped man of greater than average width in baggy black robes. The beetlelike emblem of the sect was prominent on his chest and shoulders. In his hands a strange Warhammer of dark ebony wood was held. More a mallet than a weapon of war, however Lineir could sense that it contained a great amount of Death Qi in its reflective interior. He expected the man to immediately attack, but instead, the Netherworld Refinement leader did nothing but stand there and greet them.

"Evildoer! Come here! We have some questions to ask you." Xiao Gui immediately commanded. Naturally the man in question did not so much as take a single step. Instead he pulled out a pure black glassy orb which he quickly activated. The entire hall was bathed in energy as a massive pentagram formation on the floor activated. Shadows swirled and the whole area was locked inside a great domelike cage.

"You might have succeeded in getting what you want from me. But you young ones have messed with the wrong Sect. Do you really think a 2nd Rank Sect would have no backing? Prepare to enter the Yellow Springs idiots!" The man yelled as Lineir looked around. He didn't feel too much worry. Xiao Gui wasn't even paying any attention to the formation. It was too weak to enter her eyes. It was the footsteps from behind the Sect leader which drew her attention. Her eyebrows cocked as a strange look entered her eyes.

Tap Tap Tap

"You can't even handle a little soul collecting? Well, let's see these intruders. If they're not strong, you won't have a mouth to cry wolf next time." The cocky voice of a young man came into the room. Lineir craned his neck to see as Xiao Gui actually looked a bit weird. Before the voice could even enter the room she attacked! Her midnight sword left her sheathe and an infinitely quick sword Qi slash hit all directions.


The dark formation disappeared in a puff of screaming souls as the whole palace suddenly tilted to the side, the strike had severed many supporting sections and had traveled through the corridors. She didn't even bother to target the Netherworld Refinement Sect's leader whose jaw almost hit the floor as he ducked down on the ground and cowered. Somewhere, the unseen owner of the voice yelped and then hurried footsteps were heard, this time running away from the room. The master had beat a hasty retreat,

"What the hell! Sect Master you idiot why didn't you tell me the intruders were at such a high realm! Don't bother showing your face again before the clan!" Xiao Gui calmly put away her sword though Lineir was curious. It was not like her to annihilate the enemy without even confronting them.

"Hmmm whoever it was just activated a teleportation formation which self-destructed. I don't think we'll be seeing him again. Why don't you go interrogate this crony, Lineir?" She sat down primly and Lineir shrugged. He walked up to the Netherworld Refinement Sect's leader who was still on the ground, almost kowtowing in fear now that his master had left him for dead. He was shaking and Lineir grimaced, kicking his backside to flip him over.

"Yah!!" The old man yelled as he turned over and held his hands up, "What do you want to know? I'll tell you anything as long as it isn't related to my master!" He was shivering in fear. Though he had no loyalty to his master who had abandoned him, he was truly terrified that these strange young masters of unfathomable power would insist on learning the secrets of his Sect. After all, why else would they have come and attacked a mere 2nd Rank Sect in a backwater? His Sect only collected the souls of mortals afterall so they would almost never offend anyone of strength. He reasoned that the master must have done something to draw their attention and now he was paying the price. The dog being slain due to the sins of the master so to speak.

"Relax...we don't care about your master." Xiao Gui said and the man glanced at her realizing that the young man in front of him was only Late Divine Realm. The strange girl with the sword was the real powerhouse here. His trembling relaxed somewhat and he hardened his heart.

"What do you want to know then?" He said confused. Perhaps this was some trick? But it wouldn't matter. If he truly said anything about the young master then he would be killed by a curse seal.

"This Soul Orb. It's from one of your Sect's collection branches. I need you to tell me the method to release the seal so I can access the souls within." Lineir said while holding out the precious orb in his hand. He didn't let it get too close to the old man who he did not trust.

"Oh? A mere Soul Orb Seal Technique? Absolutely! Here take it!" The old man didn't even bother trying to haggle. He quickly handed over a refined jade which Lineir took and scanned.

"You're sure this is the correct method? If there's any'll be in one of these Soul Orbs for the rest of eternity." Lineir menacingly cracked his knuckles but the sect master just grimaced.

"We only use one standard kind of Soul Orb so relax. That is definitely the method. Try it and find out!" He raised his hands and Lineir meditated on the method making sure there were no mistakes. It was astonishingly simple, just a matter of the proper Qi passageways being unlocked. With his understanding of Darkness Qi, he learned it almost instantly. His hand hovered over the Soul Orb, then a web of black poisonous hex marks drifted up from the glassy surface.

Netherworld Refinement Seal – Release!

"See! It's absolutely the real-" The Sect Master was proclaiming his cause when suddenly Xiao Gui flicked her finger and a bolt of sword Qi slew him without warning!

"What are you doing!?" Lineir said panickly. He covered the Soul Orb with his hand which fortunately appeared to be fully unsealed. "What if he had been lying, couldn't you wait to kill him until we were sure?"

"Evil scum like him deserves to die. You have no idea the things he did. Besides, I sensed the lifting of the technique. When you get to my level you'll see." She said as if it was nothing and Lineir sighed. He had no way of controlling this fiery expert anyway. And it was as she said, the seal truly was released. All that remained was for him to find the correct ingredients in the future to build a body for his sister!

"Fine...lets go." 

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