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"You did good, doll. You made Daddy proud. Now get out. There's things I need to do," Joker growled against the woman's lips.

She huffed, this being the fifth or so time J had brushed her off after sex. But what else did she expect? Tender cuddling? Affection? A proposal? As if.

Joker watched appreciatively as the woman got up and out of the bed, bending over to put on her panties and such. He too stood and pulled on his pants, buckling his belt slowly as he approached the woman whose name he'd forgotten (again).

"I'll call you later doll," he purred, slapping her ass as he strode out of the hotel room bare chested.

He smirked the whole ride down to the lobby, sated and smug. The hotel he took girls to was far too cowardly to rat him out to the cops or the Bat for fear of what he'd do in retaliation, which was a good thing considering Madeline made it impossible to bring women back to the mansion anymore.

The purple Lamborghini was waiting outside when Joker exited the hotel. He climbed into his sleek beauty and zoomed back home after nearly five hours with what's-her-face at the hotel. He couldn't help but wonder how Eddy had fared with teaching Maddie. She seemed stubborn enough with him, and he had bribed her to cooperate.

We did warn him about her.

Yeah, the egomaniac was too stupid to listen. Not our problem.

Still. Maybe we should check up on him. Just to remind him that if the task is too much he can always quit. J snickered, wanting to torment the super genius some more. He dialed the number on a disposable phone as he flew down the road.

"Who are you and what do you want?" Riddler groaned through the phone. J immediately started cackling.

"What's the matter, Eddy boy, too worn out to even give me a riddle?" Joker laughed.

"Here's a riddle for you, clown. Why don't you take your attitude and shove it up your ass?" Edward growled.

"Woah, there Eddy. Chill out. Temper temper. Did she really get you that worked up? She's just a little girl, after all," J chuckled.

"I don't want to hear any of your bullshit, Joker. You're raising a little terror over there and you know it," Riddler protested.

"Giving up already, Eddy? I thought you'd at least last a week. Clearly I was wrong about your capabilities," J teased.

"I can definitely handle her. I was just unprepared for Madeline. Now I know what to expect and how to go about completing my task," Riddler defended.

"Whatever you need to tell yourself. I just wanted to make sure that she hadn't killed you yet. I'll see you tomorrow at nine Edward," J sighed as he hung up, rolling down his window and tossing out the phone after.

That's upsetting. I was hoping she'd killed him.

Weren't we all? Joker asked himself. Time to go home and see how successful he was.

Meanwhile, Madeline was practicing writing her letters with Andy and Tommy up in her bedroom. They had been pleased by her progress and gently encouraged her to show them all that she knew. So now she was practicing letters.

"Do you know how to spell your name, Madeline?" Andy asked.

"Not really. But I can try!" She said brightly.

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