Crazy Crush

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Love is a funny thing, isn't it? It strikes completely randomly, sometimes at the most inopportune of moments. It attracts people to each other and can sometimes blind them to the truth, often to the fact that the object of their affections loves them back (or doesn't).

But despite all of love's trickery and deception, it is still hands down the best feeling in the world to experience.

Cupid's sweet arrow has finally hit young Madeline, daughter of the "heartless" clown, and believed to be even more ruthless than he.

And the lucky receiver? Boy Wonder.

Yes, the protégée of the Batman himself has captured the delicate heart of the so-called Mistress of Death.

Her first time battling Robin was a strange affair. Initially, she remained unaffected by his charms, and fought him as hard as she would any other target. Then, as an explosion rocked the warehouse they were battling on, Maddie lost her footing and tumbled towards the edge of the roof.

Just before she could fall to her demise, Robin darted forward and grabbed her arm, stopping her momentum. The pair locked eyes for a moment that lasted a lifetime before he finally began pulling her up.

As they sat, crouched, looking intently in each other's eyes, Joker called out for Maddie, and she, realizing herself, leapt away. And as their van drove them away, she continued to stare at the rooftop where a lone figure stood, silhouetted by the twinkling stars.

Since then, the teen has been unable to think about anyone or anything else. The boy with the baby blues has been haunting her every waking moment, and every sleeping one too. She dreamed about him cuddling her late at night, keeping her warm. She dreamed about fucking cuddling!

The whole situation is preposterous, and Maddie can clearly see that. She knows how ridiculous her feelings are. In fact, she thinks that the idea that she even has feelings is outlandish. Let alone for her enemy.

She shudders to think how her father would react to such notions. His daughter, who he won't even openly admit he loves, harboring feelings for the sidekick of his mortal enemy.

He'd flip his shit. Hell, his shit would flip its shit.

Trying to shake her feelings, Madeline resolves that next time she runs into Boy Wonder, she's gonna kick his skinny ass.

The next encounter doesn't go any better for her.

While Batman and Joker are duking it out, naturally she and Robin are left to fight amongst themselves. For a solid ten seconds they stare at each other, unsure what to do.

Eventually Maddie remembers her vow and snarls, running at Robin and tackling him to the floor. His initial shock allows this, but he quickly reorients himself and rolls them over so he's on top.

Immediately, Maddie tries to switch them back, lunging upwards. This causes her hips to roll up into his as he resists her strength and holds her down by her wrists above her head.

She realizes just what she's done after she registers the lump in his tight spandex. Blushing furiously, she squirms around as she tries fruitlessly to escape his grasp.

Robin, being a teenage boy, is unable to control his body's reaction to her stimulation, and hardens in his own suit, having to hold in moans as he tries to keep his composure. He hisses through clenched teeth as her hips surge up again, slamming right into his hard-on.

She definitely recognizes his boner this time, as she looks up at him in shock. He blushes and shrugs, and now Maddie can no longer ignore her own body's reaction to their movements. She panics at her arousal and struggles immensely. I have to get out of here.

At her obvious distress, Robin loosens his grip and allows her to roll out from under him.

Unfortunately for them, Joker isn't oblivious to their interaction. He saw every second of it and he is furious. He manages to knock out Batman in his rage and comes for his sidekick next, kicking him hard in the back of his unsuspecting head.

Joker's laugh is the last thing Robin hears before collapsing in Maddie's lap. She quickly catches him and braces them both on the concrete floor, looking up at her dad fearfully.

"Van. Now," the criminal growls. Maddie doesn't protest, but her quick glance at the boy in her lap tells Joker all he needs to know. "I won't kill him, sweetheart. Not yet. I'm just gonna hurt him. A lot."

Maddie flinches at the comment, curling protectively over her enemy's body.

"He's just a kid," she says quietly.

"So was I, once. And so was Batman," Joker responds. "Get in the fucking van."

"No! Not if you're gonna hurt him!" Maddie protests.

"What the fuck is your problem? Are you on your period or something?" Joker demands.

"No! But he saved my life, Dad!" She defends.

"So what? He and Batsy both would happily beat you and throw you in jail sooner than you could blink," he reminds her.

"I don't want you to hurt him," Madeline admits. "He saved me, and..."

"And what?" J deadpans.

"I like him, okay?" Maddie yells. "I like him. He was nice to me when he didn't need to be and he pulled his punches today and he's just really cute and I can't stop thinking about him!"

Both remain silent, in shock at what she jut said. I can't believe I just told my dad that I think Robin is cute. And that I can't stop thinking about him.

"Now he's dead," Joker finally says, whipping out his pistol.

"Dad no!" Maddie screams, covering Robin's vitals with her own.

"Maddie, move right now. Once he's gone you'll get over it and you won't want to leave me for him anymore," Joker orders calmly.

"It's just a crush, Dad! I don't want to leave you for him, I just met him! And besides, you shouldn't kill him because of my feelings. He saved my life, so I owe him," she reasons.

After a long moment of firm stares, Joker finally lowers his weapon, tucking it away in his coat.

"Come away, now, Madeline. I won't shoot him, and I'm a man of my word. Today, he lives so long as you go with me now," J bargains.

Breathing a sigh of relief, Maddie nods and gets up, lowering Robin to the floor. She takes Joker's hand and follows him to their van, where she knows a long talk probably awaits. But at least the cute boy is still alive.

Meanwhile, after the van pulls away, Robin sits up in the warehouse and smirks. So she thinks I'm cute, huh?

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