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"Well, well, well. If it isn't the Batman," Riddler laughed. "I thought you didn't need my help? You'd rather throw me in Arkham! Oh wait, you've already done that."

"Enough, Riddler. Your overdramatics are why no one ever wants to work with you," Batman sighed.

"Again, Batman. If you wish to get information from someone, you probably shouldn't insult them," Riddler growled.

"Where is Madeline?" Batman asked, ignoring Riddler's statement.

"What ever do you mean?" Riddler chuckled.

Bruce lost his temper and picked Riddler up, slamming him into the wall.

"Temper, temper," he chided. "If I had taken the girl, don't you think that a riddle would've popped up by now? I always give my victims a chance to be saved by someone of higher intelligence before I use them for my own devices. And besides, why would I steal the clown's sloppy seconds? I've already gotten my revenge, courtesy of you."

"Then who the hell took Madeline?" Bruce yelled, temper flaring. "If it wasn't you, and it wasn't Joker, who else could or would slip into Bruce Wayne's mansion and steal her without a trace? Who would have the motive, or the means?"

"If you're asking for my opinion you won't get it. But I will give you a riddle. Don't ever say I'm not merciful," Riddler smirked. "What little minx would know Madeline and Bruce Wayne enough to sneak in and sink their claws in her?"

Bruce stepped back, realizing who he meant. "Selina."

"So you do have a brain," Edward gasped. "But I'm afraid it won't be as simple as all that. She and Pamela have moved since you two last had a romantic altercation."

Batman frowned, tilting his head in displeasure. How does Riddler know about Selina and I?

"Don't get such a look on your face, Batman. Haven't I already proven myself a genius? It wasn't hard to figure out," Riddler chuckled. "Plus, villains talk. Especially about things like that. You spoken to Talia recently?"

Refusing to acknowledge Riddler's apparent intimate knowledge of his romantic (or more accurately, sex) life, Bruce dropped him to the floor and left through the open door, which he closed behind him with a slam. This did not stop him from hearing Riddler's mocking laughter and Joker's infuriated yelling as he stormed out of the asylum.


Frost had designated a club of Joker's as the meeting place. Given what had happened, he was slightly distrustful of the couple, as he knew that they wanted Madeline out of Joker's grasp. He didn't blame them, but that didn't stop him from being suspicious of their miraculous safety from arrest during the raid. All in all, he thought it would be safer to rendezvous in the club, which was full of weapons and Joker's people, making a getaway easy.

Andy and Tommy sat down across from Johnny in the gold booth in the VIP section. Drew looked slightly uneasy, but Thomas had a solid pokerface, and tried to calm his boyfriend by placing a hand on his knee. This did not soothe Andy in the slightest (in fact, it worked him up), but when Tom began rubbing small circles on the inside of his knee, he eventually settled down under Johnny and Tommy's watchful eyes.

"Why don't we address the elephant in the room?" Tommy announced. Frost lifted an eyebrow and Andy looked nervous. "You think we're behind the raid."

Andy began to stutter profusely to do damage control, but Frost halted him with a wave of his hand.

"It crossed my mind," he admitted.

"We were just as surprised to find that it had happened as you. Joker ordered us out of the house that day," Tommy explained. "Of course, that doesn't convince you, so let me just point something out. If we orchestrated it to free Madeline, why would we let you and the boss come right back in and take her? We would have high tailed it out of town with her if that were the case. Plus, we're not idiots. We know that the consequences for such a transgression would be worse than death."

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