Squad Up (Pt 2)

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While they wait for Douchebag to come back after they changed, they have a little team chat.

Diablo says something that gets Maddie thinking. "We're being led to our deaths."

The rest of the guys seem to brush it off and crack jokes at his expense. Maddie, one of the saner of the bunch, can't help but feel worried.

Are we all really gonna wind up dead at the end of this?

She wishes all the harder for her daddy to be her hero again and get Harley and her out of this mess.

And even with all their provoking and Deadshot's ominous warning about his potential, Diablo remains firm that he won't be torching anything if he can help it.

Such a pacifist. I wonder why...

Maddie can see that Harley is also intrigued by his adamancy, her inner psychologist aching to pick his brain and unravel the thread. But that will have to happen later, as right now that same hardass from before is returning with an iPad.

"Behold the voice of God," he drawls in that subtle accent, holding up the screen for them all to see.

An older black woman appears on it, scowling. Maddie suspects that it's probably RBF. Or she could just be a bitch.

"For those of you who don't know me officially, my name is Amanda Waller," she greets flatly. Oh this is going to be a real party, Maddie scoffs inwardly. Not. "There's an active terrorist event in Midway City. I want you to enter the city, rescue HVT-1, and get them to safety."

"I'm sorry," Deadshot interrupts, asking what they're all thinking. "For those of us who don't speak good guy, what is HVT-1?"

"The only person that matters in the city. The one person you can't kill," Waller explains. "Complete the mission and you get time off your prison sentences. Fail the mission—you die. Anything happens to Colonel Flag, I'll kill every single one of you. Remember, I'm watching. I see everything."

"Well that certainly brightens the mood," Maddie mutters, Harley snickering in agreement.

"There's your pep talk," Flag deadpans, trying to be hot shit with his sunglasses on.

"Compared to your shit, she killed it," Deadshot replies, hopefully knocking the Colonel down a couple pegs. "So that's it? We some kind of Suicide Squad?"

"I'll notify your next of kin," Flag snorts.

He would be cute if he weren't such an asshole, Madeline muses, tilting her head contemplatively as she blatantly checks him out.

"Mad, what the hell are you lookin at?" Flag demands as he spots the girl eyeing him.

"You," she responds shortly, not even a bit embarrassed. "I'm trying to figure out how far up your ass someone shoved that stick. I bet if you pulled it out you'd be a spot happier, sunshine, but you're an eyeful as is."

She winks at him cheekily before he shakes himself out of it and stalks away, looking pissier than before, if that's possible.

Flag starts shouting orders at his men as the rest of the criminals stare at Maddie for her comment, Harley included.

"Oh come on, we were all thinking it!" She groans.

"Oh I know, but I sure as hell wasn't checkin him out, sweetie," Deadshot scoffs. "Bet your daddy wouldn't be too happy to hear that."

"Well he's not here right now, is he?" Maddie snaps. "Are you gonna tell him?"

"I'm no snitch, baby, but I'm not dumb either. Your old man's got eyes everywhere," Deadshot replies, looking around and subtly ending on Harley.

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