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Clouds gathered ominously in the sky over Wayne Manor, the accumulating masses threatening to let loose their weights in a potential torrential downpour. The horizon line consisted almost entirely of dark gray giants, looming in wait of the time when they'd be allowed to drop their rain like spare change, the water tumbling and falling to the ground, the impact so harsh it leaves a permanent ringing in the air.

Contrary to the beliefs of the weatherman, it very well could storm tonight. It most definitely would. The mission J was embarking on became a thousand times more important.

Get in, get the cat, and get it back to Maddie before the storm starts so she doesn't have another panic attack.

The lordly lumps acted as a spectral backdrop for the stately mansion that the Joker was approaching. They seemed to hover as if in warning over the scene, worrying at it like mother hens.

Joker disregarded nature's warning in favor of going after a certain stuffed cat left behind by a troubled little girl.

J scaled the building the same way he did the first time he returned Smiles, using window ledges and gutters as footholds to clamber up the side of the building like a spider monkey. Selina would be impressed.

It didn't take much to get up to the second story window of the room Madeline had stayed in, even with the high ceilings making the difference between stories larger. He wasn't surprised to find the window unlocked yet again, as Bruce was an infernal idiot that yearned to be robbed, clearly.

J used his exceptional upper body strength to shove the window open, bicep muscles flexing in the moonlight as they worked to push the window up. Then his pale fingers claimed the ledge and clamped down as he pulled himself up and through the window frame.

Joker tumbled to the floor and gracefully rolled to halt in a crouch. He gave the room a cursory glance before he stood and shook out his coat, the thunder beginning to growl and grumble outside.

Even in the darkness he was able to spot the black cat sat delicately on top of the freshly made bed. Freshly made? Wait, if they made the bed and put Smiles on top, clearly she wasn't left here in a rush by Madeline. And even if she was, the bed was made and they found the cat, but didn't give her back? Why would they—

J's eyes darted up as he realized that he wasn't alone in the room. He'd seen the black cat, but had failed to locate the black bat.

A whoosh was heard as Batman swooped to the floor, Joker ducking and rolling away before he sprang to his feet on the other side of the room.

"I'm impressed, Batsy, you managed to be the one that's a step ahead for once," J chuckled. His smile dropped angrily. "But you made a big mistake using my girl to get to me."

"You need to be stopped so you'll finally leave that poor girl alone," Batman growled. "You're not getting her back. She's going to live a good life now, without you in it."

"That's where you're wrong Bats," Joker interjected. "I know she's too good for me, and I don't want her back. But I will always be in her life."

"Not when you're in Arkham," Bruce replied before diving towards Joker.

J dodged his hit and pulled a switchblade from his sleeve, the blade hissing as it sprung out and clicked into place. He managed to slice a shallow wound in Batman's side before the hero turned and went to punch Joker. The blow glanced off of J as he jumped to the side and right into Batman's other fist. A chuckle escaped his lips before he could stop it. The pain just hurt so good.

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