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Joker couldn't stop his heart from pounding as he saw the little feet clad in green sandals dangling through the hole in the ceiling. How the fuck did Madeline wind up with Selina? Unless... she must've been the one that swiped her in the first place!

Sneaky bitch.

But she's a good sneaky little kitty! She brought us our girl!

I haven't missed the two of you at all. The silence was so good for that week and a half it lasted.

At that point, all but Maddie's head had been lowered, with her arms raised above her head in Selina's grasp. The body sunk lower, lower, lower, until Madeline's beaming face finally became visible to her daddy. It's been too long since I've seen her pretty face.

As cliché as it sounds, time seemed to slow down for the two of them as they locked eyes for the first time in more than a week. It was the longest they'd gone without seeing each other since Joker had picked her up what felt like so long ago. A genuine smile graced the madman's face for the first time in a long time. He hadn't smiled so wide and meant it in what had to have been years. Usually only a good run-in with Batsy left him so pleased. Now he found himself dreading the caped crusader's inevitable arrival, another first for the psychopath. It was the first time that the threat of the Batman actually fucking terrified him.

Joker stood from his corner and dashed over to the dropping girl, taking her from Selina's straining hands and taking her—finally—back into his. Where she belonged.

Madeline squealed in pure joy and flung her arms around his neck, squeezing enough to choke, but Joker didn't care because he had his girl back after what felt like forever.

"Princess," he sighed into her hair. She giggled happily and he had to pull back to gently shush her, reminding her of where they were and the mission that she had undertaken.

"I'm here to save you," Maddie said gravely, a serious expression on her face. "Master Wayne wouldn't let me come see you so Auntie Selina broke me out and took me back to her and Aunt Ivy's place to plan your escape."

"I knew I could count on you, babygirl," Joker grinned, amused by her serious attitude about rescuing him. He didn't need rescuing, in fact—oh shit. Frost.

In his surprise about Madeline's miraculous arrival, he'd completely forgotten that Frost was about to burst into the asylum, guns blazing in order to break him out. Fuck. What am I going to do now with Madeline here?

It was going to be hard enough to escape on his own through the pandemonium, let alone while protecting his little girl. Fucking shitballs. The bomb!

"Catwoman! You need to get the fuck out of here right now!" Joker yelled as he snapped up his head towards the ventilation shaft.

"What? Why?" Selina asked, confused.

"Frosty is about to lead my men in here to destroy this place! There are bombs and my gas all in the ventilation shafts!" He shouted, not caring about the guards, as they would be dead soon anyway.

"Bombs? Gas? We didn't run into anything like that on the way in," she protested with wide eyes.

"Does it matter? They're there! Get out! I've got her!" J ordered.

"Alright, alright. Take care, kitten!" Selina called as she went back the way she came.

Maddie had been watching the exchange with mounting dread. Frosty's coming? With men? And guns? And bombs? Does Daddy want me to fight again? I can't do that again, I can't. I can't kill anyone. What if I get taken from him? Or what if he gets hurt or captured again?

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