Found You (Pt 2)

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Robin woke up in a dingy concrete room, presumably a cell of some sort. Trying to remain as still as possible, he took in the details of his surroundings. Tough rope tied his hands behind the chair he was sitting in. Tightness in his shins would indicate that they were tied down as well. He could still feel his mask on his head, so hopefully his identity was still safe. However, a quick check of his waist showed that his utility belt had been confiscated.

Maddie is probably safe if I'm here. Joker wants Madeline, and he knows that Batman knows where she is, but he doesn't know that I know. I need to keep it that way.

Delirious laughter echoed off the walls, announcing the Joker's arrival. Dick steeled himself, preparing for the worst. I only need to hold out long enough for Bruce to find me.

"Tweet tweet little birdie," the clown taunted, entering Robin's field of vision. "Don't fret too much, Birdbrain. I just want Batman to tell me where he put my stuff. We're gonna get him on the phone and have a little chat. Once he tells me what I want to know, you're free to go."

"And what happens if he doesn't?" Robin asked lowly.

"Let's not talk about that right now. I don't wanna get too excited," Joker cackled.

Maddie was with Bruce and Alfred when the phone in the Bat Cave rang. Tensing up, Batman shooed she and Alfred out of the camera's line of sight and picked up the video call.

"Morning, Batsy boy! Did you sleep well?" Joker laughed, sending shivers up Maddie's spine.

"Let's cut to the chase, Joker. You have Robin. What do you want?" Batman sighed.

"You know what I want, Batman. Where. Is. She?" Joker growled.

"You know I can't tell you that. She's safe. That's all you need to know," Bruce replied evenly.

"You know damn well you're wrong!" Joker shouted. "I love that little girl and I did everything I could for her!"

"Like pistol whipping her and forcing her to help you commit crimes?" Batman scoffed.

"That was before," Joker protested.

"Before what? Can you honestly say that you had good intentions when you kidnapped her?" Bruce wondered.

"Kidnapped her? I saved her from a life alone on the street! Her dad was dead and her mom was nowhere to be found!" J yelled in rage.

"Well you found and killed her easily enough," Batman pointed out.

"Don't get into that shit with me. Susan was a horrible woman that would have let Maddie die alone in the streets," Joker snarled. "I cared about that little girl more than life itself! You just couldn't stand to see me happy. And if I didn't love her, I wouldn't still be searching for her after all this time."

"You don't deserve happiness after all you've done," Batman growled.

Maddie stood shell shocked beside Alfred. She had never heard of any of this before. She'd always assumed that Joker wanted her back to kill or torture her, or to drive her to madness. But it was becoming clear that he had no desire to hurt her, and that Bruce would sooner let himself and Dick die before he'd let Joker have her again.

Though while Joker would never hurt her, she was sure that if Batman continued to be stubborn, he would gladly maim or kill Robin. Assured of her own safety should she be caught and determined to ensure Dick's, she snuck away from Bruce and Alfred and donned the spare Robin suit. I'll save Dick myself.

Doing what Bruce had yet to do, she activated the tracker in Dick's suit and let it lead her straight to the Joker's lair. Madeline easily took out the guards around the entrance, stealthily breaking into the mansion and following the sound of yelling. Batman and Joker were still bickering when she opened the door, but she could see that it would soon devolve into violence on Joker's part. His finger was twitching on the trigger of his gun, his eyes flipping to the table of knives he'd laid out. Boys, Maddie rolled her eyes.

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