Chapter 3

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With their plan organized and Grene on board, dinner continued without a hitch.

Josanna refused to contribute to the conversation or look at anyone. The longer it went on, the longer they all associated her sudden shyness with guilt.

The hunt was due to start at seven, so they only had an hour of chatting in the living room together. When the time came, Leo and Milo headed off to get changed in the study. They would leave their clothes there, before transforming and heading out.

Grene was heading home with Josanna and would return already transformed.

"Are you sure you're not coming with us?" Milo asked Katarina, as they stood in the study door.

Leo had gone in to get undressed, so that Milo could let him out, after he was transformed.

"I'm tired, so I'm just going to sit in the library and read a book. I promise," she vowed with a smile, standing on her tip toes to kiss him lightly. "But have a good time."

"It won't be the same without you," he complained, putting on a pout for good measure, just to see if he could convince her to change her mind.

Katarina laughed at him, instead.

They'd had a really busy day, mating and making love most of the morning. They had gone for a run in the afternoon, that resulted into their wolves getting well acquainted, enjoying themselves in the sun.

He could tell Katarina was exhausted and all she really wanted was to sleep. For reasons he could well understand, she was going to wait until he was home again, safe and sound. "Alright, but I'm going looking for the strangers. I'm leaving two guards outside, and Algar will be upstairs with my father. If you need anything, you call on me," he demanded, making her smile.

I promise.

I better get changed. He sighed, kissing her lingeringly before stepping back into the room and closing the door.

Milo hated leaving her behind, but the pack wanted a hunt and it had been a while since they had gone out together. No one would notice that Katarina was missing, so she could happily stay in the library and enjoy her new book to her hearts content, without being disturbed.

"Are you sad, leaving her behind?" Leo's voice asked from behind.

He turned to see Leo untying his last shoe. He seemed to be having trouble getting it undone, so Milo went across and gave him a hand. His mind really wasn't on everyday life at the moment and he could understand that.

"Yes and no. I'm happy if she doesn't want to come. If she wants to read in the library, that's up to her, but it won't be the same," Milo shrugged, as he helped Leo off with his shoe.

He was going to have to deal with this true mate dilemma of his soon or the kid would be absolutely useless. Already, he was barely able to control his hands from shaking.

"I'm just worried about what the others will say about her. Because she's not there," he admitted it grudgingly. He knew the more macho of the pack were going to talk about how weak and pathetic they thought she was. But they didn't know the real Katarina and he wanted them to see how talented she was.

Leo guessed where Milo was going with this, so he dug a little deeper. "Like they'll be jumping for joy? Or talk about her behind her back?" he wondered.

"Both," Milo grimaced as he straightened out and gave his shoulders a stretch. "What about you? How are you feeling?" he wondered at the pale look Leo had. His hands were shaking like mad, but at least the worst of his buttons and laces were undone.

The Story of the Exile (The Belesone Pack #2)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt