Chapter 23

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Grene arrived not long after the decorations were organized, bringing with him a gift for the union, as was the human tradition. He also brought Josanna, who looked happy enough when she was with her sister. When she saw Bricia, she just about exploded.

Leo had taken the safest course and decided to hang back and be the photographer. He was using Milo's digital camera to simultaneously film the ceremony and take photographs afterwards.

It was a very formal, proper affair, thanks to Carlton, who had brought a white dress for his daughter to wear. It would symbolize her purity and innocence, at least in theory, for the union. No one bothered mentioning that they had already crossed that bridge. Everyone just appreciated how beautiful Katarina looked in the long, flowing dress with a sweetheart neckline.

Unfortunately, it didn't cover up the bite marks Milo had left on her shoulder. He tried not to meet anyone's eye but Katarina's, as they all noticed the rather obvious mark on her otherwise perfect skin.

Carlton frowned at him as he took Katarina's hand and went to their starting position.

Soft, classical music started from somewhere, stopping them from making their walk down the petal path.

Katarina looked around and Grene gave her a thumbs up, while trying to hide the portable CD player behind his back, with the other hand.

He's obviously been preparing for this for a while, Milo mentioned to his mate, inside his head.

His little wolf flushed and looked up at him with a look that would normally have provoked a few passionate kisses, if not more. But they were about to be united; that could wait for a while. I love you, Milo, Katarina beamed at him as they started walking down the path together.

Quit yapping and keep walking, Leo's voice cut into the conversation.

Milo had to try hard not to let it start him laughing again. He seemed to be having a fit of the giggles today. It was either because of their union, Katarina wearing a white dress of purity and innocence or just because he was astoundingly happy.

Leo had the camera trained on them, so they completed the walk towards Carlton. He was smiling again, his disapproval of the bite marks forgotten.

"Greetings one and all. We are here today, to unite these two souls in mind, body and spirit. Please kneel," he rhymed off the usual beginning to every union and waited.

Milo helped Katarina kick some of her long, flowy dress out from under her so she could kneel down.

Once they were both on their knees, Carlton began the ceremony proper. He opened a small bottle, poured whatever was inside it into his palm and sprinkled what turned out to be dirt into their hair. "From the earth we the earth we shall return. On the earth, we run free," he spoke as he did so.

Milo raised an eyebrow in frustration. He had just fixed his hair and no one had warned them about the dirt. It was just a good job it hadn't gone in his eye. He could only imagine the disaster if they had done this outside, on a windy day.

"I run free with you, Alpha Milo," Katarina smiled at him and Milo smiled back.

"I run free with you Katarina," he returned the sentiment and the ceremony was under way.

Carlton smiled at them and pulled a piece of ribbon from his trouser pocket, one half was dyed pink, the other blue.

"May your union be strong and long living," Carlton began again, wrapping the ribbon around their joined hands. "May you always love one another and be true mates," A second wrapping tightened their clasped hands into each others. "May your children be many, wise, brave and strong," he wished as he finalized the wrapping of the ribbon, with a bow across their palms.

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