Chapter 35

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Constantine was irritated to find that he didn't know why Leo was crying. Was it because the love Angel's mother had found was promising and full of hope? Was it because he longed for his mate? Or was it simply in mourning for the many things his mate's mother had been forced to suffer so young?

"Thus, Angel was created. He had his mothers royal blood and the talents of his famous grandmother. The two most incredible blood lines in shifter history," he said, with pride. It disappointed him, to see that Leo didn't understand. "had come together to create one child. When he refused to become Alpha, he was hunted by men from his pack who thought him weak and a traitor."

Leo's eyes sped to meet his and Constantine knew that the hard part had come. Now all he had to tell the Beta was how his true mate had suffered at the hands of others and been punished.

"Others learned of his superb skills in both mental and physical talents. He was chased from one side of the world to the other as soon as he left his pack," he revealed, sadly. "There were those who wished him as a mate for their daughters, some who wished the glory of killing him, some who just wished to face him in battle to see if they could best him," he explained gently, deliberately using the 'grandfather' voice that he often had to use to soothe Katarina's worst fears.

The Beta was at a crossroads. One road led to hell and personal torture, while the other led to acceptance and grief. He had to tread carefully.

Constantine moved to sit beside Leo, just in case the young man needed some support in the next few minutes as he told his tale. "In the end, it became too much. He fled into hiding and, the last anyone heard, he had been captured by a group of human criminals, who learned of our world," he explained. He tried to keep the hatred and passion in his voice, in distaste and disgust for what Angel had been put through. "They experimented, mistreated him and tried to use him as entertainment for their own people," he said, to show Leo that he wasn't alone in hating the world that had stolen his mate from him. But there was little he could do now.

"He would be forced to transform and as Katarina has already told you, had his fingernails removed, time and time again, so the gathered crowds could watch them re-grow," he uttered, in disgust. "Carlton took over the Alpha position and united the Dubrinsky pack with his own, trying to ease their unrest at their true Alpha's absence."


The words were full of a sense of terror, anguish and pain that Leo wasn't sure he could face. He saw the look of pity and fear in Constantine's eyes and wished he didn't have to be there anymore or listen to the Elder talk.

"Do you wish to hear this, Leo? It may be painful," he warned him that the following news wasn't likely to soothe him.

"I have to know. He's my mate," Leo spoke the words before he could change his mind. He really did have to know.

"And you have accepted this? You have accepted him?" Constantine asked delicately.

Leo swallowed back his fear and nodded. He wasn't backing out of this now.

"Then I will tell you," he promised with a grim smile that said he didn't relish the conversation either. "The Oracle had a vision of all that Angel suffered at the hands of his captors. Two days later, a parcel arrived," he said, with a heaviness to his words that held an ill omen. "When Carlton opened it, he found over one hundred fingernails that had been ripped from Angel during his captivity. He had only been missing for a few months, you understand," Constantine spoke quickly and clearly.

Leo took in every word. Tears began rolling down his cheeks and he nodded briefly, before turning away to stare at the wall.

"Carlton sent out a search party, using Fayte's visions to find him. It was no use. When they arrived, they found a taunting note saying that he had been moved," he said, though the words didn't help him much. He wanted him to get straight to the point. "The note claimed they were growing tired of Angel's indifference to their treatment. They wanted to cause pain and suffering. Angel would not give them that," he announced.

"Carlton sent men into the human towns to see if they could learn anything of this 'show' or Angel. Nothing ever came of it. And, as months dragged by and the Oracle could find or feel no sense of Angel, everyone gave up hope," he revealed, watching Leo closely. "Carlton continued to reach out to his nephew, but to no avail. He contacted me, as he is aware that I am quite skilled with spells. But still nothing," he sighed, in disappointment.

"When Angel had been gone a year, a second package arrived. Carlton begged me to spare him further pain. So I opened it," Constantine swallowed nervously. "Leo, there has never been a moment in my life that I would trade for another...for anything at all, other than that moment," he stalled, again, as though the words were too difficult to get out. "When I opened that package and saw what was inside, my heart wept for that poor boy. I'm not sure that I ever recovered," he confessed.

Leo turned pleading eyes onto his, but he couldn't speak. He needed to know.

"Are you sure you want to know? I cannot take back the words once they are spoken," Constantine gave him one last chance to back out.

Leo shifted himself into a sitting position and nodded. So he gave in and revealed what he saw that day.

"The only thing inside was...his tongue."

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