Chapter 11

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Milo made his way over to his fathers bedroom and tapped on the door.

Algar was on duty again. He had taken over the night guard's post at six that morning and looked wide awake. The light tap was enough to get his attention and send him to the door.

"Alpha, is something wrong?" he asked, curiously.

Milo stepped away from the door and nodded to Algar, to get him away from his father's room. He followed him downstairs, well used to silent orders, around his father. It was just as well; he was only going to say this once.

Callum was standing guard at the bottom of the stairs, also on day duty. A quick tap on his shoulder and he followed Milo to the front door like the dutiful guard he was. "Okay boys, I'm going to have to ask you both to stand guard outside today. All day," Milo began with the most important thing. He wanted them to understand how important it was for them to heed his words.

"I don't want to see anyone. If Grene or Josanna come to see Katarina, tell them to call her mobile. No one and I mean no one is to get into this house today," he explained.

Neither Algar nor Callum had ever disobeyed an order yet, and Milo was counting on their continued loyalty.

"Yes, Alpha," they agreed in unison, making him smile.

Milo felt terrible having to keep secrets from his own guards, but he guessed it was only a luxury an Alpha could afford. They would trust him and do as he asked, no matter what. "There is one man that I will admit. I will open the door and tell you when he is to be given permission to enter. But not even the Elders, a doctor or my mother is to get entrance to this house today. And no one is to leave it either," he ordered, making sure there was no chance of misunderstanding.

He wanted to make it clear that if Leo or his father tried to leave, they were to be stopped any way possible, without a person attempting to enter the house.

Algar nodded, with a look that said he understood the rules. If anyone did escape they were to be protected at all costs.

"I know it's a lot to ask without explaining why, but I need you to trust me. No matter what happens - if you hear screaming or someone shouting for help, if there is a fire inside this house - you do not enter!" Milo wasn't sure what kind of skills were open to their enemy. Whatever they were doing, they had already manipulated his Beta and hired thug shifters to invade his lands. They wouldn't stop just because he had ruined those plans.

"But Alpha..." Callum blurted out a protest, refusing to stand by and see his Alpha harmed. But Algar caught his wrist and shook his head.

"We understand," Algar answered for them both.

Callum was his brother and he was a good kid, but he could be soft when it came to his friends and his Alpha getting hurt. He wouldn't want to leave anyone to get hurt, if he thought he could save them. Even if that meant putting his own life at risk.

Milo understood the bond of the two brothers before him. It was the same one he had always shared with Leo. Which was why he was in this situation.

"Good. I am going to tell you this...someone is trying to hurt my mate by manipulating my Beta," he explained, angrily. "I will not see them harmed. We will be staying inside this house until the perpetrator is caught or my friend arrives. Even if that is days, we will abide by the same orders," he said, waiting for their agreement.

He gave them both fair warning that the isolation might last for days or just hours. It all depended on how long it took Carlton to reach them and if he had to do things before he left. He would have to leave someone in charge of his own pack, and Milo knew how risky that was. It required great trust.

"What about the prisoners, Alpha? They are in the basement. We should remove them from this house, until all is well again," Algar suggested.

He hadn't thought about the prisoners being below his feet. He would have to give him time to remove them from the house before casting the protection spell, just in case it locked their enemies inside with them. Milo could only imagine the kind of damage that would create. Especially if one of them got their hands on Katarina.

"Good thinking, Algar. Take them to a secure location that only the two of you know about," he told him, trusting that he would take care of the matter. "If you have to ask others to help, make sure you trust them. Then go to Grene Torlov and ask him to create a sleeping potion for the prisoners. That will take care of them until I can get out of here," He decided there was nothing else for it. They had to take every precaution and Grene was as good as anyone with herbs.

"Yes, Alpha. Good luck," Algar smiled and patted his shoulder before turning and opening the front door.

Milo couldn't help but laugh when Callum hugged him before following his brother. They had all been friends since childhood, but because the brothers were a year older than him, they offered to be his protection guard the moment he became Alpha. He was glad for that now. He couldn't trust anyone else in his pack the way he could trust them.

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