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''No, no, no! You can't do this to me!'' I screamed at my parents. They watched me with pity as tears streamed down my face making me nearly choke. It wasn't fair. Life wasn't fair. Just when I thought that I can finally be happy, they had to ruin everything. I didn't care that I hurt their feelings anymore, they obviously didn't have any since they chose to sell their only daughter. It was always about money, huh? But what about me? What about my freedom of choice?

They just decided one day that I wasn't worth my own freedom? I always heard Naruto telling me that I'm lucky for still having parents but it just doesn't seem like it. What kind of monsters would they do this to their only child?

How can I live the rest of my life with someone I don't know? I'm not even ready to get married, let alone with someone I don't love.

Why didn't he say something too? If he would be against it too, I wouldn't have been here, forced to do something that I don't want. Was he really the mommy boy that agreed with anything without having a saying? Well, then he is just as guilty as them. I haven't met him officially yet, but I already hate him for this.

If a loveless marriage with no affection, care or physical contact is what he wants, then that's what he will get.

Tied by Greed (ItaSaku - modern AU)Where stories live. Discover now