Chapter 22: Confusion

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Sakura laid in the bed, in her new room being shook by the sudden action that just took place. She could hear the muffled voices in the hallway, including Madara who was giving orders left and right. They were probably getting rid of the bodies.

But also, she wondered why would he save her. She was the reason Itachi married outside the clan so wouldn't it be easier to just get rid of her faster? Nothing made sense and she just couldn't put the puzzle together.

Her tiny arms hugged her knees and she placed her chin on it. She still wore the same torn clothes that she wanted to throw in the fire. She could hear the material of her clothes ripping, she can still feel their cold hands on her body. It was so close. And Itachi wasn't there to protect and comfort her. She was ripped from him and she felt exposed and vulnerable. Madara and his men could do anything they wanted with her.

One of her fingers traced an imaginary line on the satin sheets beneath her. If she only stood by his side, she would have never been in this situation.

The door to the room was opened and a blinding light came from the hallway, making Sakura cover her eyes. The tall shadow approached her until he reached the edge of the bed. His extremly long hair was hard to not notice.

"I brought you other clothes." His eyes traveled to where her clothes were ripped.

She just nodded absently.

The Uchiha placed the clothes on the bed, next to her and turned around, taking several steps towards the door until her soft voice stopped him.

"Thank you... for what you did earlier." Her voice was weak and shaken up.

He looked over his shoulder and just nodded.

After he left the room, Sakura noticed that there was no locking sound. He must have left the door unlocked, but was there a difference, really? He was so smart and fast and the whole house was probably full of his men, especially now. He did not forget to close the door, he just knew that she couldn't run away.


Sakura was sitting at the desk, eating a bowl of raspberry oatmeal for her breakfast. She twisted the spoon while supporting her head on the other hand. She had so many questions about this whole situation but she was afraid to ask him. She thought how he is so bipolar. He threatens to kill her and after several hours he saves her. Everything is so strange.

A knock was heard at the door and after several seconds, Orochimaru stepped in. "How is the breakfast?"

Sakura shrugged "Fine, I guess..." she felt absent minded.

Orochimaru nodded and left the room.

Sakura sighed and pushed the bowl aside. She really didn't feel like eating after so many things happened in the past few hours.

She got up from the chair and decided to take a quick shower. She noticed that the room had no particular bathroom so she would have to step outside the room and find one. A shiver ran down her spine but she decided to ignore it. After all, she thought that Madara would rather see her clean than stinky.

She twisted the door handle and noticed that the door was unlocked. She started walking down the hallway. As she was about to turn a corner, she heard two of Madara's men talking.  She chose to stay hidden, out of their sight.

"That was indeed a sudden decision coming from him." One of them spoke.

"We shouldn't be talking about this. He could be back any time." The second one said more harshly.

Sakura turned around and decided to try downstairs.  She passed by several doors until she reached one that was rather small and made of dark wood. She just hoped that it was indeed a bathroom and not a weapon room like Itachi's.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2020 ⏰

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