Chapter 6: Impulse

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"I can't believe this, I can't..." Ino tried to take in all the new information. "And Sasuke was there?"

Sakura nodded. "I have a feeling that he doesn't agree with this either. I wish Itachi would be more like him." she sighed. "Anyway, how is it going with Sai?"

The blonde started to twist a strand of her hair around her finger shyly, hidding her blush behind it.

"He is now applying for the Arts University and he will be gone for a few weeks but promised me that he will do something special for me once he comes back."

Sakura raised an eyebrow, smirking. "Don't rush with this one. He sounds sincere."

"Come on, forehead. You think I will ruin this? All my life I've been rejected and insulted by the guys I liked and he came into my life and never considered me less than beautiful, smart and powerful." she smiled through tears. Sakura chuckled.

"You deserve to be happy."


"I can't believe that your family is doing this, teme." Naruto said angrily.

"Don't get too pressed. You wouldn't have a chance anyway." Sasuke replied, leaning back on his sofa.

"I tried to make myself better for Sakura-chan." he leaned forward, zoning out and smiling bitterly.

"You are such an idiot. You are so focused on her that you can't see the Hyuuga nearly fainting whenever you look her way."

"What, who?" Naruto turned confused towards his friend who was buffling.

"Neji's cousin." he answered. "You know, dark blue hair, grey eyes, always blushing and sitting in the back of the class."

Naruto furrowed his eyebrows. Then, a bulb lit in his brain. He poked his fingers. "Oh, Hinata."

Sasuke rolled his eyes.

"We are just friends, dattebayo. I don't think she likes me that way."

"Fine, then stay and suffer after Sakura, a married woman."

"How is she taking it, by the way?"

Sasuke grabbed his glass of Burbon from the table. "Not well. And Itachi isn't doing shit to help." he took a sip.

"Yes. I thiught about throwing a party for her. As in goodbye-my-good-friend-now-you-are-married type of way."

Sasuke laughed sarcastically.

"This fucking sucks. But yes, it would probably help her a lot. You should call Ino."

Naruto raised his hands. "Hey, why don't you do it?"

"Idiot. I'm not giving her false hope. She and Sakura were rivals as kids, remember?!"

"Huh, yeah. How could I forget her cheerings for you 'aw, Sasuke, Sasuke." Naruto intertwined his fingers and added in a dramatically high-pitched voice. "By the way, should we call Gaara too?"

"No way. The last thing I need is my family finding out about him too. And don't you dare calling your annoying cousin either."


Ten Ten was watching Lee and Neji doing push ups and competing with each other as always.

"231, 232, 233..."

Her phone rang.

"Yes, Naruto?"

"Ten, Neji and Lee are with you?"

She facepalmed, looking at her friends. "Yes, although I wished they wouldn't be."

"Listen, you know that Sakura is going through a drama and we thought about throwing a party after the graduation."

"This sound amazing! But... Uh... Will you invite her future husband too?"

"Hell no!" he shouted into the phone. "But tell bushy brows and Neji. Oh, nd Neji's cousin."

Ten raised an eyebrow, smirking. "Hinata?"

"Yes, her."

"Hmm, I don't know about it. How about you go and invite her personally?!"

Naruto fake cried. "Pleaseee."

"Nah, you are on your own."

The brown haired woman hung up.

"Hey, Lee. We are throwing a party for Sakura before her wedding and her husband won't be there."Ten Ten shouted, knowing that it will distract his attention.

" Wh-what? "



He fell with his face right on the wet grass.

Neji jumped on his legs. "Looks like I won. Again." he smirked.

Lee pointed towards him, frustrated. "Hey, not fair."



"I got this!" Itachi told his mom who was sipping her tea, resting on an armchair and reading her favorite fashion magazine.

Her older son got up and went to answer the door.

It swung open, revealing a shorter guy with red hair who wore a white hat. His eyes were shooting daggers towards the Uchiha but it didn't bug him.

"Here is package." he held out a box wrapped in white paper.

"Put it down there." Itachi instructed while taking out his wallet and counting the money.

Before he knew, the unknown guy grabbed him by the collar and pushed him hard against the wall, making Itachi drop his wallet. The height difference made it impossible for him to keep his posture.

He looked into his black orbs with pure anger.

Everything he felt amplified now that he was in front of him. He lost everything and now he lost her too to a rich snob.

"You can't marry Sakura!" he said through his gritted teeth. His grip around the collar tightened and the veins in his eyes  turned red with fury. "You don't deserve her!"

Itachi smirked.

"So that it is about. A jealous guy."

Gaara narrowed his eyes at the mockery.

The Uchiha grabbed his arm and twisted it, making the younger guy scream in pain. The cracking of bones was heard through the entire hallway.

Itachi pushed him until he was pressed with his front against the opposite wall.

Gaara turned his head, looking with hatred into those Uchiha, cold eyes.

"Itachi?" Mikoto came scared imto the hallway. She gasped at the image in front of her, covering her mouth with both of her hands.

"Listen. Get out of here and don't EVER return. Forget Sakura. Forget her name and everything about her. This is a friendly advice. If you care about your life."

Itachi took a step back, letting Gaara move.

Without another word, he got out of the door.

Itachi turned towards his mom with a smile.

"Your hair products arrived."

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