Chapter 11: Dark Past

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The rest of the trip was quiet as Sakura locked herself in the small bedroom.

After a few attempts, Itachi gave up on trying to comfort or make her eat. It was futile.

After the plane landed, she stepped out of the room with puffy eyes and a messy hair. Her hands tried to arrange her outfit and make it look decent.

Itachi looked at her with sympathy but chose to not bother her as he didn't know what reactions she could have in her actual sensitive state.

"We are here!" he spoke softly.

The pinkette nodded while rubbing her red eyes.

They stepped out of the airplane, noticing two jeeps awaiting for them. The press was already here, trying to sneak some exclusive photos of the newly weds while shouting incoherent sentences in icelandic.

Sakura forced a smile as most of the flashes were directed at her. She fake coughed to erase their suspicion on why she looked so worn out.

As they arrived by their cars, Itachi opened the door for her, offering his hand to help her climb in. She accepted for the sake of the electric eyes that were surrouding them.

When they were both in and the door was shut, Itachi let out a sigh that he didn't know he was holding. "I am sorry for that. They just won't leave." he explained.

A few rain drops started falling on the car's windows, giving Sakura a feeling of freedom and security. She loved the rain and the chilly atmosphere.

"It's fine." her faint voice was heard through the silence.

She supported her chin on her hand and watched the rain pouring over everything while the car drifted away from the airport.


As the time went by and the dreadful silence was heavy in the car, Sakura noticed that the driver drifted to a road that entered a forest.

Tall trees were on each side on the road that was made only from one lane.

It gave her chills.

Away from the civilization.

He drove for another 15 minutes before he pulled up in front of a manor in the middle of the woods.

The rain has stopped but Sakura noticed that the air was still chilly.

Although on an usual day she loved it, she felt that now it made everything harder to bear and her feelings harder to be pushed in the back of her mind.

They jumped out of the car while the driver helped them with the luggage.

She looked up at the detailed architecture. It gave away a royal vibe.

The stone was all white, the windows were big, allowing plenty of light inside, the big double doors were made of cherry dark wood and the stairs leading to it, were made of marble.

She felt out of place here. But she had to get used.

Sakura followed Itachi to the door while he opened it. He pushed the door open, revealing some more stairs and an inside balcony.

In the middle was an artesian well, also made feom marble. The big widows had burgundy curtains on each side, held open by golden ropes. On the walls were hung different hand made paintings that looked painfully detailed.

Unintentionally, her steps carried her around. The heels she was wearing clicked on the floor.

She noticed that Itachi disappeared upstairs with the luggage, assuming that he took it to their room.

The thought made her gulp.

She touched a wooden dinning table and noticed that the dust was cleared. Someone must have taken care of the place while he was gone.

The pinkette opened a small door and noticed in the dim light a small room which had all sorts of weapons.

She closed it quickly.

He is still upstairs, she thought.

She tried another door which led to the basement. It was dark and cold.

Sakura felt anxious and debated whether to go there or not. She chose not to. It gave her the creeps.

Maybe another time.

The girl decided to go in the backyard as she felt that the house was suffocating her.

There was a garden with a few mermaid statues, lions and flowers of all colours.

A pretty thing amongst the disgusting luxury, she thought. Probably this was the only thing he had a good taste for.

She walked throught the flowers, touching the tulips with her fingertips.

A smile appeared on her face. Something extremly rare these days.

But her attention was drew towards the back of the garden where most plants were dead and dry. No one went there to take care of them. It was like that part was purposely neglected.

Curiosity arised withing her.

She touched the dry plants that were tangled.

Her fingers brushed a cold and hard surface underneath so she fearfully, retracted her hand like it was burnt.

Her brows furrowed and her determination won over her fear.

Her hands pulled aside the dry plants, some of them being ripped.

Underneath, was a grave stone.

It had the Uchiha symbol painted on it which made Sakura wonder who it belonged to. Maybe someone from the family who lived here. A grandparent.

She caressed the stone.

"What are you doing here in the cold?" a familiar voice made her jump sightly.

She was taken by surprise by her husband who made himself unheard.

He furrowed his brows and looked at her in annoyance.

Sakura bit her lip and avoided his gaze.


"Nevermind. Go inside." he cut her harshly.


"I said go!" he demanded more aggresively this time.

She felt chills running down her spine. He was angry. And something in his voice sounded even threatening.

His palm turned into fists.

"Do I have to tell you again?"

She froze but she forced her feet to move.

Sakura turned around and started running towards the house.

Tears were falling from her eyes and her heart was racing at an abnormal rate. No one spoke to her like this. She was terrified.

Her parents never even raised their voice at her when she was a child. And now, her husband's dominant natura made her tremble only under his stare.

She felt weak.

She felt imprisoned.

The vulnerable girl took a glance over her shoulder just as she was about to step into the house.

She caught a glimpse of Itachi croching down in front of the creepy grave.

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