Chapter 7: Graduation

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Today was Sakura's last day of high school. The day when she and her friends will part ways. She couldn't believe that those 4 years were already over. They flew so fast...

She still remembers the first day. She didn't get along with Ino. The blonde girl seemed full of herself and kind of bitchy and Sakura... She was shy and barely had any friends.

Then, they were paired for a chemistry project and she discovered that behind the apparence, Ino was the kind of friend that everyone deserved. So cheerful and supportive.

And then she met the others.

She fell hard for Sasuke. A crush that lasted about three years. But the pinkette never thought that she would have a chance with him, no. He was too popular and many prettier girls were after him. But... He defended her so many times against bullies even though they barely knew each other amd even though she thought he was an arrogant.

From there... The friendship began.

And then she met Naruto, Shikamaru, Temari, Hinata, Neji, Ten, Lee and everyone else. She felt happy within their group. They completed each other and their different personalities kept the dinamics.

And now... Here she was. The end of the journey. She wasn't even half as excited as she thought she would be. She just realized how they will barely keep in touch, how most of them will take over family business, how she will get married.

Maybe the worst of them all.

She involuntarily thought about Gaara. They planned an entire vacantion this summer and she wanted to give herself to him completely. She loved him.

"Sakura, Ino is here!" her mother announced from behind the closed door. She sighed arranging her long, black robe.

"Let's do this!"

The pinkette met with her friend outside, in the blonde's car. Here were also Naruto, Sasuke and Hinata. They wanted to go together today, for the last time, while the parents will catch up.

"Hey, everyone." she waved as she jumped in the front seat.

"Hey, Sakura-chan." Naruto greeted with a blush.

"Hey, Sakura." Hinata smiled.


"Yes, nice to see you too, Sasuke-kun." she rolled her eyes while laughing.

Ino started the engine and started heading towards the high school.

"You all will see. I helped the principal to choose a very emotional song. Y'all will like it." Ino giggled.

"Oh, Geez."

"Any objection, Uchiha?" she stared angrily through the mirror.

"Why put so much effort. We'll still keep in touch." he explained his lack of excitement.

"They always say this, ttebayo, but it's never like that." Naruto said sadly.

"Oh, c'mon. You are too goofy to not be missed." Sakura chuckled.

"My parents want to move to Australia but I convinced them to let me and Hanabi live here. Brother Neji will take care of us." Hinata announced.

"Oh, my God! That is great!" Sakura turned to Hinata happily.

Sasuke smirked.

The rest of the ride the group laughed and did sing-along on their favorite songs. It was a relaxed atmosphere and they wanted to remember it.

Once they reached the high school, they jumped out of the car.

They met in the parking lot with Shikamaru, Sai, Temari, Choji, Kiba, Shino, Neji, Ten and Lee. They all did a group hug, trying their hardest to make Neji, Sasuke and Shikamaru to join them.

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