Chapter 19: Stronger

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"It's easier to block a direct attack with your forearms. It hurts less." Itachi explains as he stands in front of Sakura. They are both in the gym room being comfortably dressed for Sakura's self defense lesson.

She has her pink hair tied back in a ponytail, a black sport bra and black biker shorts that hug her tiny hips.

"I will never get this right." she huffs, putting her hands on her hips.

"Yes you will." Itachi crosses his arms in front of his chest. He is wearing only a grey tank top and black shorts. When he entered the room, Sakura tried her hardest to supress a laugh, letting out only a giggle. It was weird seeing him out of his classy wear. The buttoned shirts became his signature outfits in her eyes.

"Just stay like this," Itachi poses, raising his fists in front of him.

She tries to copy his position.

"Yes but your body has to be turned to one side so you can be a smaller target." He takes a step forward and places his hands on her hips, twisting them gently. "Like this." he breathes, several inches from her face. His eyes travel down to her lips while her eyes scan his exposed sweaty chest.

He takes a step back.

"Good, now try to attack me."

"What?" she asks panicked.

Itachi lets out a soft laugh while throwing his head back. "Don't worry, you won't hurt me."

"Oh, but that was my last worry." the pinkette teases, her grin spreading across her face.

"Ouch. I'll act like I wasn't hurt." he mocks her. "So now you'll just have to-"

"Shannaro!" she cuts him mid sentence by running towards him and throwing a punch, aiming for his face.

He gains his composure just in time and blocks her attack, grabbing her fist in his hand. The much more powerful man, sqeezes her hand gently, making her entire arm drop next to her body.

"That was fast, you are either eager to learn or eager to beat my ass and I can't figure which one." he says playfully.

"Maybe you shouldn't run your mouth that much then." she taunts, her smirk growing.

Itachi laughs.

He loves this, the way they interact lately. It doesn't feel like a prison anymore, like a marriage that was forced onto him. It felt like he chose this because if it would be to admit to himself, this is the type of dynamics he would have picked for a perfect relationship. Except that this was nowhere near a normal marriage. The things were bumpy, hell, dangerous even and now it wasn't only himself to worry about. He had to look after her too, the person who was now his family.

"Dodge this!" he charges at her.

She yelps and falls back on her butt, covering her head with her arms. Itachi's fist stops mid air.

"Yes, Sakura, that will work perfectly if someone attacks you." he rolled his eyes. "We have a lot of work to do." he sighed.


The days passed by and Sakura was getting better and better at her hand to hand combat. She was stronger than he thought and he was pleasantly surprised.

"Do you know what I think?" Itachi lookes at her while rolling the fluffy towel and puttin it around the back of his neck, flexing his muscles in the process. Sweat was dripping on his tank top but he didn't mind.

"Hm?" Sakura put the boxing gloves down.

"We should go out tonight. I mean, we mostly stay inside, especially you. It would be nice for us to get to know other people."

Something about his choice of words, raised Sakura's insecurities.

"Other... People?" she asked faintly.

Itachi's eyed widened. "Oh, no, no, no. Not like that. To make some friends." he mentally slapped himself.

Sakura's smile grew wider. "Alright."

Itachi smiled too. "Alright?"

"Yes... Can we... Can we go to a nightclub? I miss the times when I went with Ino. Not that I went often but still..." she laughed bitterly.

Itachi pressed his lips on a thin line. "Sakura, I'm sorry but you know why we can't go back. I try. I really do. When this is all over and I know that you and your parents are safe, you can go back and I will release you from this marriage."

Sakura laughed sarcastically. "Yeah, that sounds great!"

"Yeah..." Itachi said, barely audible.

He did not know if he will ever survive the confrontation with Madara but he will be sure to take him down with him. His heart could not let him tell Sakura how he felt, considering her attitude, she would want to get involved. It would be too dangerous.


"I'm ready!" Sakura ran down the stairs dressed in a crop top and high waisted skinny jeans.

"Oh, I had something more classy in mind!" Itachi analyzed her from head to toes. Even though she looked stunning, the club was quite elegant and lavish.

"Oh, c'mooon, it took me half an hour to pick something!" she pouted like a spoiled child which made Itachi's heart race.

"Here!" he took a natural fur red coat from the dresser and put it over Sakura's shoulders. "Now you are on theme."

Her eyes lit up like a Christmas tree.


They were let inside without having to wait. Itachi knew almost everybody in town as they were living in a town that was mostly made of foreigners who spoke english. This was exactly the reason he chose this club and not the one in the nearby town.

But as popular as he was, people were kind of avoiding him and only giving him respect. Influence and money can do this but it can never give you friends. However, he thought that Sakura was the total opposite of him so people will be more open to her. She deserved to have friends and hang out with other people than him.

"Wow!" Sakura looked around in awe. For someone whose parents were bankers, it was quite amusing to watch her in awe looking at expensive things, Itachi thought. "How does someone even get in here?"

"They don't. It's exclusivist but I'm an Uchiha so..." he smirked proudly.

Sakura rolled her eyes, smiling. "I'm lucky."

He pulled her by his side by her hips, kissing her cheek. "Obviously."

"Stop being cocky." she pushed his shoulder lightly, embarassed.

"Is that chapagne 2100$? For real?" she pointed towards the bar.

"Want some?"

"God, no!"

The song changed and the rhythm became more sensual, making Sakura grin. "Come!"

She turned with her face towards Itachi, moving her hips on the rhythm. He licked his lips, watching her drowning in the sea of sweaty bodies while blending perfectly and moving sensually.

"Enough with the teasing." Itachi laughed and took several steps towards the crowd to join his wife.

Sakura felt two big hands on her hip, guiding her movements. She laughed and let her head back on his shoulder while his long hair caressed her cheek.

His hands went to her thighs, pressing her further into his chest while his mouth ran along her neck, making her feel his warm and excited breath.

Sakura licked her lips and moaned.

Suddenly, an explosion shook the club to the ground. Smoke and screams filled the room while people started running towards the exit. The music stopped and everyone was panicking.

Sakura turned scared towards the man behind her. "Itachi we have to go-" she started screaming when she noticed that the man she thought was Itachi, was, in fact, someone else.

He covered her mouth and pressed her to his chest.

Tied by Greed (ItaSaku - modern AU)Where stories live. Discover now