Chapter 2 - Across The MoonLine

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It had been a month since I met the crazy CEO, Adrian Wolfe, yet he never ceased to plague my mind. He was constantly in there, my thoughts starting and ending with him, and all my nocturnal wet dreams starring him, with him touching me intimately, pressing his hard body into mine. I kept on wondering, what he meant at that time, and the weird terminologies he used to describe. Mate. I had been familiar with that word only when it came to animals, not humans. MoonLine.

Now what the fuck was that?

A lot had changed since the past whole month, and I couldn't get asked more about where I got my boob job from. They had become big and were still perky, and the girls had started grabbing a lot of attention. I had to replace my entire wardrobe with loose clothes, because let's just say, even my loosened trousers couldn't fit my ass in anymore.

I was becoming fuller and more beautiful. I had never had that much confidence in myself, regarding my own body. I had started wearing sexy lingerie, something I had never even tried before. My waist was becoming thinner, but that was definitely due to how I was overworking and overtraining myself.

If men hadn't noticed me before, they definitely started noticing me now. I got random pieces of paper, with phone numbers written on them and CALL ME written boldly. Though, no one dared to show their faces when I openly asked who was the sender of the chit.

My life had always been sorely lacking - first it was my parents - I never knew them. I didn't even have their pictures, had never heard their names. There was only one woman who had been a constant till now, and that was my Grandma, who died just recently. Then, later on I had ease in making friends, being the school's sweetheart and all, but I didn't have close friends whose thinking was as advanced as mine.

We moved places once or twice, and we left people behind. There were times, when I grew up, that I realised that I was not...satisfied. There was something lacking in everything that I did and somehow that feeling didn't ever go away.

I had everything even then, mind you. I had been every parent's dream daughter and I had made my Grandma proud many times. But for me, either those things were never enough, or there was something else that I really wanted.

Something I didn't know about.

I had confided in Grandma about these feelings, and she never said anything else but, "One day, everything will be alright. Till then, you will have to do your best."

As I pondered over my life now, since the past week, I felt as if there was something I didn't know about - something that I needed to know about.

And a part of me was afraid to step out of my comfortable life.


If anyone would have thought that my friendship with Logan would have flourished, then they couldn't be more wrong. He couldn't get more annoying, following me everywhere and hounding me for just one date. I had finally decided to give him just one date and then he would go about his own way and I would stay away from him.

So here I was, getting ready for the so-called date, trying my best to ignore the sinking feeling in my gut. I always felt that way around him, put off and uneasy, yet this feeling just didn't go away.

This date is a bad idea.

I didn't put in much effort to get ready, just jeans, a baggy T-shirt and sneakers. I tied my thick hair into a ponytail, and took my phone to check for texts. I had one from him, which said that he was just five minutes away.

Exactly five minutes later, a horn brought me out of my thoughts and I took my purse, ready to head out. I had two cans of pepper spray stowed inside the purse in case things went out of hand. Were they enough?

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