Chapter 10 - Liana?

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I took in a deep breath as I sat across him, staring at him as he looked extremely comfortable in McDonalds. Luckily, there was no crowd today and we were sitting in a secluded corner. The ambiance wasn't romantic or intimate; of course, it wasn't a posh restaurant with lighting that highlighted the beautiful features of the man sitting across from me.

Yet, we both felt as if we were alone in our own bubble, and the tension between us had remained ever since I sat in the car with him. We hadn't spoken a single word during the whole ride and I was regretting wearing that dress. I was afraid that this same tension would ruin the very purpose of the date, and that was something I did not want.

I was slightly wondering if anything will happen if I was seen with him in public, and that too not in a professional setting. But then I shoved those thoughts aside; if he was not worrying about this, then I wasn't going to do that too.

"I hope you're comfortable with McDonalds. People here have a less probability to recognize me and ask questions." He started.

"Doesn't matter to me," I shrugged, "I just want something to eat; I'm hungry."

He smiled at me, "Can I take your order, ma'am?" He mocked, and even bowed a little.

I laughed and told him what he wanted, and he went towards the counter to order for us. In the meantime, I unlocked my phone and checked for new messages from Liana and was disappointed when I didn't find any.

She could at least tell me that she was fine.

I sent a text to her myself, telling her about the date with Adrian. I was not worried, though. I knew she was in safe hands and Jaxon would protect her with his life.

"Is something bothering you?" Adrian's voice came and I looked up at him, holding the tray containing our food.

I shook my head and smiled, making a grab for my order.

"I don't know where to start." Adrian admitted, before touching his food.

"Well, you can start with your childhood – your family. I know nothing about them." I suggested, starting with my fries.

"I was orphaned at a young age – I don't know much about them. My father was a Guard and he lost his life on duty. My mother didn't live long afterwards. I was, in a way, raised by the Alpha and Luna of the pack I was in." His gaze, which had been fixed on his food, now came back to me, "Do you have any idea about your heritage?"

I shook my head, "I never asked – actually stopped asking after some point of time because my Grandmother, the woman who brought me up since I was a child, never opened her mouth to tell me about my parents. She used to say that I would learn when the time was right, but she passed away before the right time ever came."

"She must have been an amazing woman." He smiled warmly.

I smiled right back, "That she was, definitely."

"You are a reflection of her upbringing – and you are a strong and beautiful woman. With the way you are coping up with this sudden change in your world, it's remarkable. And along with that, you're holding up on your own, despite me trying to manipulate you with my underhanded methods."

I warmed at the compliment, "Thank you very much, but please don't expect me to return the favour and compliment you. I barely know anything except your name, species, designation and wife."

"I'm not that bad, really." He tried to look hurt but he was terrible at expressions and I ended up laughing at him.

I know how terrible it must have been for him, not having parents of your own and having to rely on other families. I had always envied my schoolmates who had both parents but didn't ever value their presence, but then as I grew up, I realized that my Grandma was very precious to me and I focused all my affections towards her.

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