Chapter 27 - Brawls

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At the end of the chapter, do tell me if you want another breather/filler chapter or if you want the eventful chapter next!

I am bored.


We ended up staying at my house for two more days. Those days I felt like I was in heaven and nothing could hurt me. I was so happy being Aiden's centre of attention that I actually never wanted to leave. It was some kind of a honeymoon - where we didn't have sex - and we were in this bubble of love.

I sighed dreamily, looking at Aiden who was shirtless, setting up the barbecue in my backyard. I wasn't  just in love heaven, I was in food heaven, too. This time around, I didn't distract him while he was cooking for me, and he actually managed to make some good stuff that had me licking the plated clean. Today was BBQ day and for no absolute reason, he was shirtless.

I was enjoying the view, anyway. The sunlight made his features and his muscles gleam and I was almost drooling. He didn't touch me much and insisted that this time was only for us to bond.

I was able to enjoy things better because I wasn't getting those nightmares, or dreams, or calls, whatever at night. Which only meant one thing that our house had a ghost in it.

I didn't care, I just kept thinking about all the good things that were happening with me in the past few days.

The only things that dampened my mood a little were the brawls Aiden got in whenever we went out. Apparently, like Edward Cullen, all the vampires had a vague idea about humans and what was going on in their mind - it was more like reading the minds of their preys.

I couldn't understand the logic - why couldn't he read me so well, then.  If he did, he would've had already known about the things I was hiding from him.

So yeah, the day after the day we came here; two days ago, the day started out so well. I had a satisfying sleep, with a nice dream, enjoying the scent of Aiden and my home. And when I woke up to familiar surroundings, it brought a smile on my face. 

What widened my smile was Aiden bringing me breakfast in bed. I was living the life that the dream of probably every girl out there - a handsome Prince Charming who doted on me, having superpowers, having a story worth being a novel written on. Add in a couple of songs and we could make a movie too.

I was so used to being quick on my feet that having to walk all the way now felt really made  me want to just sit and not do anything.

Aiden made everything fun for me, and I couldn't love him more for that. We took a lot a of selfies, some of them funny, some of them Instagram worthy;  I never knew Aiden could be such a goofball.

So coming back to the brawls, we were taking a stroll outside, and I was showing him the marketplace. I was not really paying attention, but there was a group of men who were ogling me unashamedly. I was used to them, especially after how my body had developed after I had met Adrian. I had been all the time, without anyone to defend me if I ever picked a fight with someone. 

Also, I used to be a nobody.

I used to hold my head high and ignore those catcalls and disgusting eyes as if they didn't bother me at all. There were men at my workplace too, who sometimes did get a kick where the sun didn't shine and were fired later. All in all, I had managed to not bring much attention to the disgust they made me feel, until it has become to much for me.

After some time, such things had stopped affecting me at all.

While we were walking, I had noticed that Aiden was slowly tensing up besides me. At first, it was barely noticeable, but then his replies started getting curt and his voice was hardening.

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