Chapter 5 - The Runaway Luna

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I was lying stiff and cold in the bed, staring at the ceiling with my swollen eyes. My face hurt like a bitch, and I could feel the dried trail of tears running down my cheeks. It felt puffy, everything looked blurred and I felt numb, no senses, no feelings, no emotions. I couldn't sense anything around me, my whole body buzzing, yet calm, and I swear I didn't want to feel so much pain ever again.

Never again.

Liana was lying beside me too, though she looked a lot better than me, probably.

I felt like the ground beneath me was shaking. Was it an earthquake? No. After a few moments, I realized it was Liana who had gotten up and was now shaking me. Her frantic voice felt like it entered one ear and left another, because I couldn't make out a word of what she was saying.

Slowly, ever so slowly, my body felt like it came back to its senses.

"....Moon, come on, get up. Listen to me, Moon! You have to get up, quick! Moon! Moon! Can you even hear me! Oh goddess! Moon, please wake up, move, twitch, fuck! Just move, Moon!"

I blinked.

I tried to get words out of mouth, but all I could do was move my lips. I tried, summoning all my strength, just to let out one word.


"Oh, Moon. I should have known that it would take a toll on you. You've still not acquired your complete strength, and this...this was too much for you. Moon," she shook me urgently, "...can you feel your wolf?"

I mouthed a 'no'.

I couldn't feel her. Not even my pure blood. Both were absent, leaving me empty...lifeless.

"Then bring her back. Do anything you can to bring her back. You both need each other to heal, Moon."

And I gasped loudly when I felt as if all my life and energy came back to me in one go. My senses returned to me, and I felt as if I could move myself.

And I could feel my wolf.

She felt uneasy, I felt uneasy. She definitely didn't like whatever she was feeling, and last night hurt her more than it pained me. I could feel it, the hurt, the pain, the betrayal and fury that my wolf felt, and so did I feel the fury burning my veins.

"Moon, are you okay?"

I looked up at Liana, her eyes full of tenderness, and empathy, as if she could feel what I felt, as if she knew what was going on in my mind right now.

I shook my head as the tears fell, and I curled myself into a small ball, sobbing to myself. It hurt, so badly, it was torturous. Why? Why was it that me and my wolf were tortured and punished when he was the one who was wrong?

"It'll be fine, Moon, it'll be okay once we cross the moonline. Let's escape to the human world for a few days, till everything settles down here." She wrapped her arms around me and rocked me back and forth, kissing the top of my head. I still kept crying in her arms, my heightened emotions refusing to calm down.

I don't want to feel this pain ever again, this pain of his betrayal we suffered. Wasn't it enough for us to have to know that he made another bitch his queen? Do we have to suffer from this pain every time he fucks her?

I don't want to, trust me. But what can we do about it?

I can - I can reject this bond right away. I'm not going to lose my pride and dignity as the real queen for someone who doesn't know my worth.

I gasped, and Liana gasped too.

"What was that, Moon?" She shook me. "Don't tell me!" She gaped in horror, "Your wolf isn't thinking about rejecting Adrian, is she?"

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