Chapter 28 - Falling Deep

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We came back, and they came back - the dreams, the voice, the calling.

It was as if the woman was waiting for me to come back home; her voice was more urgent this time around and it haunted me. Now not just in my dreams, I was disturbed every waking moment too, thinking about the woman who could be in great danger. Who was she and what did she want from me? This voice didn't resemble the woman who had warned me that day - it was different and much more familiar.

Did she want me to save her from something? If she did, why wasn't she telling me?

Celeste and Cynthia went silent inside me, and I learnt quickly that they were not going to be of any help to me this time around.

I was literally on my  own.

I couldn't sleep a wink in fear that the voice would come calling again, and what I actually feared was that this time, I would follow her. Everything inside me wanted to go to her and wanted to know who she was, what she meant to me and why she needed me. I wanted to know if she really was in danger and I wanted to save her, protect her to never hear that fear in her voice again.

I was scared of her, and wanted to protect her at the same time.

Just remembering her voice made my heart break and my body shiver.

I eventually gave in to my exhaustion, my ceaseless thoughts had taken a toll on me and I needed my sleep to be able to function.

It didn't take long...

"Moon," The voice came again, and I shivered. Why she was doing this was something I didn't know exactly. 

Ever since we came back from the trip, I barely met Aiden - it was like he had a lot of work piled up after he took an off for those 3-4 days when we were enjoying ourselves in my human home.

"Please tell me, who are you? What do you want?" This time around, I was more prepared for her. I was not going to cry in fear or in longing. I wanted to be strong enough to keep my sanity while trying to figure out what the fuck this all was. And if it came to me having to save her from something, then I needed to be prepared.

I was tired of being afraid of it. I wanted to get to the bottom of it and find out why all of this was happening to me.

"Come to me, Moon."

I heard her carefully, my steps automatically making me follow the voice. I didn't know where I was heading; everything was pitch black around me and the silence was unnerving. I couldn't hear anything else except her, I couldn't feel anything else except her, I couldn't see anything at all.

I could feel it as I moved forward - I knew who the woman was. The bond I had with her grew stronger and stronger as I kept moving, my feet following the flow of the bond.

"I need you, Moon," the voice came again, and I was almost running now, not afraid of bumping into something.

I ignored the pang in my chest when the voice called out and kept heading, my focus only on finding out who the woman was and why she needed me. Why all of a sudden, had I started to get these dreams? Were these even dreams?

I had a lot of questions and I needed answers to them.

I kept running like a mad woman in that endless darkness, sometime whizzing in different directions, from where I felt the energy the strongest. There was a moment when I had to stop and wonder if I was really doing this and if I was really ready to face what was coming.

I took careful steps forward now; the energy - the bond - was so strong that I could feel it to my bones. I was shivering, and slightly afraid, as if I just had to turn right around the corner -

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