Chapter 5

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Chapter 5: Daisy's POV: When I woke up I saw Liz sleeping peacefully I said "wake wakey mango" she stirred and said " is no school" "Umhh...check again it's Friday" she flew up and said "why didn't you wake me earlier...I have no Clothes" I got up and threw her a pair of high waisted jeans with a top that says rock on i said "you can where those the shower is 2 doors down" she nodded and said "thanks."

Dandelion's pov: I was taking a shower when I heard a knock on the door I shut off the pipe and wrapped the towel around me and got out of the shower I opened the door to see Liz she said "umhh...sorry I will come back once you're done" I said "no need I'm done come in" I shifted the way she shifted and we did that again three times then I stepped aside and said "come in" she bowed her head and she was blushing I smiled and walked away to my room I thought about our kiss in the nurses offices it was amazing but it can't happen again I told her that so why am I regretting it? Ughh stop this Dan you got to stop just remember you have a boyfriend I thought in my head.

Daisy's POV: When liz came out of the bathroom I said "wow you have a nice ass" she smiled and said " yes I know" I said "conceited" we stared at eachother and busted out laughing I said "come on let's go before we are late" she nodded and said "ok dai" she followed me downstairs and we saw j.r and Dan eating I said "where is my breakfast Lion?"

She shrugged and said "I don't know daisy where is it" j.r laughed and I shot a glare I said "whatever..we are leaving" "your not riding with us?" "Now you care...well we like to walk" " no I wouldn't" I looked at Liz and said "were walking liZ" she frowned and whined"but I don't wanna walk" "Yea she doesn't wanna walk"j.r said I rolled my eyes and said "to bad...come on mango" she nodded and said "bye guys" they waved to her and we went out the door I said "ughh he is so ughhh" "what's the deal with you and him?" I looked to her and said "he has a girlfriend far away and I like him but he doesn't like me and he's being rude now a days"

"wow...well then I guess since I'm your best friend I'm going to help you with this crush" I laughed and said "whatever come on we have 49 meters to go" she groaned And I heard a honk behind us I turned and saw dandelion and j.r.

I said "WHAT DO YOU WANT" "GET IM DAISY" j.r said I rolled my eyes and said "I'm good" they pulled right beside us and Dan said "get in before your late" "no thanks" Liz tugged at my arm and said "maybe we should go you don't wanna be late do you" I glared and said "no...but I wanna prove a point" "it's not good to keep secrets daisy" I sighed and hopped in with Liz I said "your owing me big time"

she nodded and smiled.When we got to school we all hopped outta the car and me and Liz went our way but wait they just have to be in the same class as us I sighed and said "let's take our seats" she nodded and we. "Ok class you going to be working in groups of 4 To get to know each other better then tour going to present it to the whole putting you in the groups" the class groaned and

she said "ok Richard, Mel,cal,and Fred they high fives eachother then she countiue last but not least my group daisy,Liz,j.r and, dandelion"I groaned and the class turned to me I put my head down and the teacher said "get in your groups"

I stayed where I was my head in my arms then I felt a shadow over me I looked up and saw j.r I said "move outta my way" he sat Infront of me and said "let's work..." dandelion said" I will go first" I said "do you have a boyfriend?" She looked at Liz and Liz looked back at her she quickly averted her eyes and said "yea" Liz frowned and said "what's his name?" "Umhh...Steve"

my eyes widened and I thought that's my dad I quickly said "my turn" "ok...why did you beat up kristy?" J.r asked I looked at Liz and she shook her head I said "not my place to say...why are you protecting kristy?" "Because of r.j" I glared and said "what does that bitch have to do with this?" "Umhh...maybe we should change the topic" Liz said I said "maybe we should not..I wanna know"

I said to j.r he sighed and said "why do you care...AND SHES NOT A BITCH" "YEA SHE IS BITCH BITCH BITCH" he slammed his hand on the table and I did not flinch I'm use to his anger shit I said "looks like your getting angry...better go get some air"

he got out of his seat and rushed outta class I sat back down and said "so who's next?" They were silent for a moment then said "who's r.j" asked Lion I said "no one important...let's just get this done" they nodded and we worked in silence me mainly doodling but whatever.

When lunch came around I did not see j.r for the morning so I went to the cafe and one the middle table i said "where is j.r" they smirked and said "fucking Karen" my blood boil and I said "where" "not so have to kiss me first" I laughed and said "kiss you std looking self no thanks...I will find him on my own"

I turned around and walked away. I heard noises coming from the closet I opened it only to see j.r fucking a blonde girl i said "this is what you do on your rampage" i slammed the door and walked away I went to the washroom and went in a stall I rocked back and fort my chin on my knees I heard the washroom door open and I sat quietly I heard kristys voice Saying "that bitch...we need to make her pay" "but how?....daisy will get in the way again" "kar no one is gonna know but me you and dandelion....we are just gonna scare her nothing else" "ok kristy..."

they left the bathroom and Slowly got up and opened the stall I walked out 5 Minutes later and I tried to find Liz but their was no sign of her I checked every where but the pool area. I heard voices in the pool I opened the door and saw kristy kar and dandelion kristy said "why did you snake bitch we told you keep your mouth shut did we not?"

"I swear I did not say a have to believe me" they laughed expect dandelion and kristy said "this is pay back for ratting on us " they pushed her into the pool and she said "help help me p-please" they laughed and kristy grabbed her head and drowned her she screamed and dandelion looked away "YOU QUEER BITCH" kristy said she pulled her head up only to dunk it again "let's go the teacher is gonna be here" dandelion said they said "what ur deal we are having fun" they laughed and Dan said "you wanna get caught" they nodded and with one last word they left "HOPE YOU DIE WHORE" and laughed I hid while they passed by

I rushed into the pool area and drives in to save Liz I grabbed her by the Waist and swam to the ladder I climbed up and placed her on her back she had a weak pulse so I did cpr and mouth to mouth she coughed up water and I said "thank god your ok" she cried in my shoulders and I hugged her while stroking her hair. When she was done we stood up and I said "those bitches are gonna pay" she let go of me and said

  "no no just stop you started this IF YOU WOULD HAVE JUST LEFT IT ALONE JUST PROMISE YOU WONT DO ANYTHING?" I sighed and said "I promise...can we go now?" She nodded and we walked out the pool area I was sticky for my classes and everyone was smelling a bad stench from me I felt gross and icky.

I had to walk home and take a long shower. When Dan came home I said "what happened to Liz?" "What do you mean?" I rolled my eyes and said "she was all wet today" "I don't know she's your friend" "and your so called buddy" I muttered she said "what?" "Nothing I just said goodnight" she nodded and I went up stairs and Slept.

Dandelion's pov: After what I did to Liz I went to my boyfriend and he started kissing me I was not into it but he kept on trying too I said "stop" he said "come on" when he tried to lean in I pushed him away and said "not today...I should go" I got up and went to my car and drove home. After that bazaar questioning from Daisy's I decided to go upstairs and sleep.

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