Chapter 8

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          Daisy's POV: I woke up to an iv stuck in my hand I tried to get up someone rushed to my side and I saw j.r I said "HELPP DOCTOR" my throat hurt like a bitch the doctor came in and said "your awake ms. What seems to be the problem?" "Why am I here?" "You drowned and mr.J.r saved your life" I said "leave us doc" he nodded and left. "Why did you take their side?"

"My girlfriend would have broke up with me" "so she's cheating on you WITH MATT" he said "no no that's not true" I said "pass me my phone" he did and I showed him the pics he said "that bitch" " get me outta her so I can fix That time machine" "what no your not going back...what if you get stuck?" " stop this...please it's to save liz's life please j.r"

he sighed and said "fine but I'm coming with you" I nodded and said "don't be an ass this time" "I promise" I put out my pinky and he laughed and did the same I took out the iv and raised my arm he smiled and said "ok" he picked me up bridal style and said "I'm going too put you in a wheel chair and we are gonna run when we close to exit"

I nodded and said "like the cafe" he nodded. When we got close to the exit he picked me up quickly and ran out the hospital he ran a block away and said "let's hurry" he saw a car and rest me down he opened the car and picked me up and, put me in the front seat while he got in the drivers seat I said "let's sneak in like you did last time" he nodded.

When we got to the house he got out the car and did the same to me and picked me up bridal style. When we got to the basement I said "put me down" he nodded and did what I said. When I was done fixing the machine I said "hop in" he nodded and hopped in I pushed start and fainted again.

This time we went straight to school and I looked around for liz when I spotted her at the bleachers with dandelion I said "LIZ" she quickly turned and, I ran up to her and yes my foot is fixed don't know how tho anyways i said "don't do it trust me" Dandelion frowned and said "do what?" "Nothing...let's go liz" she nodded and said

"Dandelion....I hope you don't do it" she nodded and then we left I said "do what?"" aborntation" I frowned and said "she won' who is your best friend?" "You" "no I don't mean me I mean who was your best friend?" "Mike riker...why?" "We are going to his house right now" "no no....we can't"

"to bad...I will explain everything on the me" she sighed and said "where's the car....we needa drive their" I nodded and said "j.r is in it right now" she smirked and I said "not yet" we hopped in the car and I said"where does he live?" "Umhh....three blocks from here so on elk street"

j.r nodded and said " last stop" "you were gonna tell me something" "yes ok....well you see we need to find mike and stop him from whatever he will do" "what do you mean?" "I don't know yet but we need him....which house?"

She pointed to 86* and said "that one" we parked and got out of the car. I knocked on the door and a young male opened up I said "is mike riker here?"  "Uhh....depends what you want?"

"To speak to his he here or not dude" "liz?...what are you doing here?" I said "so your mike...we needa talk....Can we come in?" He nodded and let us in "do you want anything to drink?" I shook my head and he brought us to the living room I sat on the couch and said "mike....whatever your gonna do don't do it" "what do you mean?" "Don't play dumb we know kristy and her gang came over here to tell you if you don't tell us where Liz's house is your pregnant girlfriend is dead" "WHAT?" Liz said with a frown mike said

"I'm sorry liz...but I can't let her die that's my kid and my girlfriend" "where are they now?" "Going to her house and they are gonna burn it down....but she doesn't know your here" "where you ever gonna tell me?" Liz said in a sad voice mike said "I don't know...I'm so sorry liz" "don't apologize I understand but some how I don't but I do....what now?" "You stay until they kick you out....but when they do hide in west port and find out all their secrets....and I will be their"

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