Chapter 14

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Daisy's POV: When I woke up I went over to liz and saw R.j in the living room I went over to her and said "everything good?" She looked up and said "yea...I'm hungry" I laughed and said "get food out of the fridge..silly" she nodded and said "you want a pregnant person to go in the kitchen make herself a cruel" I laughed and said "well the pregnant lady can get up come downstairs and sit on a couch but can't cook" we stared at each other and brushed out laughing liz came downstairs and said "R.j what are you doing here?"

I got up and said "she will be staying with you guys for a while...don't worry she will help with the chores" a smirk played on my lips r.j got up and said "liz right?" She stretched her hands out and liz accepted and said "your kristy's kid right?" She frowned and said "yep that's me..." "well me and your mother went to high school together" "Yea I know...she marked you as a skank in her yearbook" "well ok then...that's enough why don't you go in the kitchen r.j" she nodded and went, liz came up to me and said "why is she here?" "Because she has no where to go and play nice....where is Gordon?"

"I'm always nice and Gordon is in the shower" I nodded and said "make her something to eat I need to talk to Gordon" then I went upstairs and in The bedroom. "Hey old man...haven't talked since last year am I right" he laughed and said "your so not right...what you doing here kid?"

"I came to tell you your daughter is downstairs and she's staying here a while" he laughed until he notic s I wasn't laughing then he said "what why would you bring here her?" "Well my guest house and she needed at place to stay....don't worry she won't bother anyone" he did a hesitant laugh and said "great...and my ex is coming here today" my eyes widened and I said "that dude that slept with your best friend who you beat up?" "Very detailed and yes I decided to hear him out" "omg lad to here it oh and I'm going to meet him when will he be here?" "In 20 mins"

I smiled and said "great that's good I have lots of time can't wait....oh and if I cuss him it's not my fault he messed with my old man" he put his hands up in defence and said "by all means do what you want to him" I blushed and he immediately said "not like that I meant beating up and talking nothing else" I laughed and said "get dressed old man:..see you downstairs" then I went out of his room and went downstairs I said "what smells so good?"

   When I entered the kitchen liz said "chocolate chip pancakes, eggs and bacon with orange or apple juice" "and you did all This within 5-10 mins...maybe I should have you be my personal chef" she laughed and said "pay me and I will" I laughed and said "pay you with my...blah blah" she understood because her face was red "blah blah what does that mean?" "Nothing pregnant r.j" she glared and said "really your gonna say that how rude"

   before I can say anything Ik the doorbell rang and I quickly ran and answered it I said "come in you must be the cheating man who slept with Gordon's best friend" I shook his hand and he said "he told you that did" I nodded and said "well follow me upstairs" when we get to Gordon's room I opened it and said "your ex cheating boyfriend who slept with your best friend and the best friend you beat up is here"

   Gordon laughed and said "thanks for saying that" "no what are we talking about?" I said with a bright smile Gordon said "Tyler and I are gonna talk while you go back downstairs" I pouted and said "that's not fair...I did all that mean talk and this is what I get UGHJ" then I walked out the room and went downstairs, "Who was that?" "Some friend of Gordon". And we talked during breakfast.

  Gordon's pov: "so why did you sleep with my best friend?" "You go straight to the point" i frowned and ask "just answer the question" he nodded and said "I slept with your best friend because he told me you slept with your swim coach so I decided to punish you....and I know that was wrong and it was not even good...and I'm sorry"

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