Chapter 11

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           Daisy's pov: Right now me and poppy are eating breakfast I said " are you doing?" She looked up and said "daddy is going to pick me about 1 hour" I nodded and said "I mean how are you really?" She said "I'm stop asking me shit" I nodded and said "ok...why don't you go and pack a bag for when Steve come" she got up and when she left I saw that she left her phone

I picked it up and she didn't have a password I smiled and checked her messages I saw she texted Steve and kristy with r.j I clicked on r.j and it said "Listen poppy if your sister steals my man...I will tell daddy dearest that your bi....oh and make sure you don't go through my stuff again" then I checked kristy and it said "poppy....what you heard..don't repeat it...." then Steve said

  "hey munchkin..daddy can't pick you up today....I'm sorry you know how busy I am" I said "typical" "typical what?" I quickly closed the phone and turned around and said "are you sure?...Steve is coming?" "Yes I am...where's my phone?"

I handed it to her and said "here....let's have a sister moment" "Your not my sister....I'm adopted...don't try to fool me" "I'm not fooling you tho....Your not adopted and why did you believe that shit head.....?"

"Because he tells me the thruth unlike you" "huh typical...let me guess he told you he is coming but really he's not gonna show up for about another 6 me I been where your are" "you know nothing" then she sat their waiting for an hour when he did not show up I sat beside her and said 

"I been in your spot.....I waited and waited and he never showed...I'm sorry poppy" the doorbell rang and said "told you he would come" she got up happily then when she opened the door I saw her put her head down and she slammed the door and ran upstairs I got up and opened the door and saw mike I said "what are you doing here?...."

"i came here to give you this from j.r....he could not make it" then he walked away I shut the door and my mom said "who was that?" "Mike don't worry he dropped this off for me by his son" she nodded and said "ok then" I went in my room and slowly opened it it said "you really thought bitch...I know what your doing DONt GET INVOLVED...this is a dangerous zone your entering"

I threw the box against my wall and said "BITCHHHHHH" I went out my room and went in poppy's I said "let's talk" "I don't wanna" "fine...can I lay here with you" she nodded and I later beside her she turned so she was on her back and I did the same .

Soon after that painful silence she said "you are ughh he his a piece of shit...but he still my father" I looked at her then looked at the ceiling and said "don't get your hopes up he always does this the it will be ten years....don't get to close to him.....he messes everything up" she looked at me and placed her head on my shoulder and said "he's trying....I know it"

I nodded and said "so why is r.j treating you good?" "No she threatened me but you knew that...I know you read my message I anit dumb" "I know you aren't but if she threatens you tell me and I will box her..." she laughed and said

  "I know you will sis....I don't end toy have any other siblings.....kristy is having the baby and pretending it's her husband....he's a nice man he does not deserve that" "wait you know the mayor?" "Yea,sometimes Steve takes me to their house for dinner...and I think the mayor knows that they are having an affair" I got up and said "do you know what that means?"

"The mayor knows but he does nothing I wonder why?" "Because....he's a good man and doesn't not want a divorce...or his wife will take his money and only child" and  I  said "those walls should be sound proof" "oh he told me that one....I felt bad....but he thinks the baby is his"  I said "what else do you here?...wait you have sleepovers their?" "Yea Steve drops me then leaves...oh and  kristy is putting cameras in our house....and other houses....I don't know why tho"

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