Chapter 6

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     Daisy's POV: It's Saturday I decided to make plans with Liz so she is coming over today and we can chill. I went downstairs and everyone was eating breakfast I said "hey gramps and granny" they said in unison "good morning" I sat beside Dan and j.r and ate my breakfast dan said "what are you doing today?" "Liz is coming over....can she stay the night granny?" "Of course"

I smiled and I got inturputted by the door bell I said "I will get it" I got up and went to the front door I opened it and my eyes widened I said "what happened?" She said "m-my f-father" I hugged her and said "let's get you washed up" I sheilded her from my family and j.r I said "we will be upstairs"

Once we were in my room I said "stay here" I grabbed napkins and water then I went back to the room and closed my door I said "how did this happen?" "H-he f-found o-out that I-I'm g-gay" she cried i cleaned her wounds and I said "anymore" she nodded and laid down and, raised her shirt up my eyes widened and said "that long?" "10 years" I dapped her wounds and wrapped it up before I could say anything the door opened to reveal dandelion I quickly pulled down Liz's shirt and dandelion had a sad expression I said "Dan why don't you knock?"

"Well never knew you sung that way...and with the freak of the school" she said with a sour expression I said " DON't EVER SAY THAT AGAIN GET OUT" she obliged and slammed my door I looked back at Liz and said "it's ok mango..I got you no matter what" she hugged me and said "how did I ever meet such such an amazing best friend" I smiled and said "well I'm one of a kind" I heard a knock on my door and I went to it and saw j.r I said 

"what do you want?" "To talk" I sighed and nodded I said to liz "be right back you can go downstairs if you like" she nodded and stayed in the room I stepped out and we went to his room I said "yes?" "Look I don't know what's going on with us but we needa focus on the real mission to fix that machine and go back to our time" I said "so typical never apologizing...just jumping from one thing to

another...tell me when your ready to say sorry" and I walked out the door and slammed it behind me I went back to my room and Liz was sleeping peacefully I tucked her in and decided to go downstairs and make lunch for me and Liz.

       Dandelion's pov: When I saw Liz and daisy I freaked i said the worst thing possible after I left I went to my bedroom and thought of a plan yea a plan. When daisy went with j.r and no that's not my plan anyways when she went with him I quickly went to Daisy's bedroom and opened the door Liz sat upright and said "you know you are a freak too your bi and your calling me a freak"

"listen I'm not a freak that was one time and that's it...I felt nothing and I came to apologize but you don't deserve my apologies...and you know what you should be careful...learn how to swim freak" and I slammed the door and walked out of the room and went into mine. I'm about to go to a party so I get dressed and when I was about to hop out my window someone came in and said "where are you going" I quickly turned and said " a party"

j.r smirked and said "I'm coming" "no no you are not" "ok...then I will tell George and ur mom" he smirked and I sighed and said "meet me at the car in 10 mins if u aren't their I'm leaving" he nodded and rushed out my room I countiue doing what I was doing then I opened my car and waited for j.r. 

        Daisy's POV: Right now I'm in the room watching liz sleep no it's not creepy she stirs a lot of time now she is screaming I quickly got up and shook her awake I said "mango mango wake up please wake up" she was sweating I checked her pulse and it was normal I quickly grabbed some cold water and poured it on her she flew up and said "what the hell dai"

I hugged her and said "ur ok...I was so worried what happened?" "It's just a bad dream...oh no ur bed is all wet I'm a so so sorry" I sat beside her and said "it's fine I will get something else....what do you wanna do now that your awake?" She shrugged and said "let's..." "go to a party?" She laughed and said "no thanks me and parties don't get along"

"oh come on it will be fun I heard j.r and lion talking about it please" I gave her the puppy dog look and she sighed and said "only for a little and promise me you will stay by my side"

"I come on let's get dressed." When we were done we looked in the mirror she had high waisted jeans with a top and jean jacket while I had the same thing but with a biker jacket I said "ready" she nodded and said "let's do this" Once we found out where the party was after doing some long hard work we walked about a block and I was hot and cold not a good combo. Once we got their Liz's hands where sweaty I said "it's gon be ok you have me"

she nodded and we entered the music blasting in the house it was Michael Jackson I loved him I said "wanna drink?" She said "Umhh...not really big on drinking" I gave her the 'come on have fun' she sighed and said "only one drink" "ok great come on the kitchen is over here" we walked towards the kitchen and I saw the fridge I grabbed a beer bottle and opened it and handed it to Liz she took a sip and said "gross"

I drank mine and said "let's see who can drink two first" "it's on" I gave her one and took one I said "go" I chugged and in 20 seconds I was done then I went on to my next one and I was tipsy "I won" she laughed and said "I feel weirdddd" "that's good...let's go dance" I pulled her to the dance floor and they were playing thriller their was a circle so I jumped in and did the moonwalk they "ohhhh and ahhhh" I did the splits then kristy said "it's on" she did her moves and I did mine she got tired and I said "yes I WON" I laughed then I remembered Liz I looked around and pushed pass the crowd I said "Liz"

I saw her getting dragged my eyes widened and someone stopped me I looked and saw j.r I said "not now I gotta go" "no you don't get to do that....Listen I'm sorry for what I did" I look behind him and said "yea ok...just let me go" "no not unless you tell me where your going" " I'm going to help my friend...if you must know"

I pushed past him and ran after her he followed me and I heard screams I rushed and saw her by the cliff they were gonna push her off I quickly ran and said "STOP STOP" they turned and said "go away little child....she deserves this she's been a nasty whore" I looked at her and she was scared I said

"WHAT ARE YOU GONNA DO BITCH I WILL PUSH HER" I-stepped closer and said "please don't do this" they looked at me then her and one girl said "do it" and they did I rushed and heard her screams

I jumped in the freezing ocean and grabbed her waist I looked up and one said "let's get outta here" they ran and I swam to land I checked her pulse and she was breathing I sighed and she said "thanks...but you broke your promise" " Ik and I will make it up to you"

" can you believe it..I thought you would of never came" "well I made a promise and I never break one....I'm sorry I left you but we should go back to my place and get you dried before you get highpothermea" she laughed and said "let's stay like this"

I nodded and I laid in the sand my head touching her head I said "you don't deserve this...I will break them one by one" "let's run away and come back like the books we run away for a year then come back being bad asses" I laughed and said "that's a good idea let's go...tonight we will steal a car and everything" we both got up at the same time and we went to my house

I packed a suit case and sunk out the window I saw the key in dans car and I said "we will steal her car" she nodded and we went I said "I don't know how to drive" I just started the engine and put my foot on the peddle and swived.

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