Chapter 1

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Chapter 1: A New Master

Tsunade's POV:

She was doing paper work when she noticed the dog beside her desk start to twitch in his sleep, whimpering slightly every now and then. The council, although reluctant, had approved of her decision. The dog had put up a fight after she had left him with her ANBU and so was kept sedated, even when the Inuzua Clan vet came to care for his injuries. They had learned quite a bit about the German shepherd during the examination and treatment, like the thin chain that seemed too tight around his neck, held a tag with a symbol and name on it. She had not even noticed the chain ink until the vet pointed it out. The name on the tag had read 'Kaito', she wasn't sure if that was the dogs name, but until his throat was fully heal, he would not be talking anytime soon, so she had decided to call him, Kaito. The previous owner seemed to have seriously neglected the dog. They were able to clean and close the wounds that were infected, and bandaged the front right paw that was indeed a sprained tendon. The Inuzuka vet was very insistent about keeping Kaito sedated, and off his feet for a few days, to give his body time to start fighting off the infection that was in his body.

That was four days ago, since then they had groomed and closed most of his injuries. Preparations had already been made for Kaito to go to a new home, with on of the Leaf's finest shinobi. Now, she could only wait for the ninken to awake, so she can inform him of his situation. This wasn't going to be an easy transition for Kaito, one could define it as rehabilitation. Rehabilitation that was going to need a dedicated person to see to his recovery through. Kaito should be waking any moment now, with enough time for him to accept his fate.

"I know your awake." She finally acknowledge when his breathing changed slightly. "No need to pretend. We have much to discuss."

Odd green eyes opened and looked her way. Green eyes, another clue that he was no normal dog. She really couldn't wait to see how he would progress in the village.

Kaito's POV:
He didn't know what he was expecting, when he reopened his eyes. He felt like crap, but he wasn't in pain like the last time. He also noticed he was laying on something soft, which was new to him. His muscle felt stiff, so he stretched, finding that he front right paw, twinged in slight pain at the movement. His ears twitched at the sound of paper rustling nearby. 'That's right, I was captured, by the leaf shinobi.' He foggy mind supply him. After the woman; the Hokage of the village had left, her ANBU had detained him to the office, and knocked him unconscious, when he had attempted to jump out the window, since he could not make a run out the door. He decided to stay still and continue listening to determine if he was still in the Hokage Office, or if they had transported him to their T&I department.

"I know your awake." The Hokage said, between the shuffling of papers. "No need to pretend. We have much to discuss."

He was slightly taken aback that she even noticed. He hadn't moved a muscle, and he was positive his breathing hadn't changed. 'Or did it?' He lifted his head up and glared at the woman. She wasn't even looking at him, she was still messing with a pile of papers. Keeping his eyes on her, he got up, taking note that he was laying in a bed made for dogs. That slightly puzzled him, why give an enemy a bed? Why give him a bed? Stretching, he yelped slightly and the twinges of pain. Noticing again that his injures had been cared for. Again he was stuck wondering what was going on and went to voice his question, except nothing left his throat.

"You previous owner took a slice at your throat. A small cut, but deep enough to cause damage." She said, Finally looking at him, turning in her chair to fully face him. "The vet suggests you try not talking for about a week."

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