Chapter 15

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Chapter 15: Mission Accomplished

Kaito's POV:

My whole body was killing me, like my skin was just too tight. It didn't hurt but it was definitely uncomfortable. When I opened my eyes, the light seemed to shock my brain and sent a sharp pain in the back of my head. I wanted to close them again, but I didn't. Everything seemed so real, but I was back here in a room that had the smell of medicine attached to it, and slightly blurry Kakashi was sitting beside me. It couldn't have been a dream. I was back here. Heki had said, his gift was a loophole to the transformation jutsu that we had preformed as kids. So if I was back here and not with Heki, then.... "Kakashi?" I called, my throat felt like sandpaper.

"I'm right here Kaito." He answered, hand petting my head.. "How are you feeling?" He asked.

I huffed, getting my thought straight. "You used Heki's jutsu?....On the sealed Mangetsu Scroll?" I stated. It had to be the reason why I was still here. It was the only way that I would still have intellectual thoughts, like this.

"Yes, we did." He said, nodding.

I moved my eyes downward, and saw a paw; my paw. "It didn't work." I stated.

"No, it appears that it didn't." He agreed.

Disappointment bloomed in my chest, but I pushed it down. I had known that it would not work, especially if nothing in the past had worked. "That's okay, I guess. I expected it to fail, but I guess it did save me." I sighed, slowly blinking my eyes to ease the damage the light seemed to be doing; it was really bright. It soon began to ease though the more awake I became

"It seems to be the case, although we aren't sure what the jutsu was suppose to do. I thought it was going to reverse your transformation, but..."

"It healed me instead." I finished for him. He said nothing after that. Sheepishly I looked up, remember how disappointed Kakashi had looked when he realized I was going to kill myself too. "Boss?" I asked, wanting him to break the silence first. Or maybe I just wanted to apologize.

Kakashi, was nice, and a good shinobi, but he wasn't my Alpha. I was a Clan Leader's son, and heir. I was to be my own Alpha, with my own pack to lead. However, I had just killed my last Clan member; my own brother. I did not want a pack though. I did not even want a Clan to lead. I wanted to be free of those responsibilities. Free from the responsibilities that being a ninken and shinobi entitled.

"As soon as you're ready, we can leave and continue your training." Kakashi informed me.

I did not respond, I only stretched, feeling my muscle ache and still feeling too big for my skin; and sat up. Looking around the room for the first time, I notice they had brought me to the hospital, and not to the vets. There was no question it was because they knew I was really a human.

"Lady Tsunade has also informed me that the burial of your brother need to be attended to when you are ready" He went on, his keen eye watching me, as I jumped from the bed.

"Just dispose of him, like you would any other. The same treatment as Aimi's body." I finally said.

He nodded. "If you are sure."

"I am." I said. I noticed the Leaf Hitai-ate was around my neck. I did not want it there, but this time for a different reason. I would wear this village symbol willingly now, but I did not want the symbol of a shinobi around my neck. Taking a deep breath I finally made up my mind. "I need to see the Hokage, now." I looked to Kakashi pleadingly.

He didn't say anything for a moment, but soon nodded his head. I was so happy that he decided to use a transportation jutsu to place us directly in front of the Hokage's door. Kakashi knocked for me.

A Ninken's RecoveryOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora