Chapter 7

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Chapter 7: Fevered Dreams of the Past

Hana's POV:

Kaito was sleeping soundly in the Inuzuka kennels. Hana had seen to all his injuries, even repaired his throat some. She hoped that by the time Kakashi got back, the ninken would be able to speak a bit easier now, without further damage being caused. She was a bit worried though. He had been stab seven times in the side, and with such damage, he should be dead. However the ninken was a fighter which was a good sign. Some of the wounds she had to leave open so they could drain, but there was one obstacle was infection. It was already starting to set in. Kaito was going to have to be under heavy observation for the next few days. Even the other animals in the kennels could smell it, some were already making noises that one would hear when someone was about to die. Tsume, her mother, even came in smelling the horrible scent of the infection. Not one for letting someone, shinobi or ninken to just roll over and die, she whispered encouragement in Kaito's ear, the Hana could not hear.

Before she closed finished work for the day she updated the next shift about Kaito, with orders to come and fetch her should something change. Although it was highly unlikely that Kaito was even going to wake during the night. He was running a high fever, and he had enough medication in him that would knock a shinobi off their feet. It would surprise her if the ninken had some fevered dreams during the night. With that in mind she decided to put that in his folder as well, and with one last check to make sure everything was in order. Hana went home for the night.

Kaito's POV: 3rd Person's

I felt myself being touch a lot in my sleep, someone was petting me, and drowsily I opened my eyes. I don't remember falling asleep, nor climbing into bed. But by the time my eyes opened, whoever had been touching me, had already left the room. Yawning, I jumped out of bed, and stretched, and slowly made my way to the door that was always kept opened for me, stepping over the few toys that were scattered over the floor, I could smell breakfast, being prepared, in the kitchen. Heki must already be eating. That kid never could resist the smell of bacon, but neither could I. I bumped into Aimi on the way to the kitchen, she gave me a sweet smile, but it didn't feel genuine, not since we both came to live with the Mangetsu Clan. I could never understand why Aimi was being difficult. The Mangetsu Clan was so nice, and we were lucky to be here with them.

Upon entering the kitchen, Aimi went straight for the door leading outside. Not bothering to acknowledge the greeting of good mornings, that were directed at her. Heki's, place was empty, leaving a messy plate in his wake. I didn't bother waiting for some one to feel my bowl, taking instead a piece of bacon that was offered as I ran to catch up with the little boy. Aimi was possibly off doing her own thing, not really into playing with the other children and such, but that was okay. I preferred it to be just me and Heki. We found fun in each others company.

"Heki! Wait for me!" I yipped, happily. Running up to the little boy jumping up slightly pushing him down in the grass rolling them both around.

"Hahaha! Kaito, no fair!" Heki laughed, rolling to his knees.

"Totally, fair. Its called a sneak attack." I preened, proud of myself.

"Oh yeah?" Heki asked, arching an eyebrow.

"Yeah." I couldn't help but grinned.

"How is it a sneak attack if I heard you calling, then?" Heki chuckled, crossing his arms with a smirk on his face.

I couldn't help, but laugh, and shrugged my shoulders. "I had to give you some kind of warning."

"Then that's not a sneak attack, that's just a tackle." Heki laughed.

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