Chapter 4

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Chapter 4: Options

Kaito's POV:

"Kaito, we're still friends right?"

"Everything will be okay. We'll fix it. Don't worry."

"Your nothing. I should have just killed you like I did everyone else!"

"No! Don't Please!......."

The next morning, I was woken up from the dreams that had emerged during the night and to Kakashi humming in the kitchen. I yawn and stretched and immediately regretted it. I laid back down. Yep. I knew I was going to feel last nights trip this morning. Kami, I don't think I even want to move my leg now. Gritting my teeth, tried again and limped myself into the kitchen, stopping and leaning on the nearest cabinet. I looked up at the counter, and saw some already made food sitting on it. I looked around, my ears perked up, trying to pick any sound that would tell me where the absent ninken were. I couldn't hear them.

"I sent everyone out for the day." Kakashi said, breaking the silence in the house. "Their offering their services to the Lady Hokage. Besides," He explained, going to a chopping board. "I was hoping to spend some time with you." He looked my way.

I turned my back on him. I didn't want to spend any time with him. My stomach growled and of course he heard it.

"Hungry? Bull informed me that you didn't eat anything yesterday. That's not good Kaito, your body is healing and needs to be given nutrition if you want to keep it strong."

Was he actually lecturing for not eating? Shouldn't he be glad, that I am not wasting his food supplies. Besides, the food he was probably not safe anyway. I looked back to the top of the counter. 'But I am hungry.' I watched as he finished putting the last bit of food in the bowls. No. I would find my own food. Later. I walk away from the kitchen and away from the food. My stomach growled at it me in objection. I could wait. I walk out to the backyard and went to go sit by the koi pond, watching the fish swim around.

They were a decent size. Fat and happy, just swimming in the small hole in the ground. I hunched forward. They would be easy to catch. After all, they were kept as pets. Why would they expect to be hunted after livinga peaceful life being hand fed all the time. I dived my head into the water, snatching one fat orange and white colored koi fish out of the pond. It wiggled in my mouth. I honestly don't understand how cats eat these creature, the scales were sticking to my tongue. I didn't chew long, the taste wasn't very good, but I at least had something in my belly now. That would hold me till tonight. I looked back and the house to see Kakashi watching me from the doorway. I couldn't read the look in his eye. I narrowed my eyes at him, daring him to show me his true self.

My ex-Master and Master Riku at least had honesty on their side. They showed me exactly who they were the moment I came into the possession. Kakashi would soon tire of pretending though and I could wait. Although, I hope to be far away from this place before that even happens. The next time I looked to the doorway he was gone. I shook the water that clung to the fur on my face. Good riddance. I looked back in the pond, they were swimming around more chaotically now; No longer peaceful. Relaxing, I got comfortable and began watching the clouds roll by in the sky.

So white and fluffy and.... Free. Sailing freely in a sea of blue. "Kaito! Look, we got a new ball! Want to play?"

I flinched and jumped to my feet when something ice cold touched my hurt paw, snapping my teeth and growling. Kakashi froze his movements. He was holding an ice-pack. I moved away from him. Kakashi watched me and placed the ice-pack on the ground. "The muscles in that leg are swollen." He stated.

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