Chapter 5

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Chapter 5: Of Tours, Traitors, and Voices

ANBU Hound's POV:

I was upstairs when I heard the whimpers. It was well late into the night and it was almost time to for me to meet up with my squad. I was to help them hunt tonight for the invaders that dare to hide among those we were sworn to protect. Many think that I had retired from ANBU, truth was I was just given a new assignment by Lord Third. Without making a sound, I opened the door and crept silently down the stair, stopping only when I had a clear view of the source of the whimpering. The newly acquired ninken, named Kaito, diagnosed with P. T. S. D., was twitching in jerky movements in his sleep, a ball tucked close next to him; Object, nonlethal. Assigned to one Hatake Kakashi, to house and watch over. The house was not made to contain the ninken, he was fee to roam. An unethical approach when containing an enemy. No less, this method would work. The goal was to befriend. The restless sleep and restless movements indicated that he was probably reliving some trauma from his past in the form of dreams. I could do nothing to help him at the moment. He would have to wait for Kakashi to return.

"Boss?" Pakkun questioned quietly, having followed me down the stair.

I looked to him then back to the sleeping ninken, good still asleep. No memory wipe needed. I looked back to Pakkun. The pack was ready, why had he followed. He new I would be right back. I was only checking on Kaito. It wouldn't do to leave one of Kakashi's ninken in distress. I had been ready to administer a sedative that would send the ninken into a deep dreamless sleep, if necessary.

"I will stay behind. I'm sure you will not need to call on us anyway." He said.

It was a good idea. Leave someone behind to help watch over the newly acquired ninken. He was injured after all, and Pakkun over the years has proven to be a loyal and capable ninken. I nodded my head in agreement. Walking past him and back up the stairs, closing the door on him. I gathered up my summoning scroll and left out the window. The compound was secure and the mission for tonight clear. Hopefully before it was time for Kakashi to return, the dangers in the village will be extinguished. It wasn't long before my assigned squad joined me for the night. We moved around the village, silent and only ghost in the shadows.

Our target was a man that fit the description of one of the thieves that was with Kaito the night they stole the Forbidden Scroll. He was spotted hanging around the bars, dressed as a civilian. We were to bring him in. Nice a quiet. We wouldn't want to alarm our villagers that there was an unfriendly wearing sheep's clothing. We waited for the man when he entered the bar and waited for him. After all we weren't cruel. Why not let the man have one last drink, before Ibiki got his hands on him. We snatched him when he was nice and drunk, around two in the morning. The trip to T&I was an easy trip. Now it was time for the really work to begin. The fun part.

"Hound." Ibiki greeted.

I smirked knowing full well, why he singled me out. Hound has been away for a couple of years. Most have begun to think that I had died or retired. Little did they know that I was only waiting to be let out into the field again. It was so liberating to be back into the field, and pleased that my reputation still struck fear in my enemies. The face on the drunker's face switched from confused to horror stricken, at the sound of my name. Apparently he was so intoxicated to recognize the ANBU who brought him in.

Kaito's POV:

It was weird waking up to not seeing Kakshi around. I was glad and yet confused about his sudden absence this morning. I yawned and stretched. The splint was working wonders. I didn't hear the pack roaming around this morning, maybe he took them with him. I frowned a bit. That also meant he left me one babysitter. I wonder who it would be this time. I got to my feet. My foot hitting something. I looked down ans watched a familiar ball roll away and hit the wall. The images of the two small children rolling it to me in some type of game. I had participated. They were too young to know how dangerous I was, no need for my to show my teeth to creatures who were naive of danger when they saw it. They had left as soon as their mother called them away, leaving the toy. I don't remember picking that up.

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